Chapter 2

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"Don't worry about it..."
I heard Lena giggle from the other side. I smirked,
"Where are we eating tonight dad?"
Wilson rubbed his chin,
"I was thinking about going to the Cube."
Now, even though I was not from Stuttgart or even Germany, I had heard of the place, apparently it was once of the most luxurious fine dining restaurants in Germany, and did I fail to mention, it's probably the most expensive.
Once we made it inside, the service was excellent, truly it was amazing, if you need anything, someone would be there straight away to help, and the food was heavenly.
"What you drinking Liam?"
I looked at Lisa, with a confused look on my face, I then looked up to Viktor. It then clicked, it was legal to drink at 16. Being a London boy, the legal age was 18.
"Yeah, I'm gonna get a Wiessbier."
She smiled back,
"Can I get a bear dad?"
Viktor reluctantly nodded,
"I'll get the same then."
She smirked.
"That was a good meal,"
I started slowly falling into my seat, I noticed a women walking over with a book,
"Excuse me, who will be paying?"
I raised my hand,
"It'll be my little treat, after all you did invite me out to dinner."
Viktor shook his head,
"No I will be paying it,"
By this point the bill book already made its way to me,
"Thank you very much, and card please."
She nodded and walked off. I pulled my wallet out of my jacket pocket, pulling my card out of it I placed it straight into the book. My eyes looked concernedly at the price,
"730 euros"
I said to myself. The girl returned with a card machine, I typed my pin in and waited, I once again pulled out my wallet, I took out a hundred euros giving it the girl,
"That's your tip, you keep it."
Her smile blew up, I laughed as she walked away. I looked back at the table where the girls were staring at me,
"I used to work before I became an intern,"
I laughed.
"Besides your father was kind enough to invite me here, with his beautiful family, it's the least I could do."
Both the girls blushed simultaneously.
"Well I better be off, it's getting late,"
I stood up shaking Viktors hand. I waved as I walked out I got my phone out and called an Uber. Once I got into the Uber, I called up a restricted number on my phone,
"Can you get me an unrestricted driving license?"
The voice on the other end spoke in reply,
"Yes I can. I'll send you a car too, will a black bulletproof Range Rover do?"
"Yes that'll be more than enough."
I ended the call throwing my phone back into my pocket.
We pulled up to my house quite quickly, I jumped out of the car and got in the house. I stripped down to my black Calvins and jumped in bed.
Beep beep
I shot up and turned the alarm off. I stretched my arms and yawned.
"I am tired today."
I laughed to my self. Before I could even move I received a text from Viktor,
"The twins are planning on doing a meet and greet in the city centre, be there and look over them, many thanks."
I texted back,
"On my way now, and I'll look after them."
I jumped into have a quick shower, it was refreshing to say the least. I changed into a fresh pair of white Calvin's, I threw in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a white off white crewneck. I attached my hostler not the jeans, making sure that it couldn't be seen. I chucked on a pair of black yeezys, and walked over to the cabinet where my wallet and keys were at. I chucked another Glock in the holster, and walked out the house to my new Rand Rover.
"What a beauty"
I paused,
"Well I better get going."
I jumped in the car and started heading towards the meet and greet. Once there, it was a total mess, no real security teams on the ground making sure everyone was kept away from the girls, it was a right mess. Instead of walking over to the girls, I walked up to the second floor of the mall watching them from above.
"Hazel hair, huh, I like it."
I hadn't really had time to appreciate the girls looks before, Lena, she had darker hair than Lisa but it was still a shade of Hazel, and by god her eyes were stars in the night sky. And her skin, it was a beautiful natural tan,
"She wouldn't even have to put makeup on, she'd look fine without."
I then focused my attention on Lisa, don't get me started, her hair was a little blonder than Lena. And again, her eyes were adorable, you could get lost in them easily. I stood in awe for a few minutes until I saw some unusual movement from a middle aged man in the middle of the crowd. I kept my eye on him, tracking his every movement, it was strange, he would walk a couple metres and bend down either to pick something up, or place something down.
I saw the man drop something again, however this time I could see what he dropped, it looked like an improvised explosive,
"That'll tear up everyone here."
I ran down the flight of stairs which led straight out to where Lisa and Lena were.
"Hey ladies,"
I laughed, both of them jumped turning around at me,
"Oh it's only you Liam,"
They said in unison.
"Not to cause panic or anything but.."
I stepped closer to whisper to them,
"I saw someone very suspicious drop something on the floor, just there."
I pointed at the bomb shaped device. Both the girls eyes opened widely.
"I'll handle this,"
I pulled out a badge from my pocket, placing my hand in the air so everyone could see.
"Can everybody please disperse, we are unable to host this many people in here, please disperse now."
There was a loud sigh, but majority of fans left. As they did I took it as my chance to get into a position where I could hide. As I was walking off, I felt someone hold my hand,
"Than- Thanks about that Liam."

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