Chapter 10

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After all I love her...
It had been a week since the attack on Lisa, and it had been hard. Seriously hard. She hadn't woken up. I was still unsure about the exact location of the higher ups of the organisation which had been causing this.
Although I knew it was in London, my Home city.
My phone vibrated.
"It's me. Locations is being sent. Be advised heavy security, currently 9 armed personnel. Not including the top dogs. I've sent police to close off the area, get there and get it down."
The phone call ended. I didn't need to say anything though, I got changed into my suit, I placed the sidearms in holsters which were inside of the suit jacket, I loaded the AR and placed it in the boot of my car.
"Let's do this."
I driver over to the location which I was given. It took about 10 minutes to get there, and like I was told, police had already cleared the area, but a large civilian presence was on the perimeters of the police area. I pushed my way through, holding the AR in its case.
"Everyone move out of the way."
I kept repeating that, why holding my MI5 badge. Soon enough people started to move. I got to the barrier where an officer was stood, I showed him my badge and crossed the line, I immediately placed on a balaclava and walked over to the police man in charge. Again I used my ID and found out the situation. The tactical firearms unit was going to breach.
"Stop it. I'm going in, only come in when I tell you to."
The officer nodded, clearly being outranked, I laid down my gun case, and pulled the AR from it, I made sure it was ready and I waltz on into the building.
On the first few floors no one was present, as soon as I hit the 6th floor I hit resistance, I knew the building was 8 stories high, so it made sense being this way.
"I'll give all of you chances to put your weapons down and piss off."
They all laughed. Little did they know, I was already pissed off.
"Alright then."
I started to open fire, shooting three down who were in a huddle, I rolled over to some half wall, I sat behind it until I heard the distinct noise of someone reloading, I peaked my head and fired straight at them, killing them.
I got up, checking my surroundings. The floor was clear. I got back into the elevator and went up another floor. Again there was resistance but only in the form of two armed men. It was relatively easy to dispose of them. A shot here and a shot there.
"Now the last floor.."
Once I made it too the Eighth floor, i immediately crouched, allowing for a tsunami of billets to hit where I was just standing moments ago.
I heard a few laughs from the men on this floor, similarly I rolled out to another wall.
"I hope you are ready to die."
I threw my AR to my side, I took out my two Glocks and pressed them together. Slowly I got up, dodging billets, I shot one of the armed guards while moving, soon enough I found another piece of cover. This time it was a long cabinet. Rather than moving to another piece of cover, I jumped on top of the cabinet running towards the last armed guard who was directly infront of me. I shot one bullet to his chest, however he was still alive and kicking. He shot me in my shoulder, but the adrenaline stopped the pain. I brave it and continued. I ended up sliding onto him and shooting him with only centimetres parting us.
As I was getting up my phone rang, I answered it and plugged some earphones in.
I accidentally shot a bullet as it was so loud,
"Jesus Christ Tom."
"She's awake!"
I smiled to myself,
"Has she read it?"
I asked softly,
"She's reading it now."
I giggled to myself a little.
"Look, finish what you are doing and get back to her."
"Of course I will, can I speak to her?"
Tom paused,
"Yep of course,"
I could hear the phone being passed around.
I screamed.
"You don't know how much I miss you! And Lisa I love y-"
So this is what it's like to feel a bullet plunging through your skin and navigating its way through your body.
I dropped the phone as another bullet came flooding through my body.
I hadn't taken into account that the higher ranks would have weapons.
I was now laying in a pool of blood. I could hear the menacing noise of one of the people coming over to me.
"If I die... at least she will be safe.."
In a last ditch attempt, I swivelled my body, shooting all four of the higher ups. Their bodies, as lifeless as mine, lifelessly dropped to the floor.
I grabbed the radio which I had in my pocket,
"All clear, require help- on- flo- 8"
"We will be there stay with us!"
A minute or two later I could see the officers running into the room, I was swiftly taken care of, and in the back of a ambulance and on my way to a hospital.
All I could do is smile. I saved the girl I loved...

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