Chapter 3

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"Than- Thanks about that Liam."
I turned to look at the person speak,
"Ah, no worries Lisa."
She pulled herself in and pecked my cheek. I smiled and went a bit red, but I kept myself together. I looked at her, she was as red as a tomato. I laughed to myself, she giggled in response.
"Hey stop laughing,"
She looked at the floor and started to play with her hair. I smiled to myself,
"Look I have to go now, I have an important meeting at work. Good to see you."
I turned and walked to my car. I jumped in and drove myself out of view, but I waited until I saw that the twins had left.
"Good, at least they are safe."
Now, the more serious matter, was the person who dropped the explosives, specifically aiming for the twins or was he targeting random people. Luckily I was born with hyperthymestic syndrome, in simpler words, I can recall my memory to the finest details.
Now back to the point. I looked through my memories as if they were playing in front of me, and I noticed it, the man who I saw lay the bombs got something signed with a little girl, then walked off and returned to place the devices. Makes sense, he must have been ordered to do it.
Ring ring
I looked over to my phone, it was Viktor, I answered it,
"I told you to be inconspicuous.."
"I had to step in, there was a bomb threat. And I advise keeping the girls in the house, if my suspicion is right someone is after them."
"Wait.. what?"
"I believe, that someone is after your daughters to hurt them, or take them. I recommend letting me be a permanent guest at your residence."
"I can't just do that, they wouldn't believe that you are only an intern."
"Tell then my house was caught on fire and destroyed, tell them I only need a place to crash for the next few weeks."
I sighed.
"Alright. Come over as soon as you can then."
"I'll see you there."
I hung up. I started to drive to their residence but I made a detour to my house before, I picked up all the firearms and clothes which I had, I packed them into the car and drive to the Mantler household.
"Hey Lena!"
I pulled into the driveway of the house,
"Thanks for earlier, Liam you saved us! Literally."
She laughed, I did too.
"How comes you are here?"
"Your dads letting me crash here for a bit, something happened to my house, so I can't stay there."
Her eyes lit up,
"So you'll be here all the time?"
I nodded, I stepped out of the car and pulled out 2 suitcases and a bag, I slammed the boot shut and locked it.
"Need help there?"
I shook my head, I walked into the house, Viktor walked into the hallway as I did,
"So where can I crash, sir?"
"Follow me, and call me Viktor"
I nodded back following him.
"Just remember, no playing about with the girls."
I nodded, I hung up my clothes in the wardrobe, and put 3 firearms around the room, and 4 or 5 knives around the room, I laid a pistol with a silencer until my bed strapped to the frame. I kept a Glock 17 attached to my hip underneath a leather jacket, I also kept a silencer in my pocket, just I case.
I was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans, a white v-neck and a black leather jacket and a pair of black yeezys.
"Liam! Dinner!"
I came running out of my room and stumbled into one of the girls,
"Oh hey"
I looked at Lisa under me,
I stood up offering my hand out, she placed hers in it and pulled herself up.
Once we made it to the table Lena was staring at me,
"What's this about?"
"We decided it would be better to tell them about what you do."
I nodded and understood.
"You haven't told me!"
Lisa shouted,
"Liam would you like to tell her?"
I shrugged,
"So I'm a personnel body guard, your father hired me to protect both you and Lena."
Lisa's eyes went wide.
"That's so cool!"
Lisa was excited about the prospect that I was a bodyguard, she asked a lot of questions.
"So do you have a gun?"
I nodded to her,
"Do you have it on you right now?"
I nodded again,
"Can I see it!"
I looked over to Viktor who nodded.
I pulled the Glock out of its holster, I pulled out the mag and then slid it back, pulling out the bullet it in the chamber.
"Wow! That's actually so cool!"
I handed it over to her,
"I guess I could teach you one day, if you want."
She nodded, like she nodded a lot, at one point I thought her head would literally fall off.
"After dinner."
We ate dinner, I couldn't help to notice that every so often she would look at me for a bit but look away when I went to look at her.
Knock knock
Lisa jumped up and shouted,
"I've got it!"
The whole family continued eating, but we abruptly were stopped to 4 or 5 men dressed in black.
"Give is the other girl and we will live, and you guys won't get hurt."
I looked for Lisa, I could see her out of the window being pushed into a car.
"What if I stop you?"
The men started chuckling, at the point I looked back at the table, and put the ammunition back into the pistol, I also screwed on the silencer.
"Well we would have to kill you then."
I heard one of the men walk over to me, I laughed to myself looking and Lena, I winked,
"When this starts, hide under the table and don't come out until I say."
The whole of the family nodded. I felt the end of a pistol on the back of my head. I smirked though.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Again the men laughed.
"And what are you gonna do."
I turned around,
I hit his gun up, he shot the bullet luckily didn't hit anyone. I swiped his leg from under him and shot him square in his head.
I turned around and saw the whole family under that table already.
"Anyone else."
They all drawers they pistols, I ran forward then dodged to the side, I hit the one on the far right in the throat and rolled him over my shoulder. I jumped to the floor with his arm in between my legs, a gruesome snap could be heard, I shot him in the head. I aimed my pistol up and shot another one of the guys, it wasn't a clean shot but it got the job done.
I chuckled, I looked at the other two running out the door,
"You can come out, I have a few pistols in my room grab one or two, I'll go after Lisa."
I ran out of the house looking at the car drive off, I jumped in mine pursuing them.
"Shit, these guys aren't too bad."
I called one of my former work friends who was stationed in Stuttgart,
"I need a favour buddy."
"Of course you do..."
"I'm sending you my GPS location, I'm in pursuit of a kidnapper."
"I'll be there."
I ended the call, the driver wasn't too bad, I'll admit it, he definitely had skill.
A text message flashed up on my screen,
"The road you are going down is blocked, I'll be waiting behind the green Ford Focus."
Good, now I had backup.
Just like the text said, the street had been blocked, the car I was chasing stopped, three gunmen jumped out one held Lisa in their hands. I was annoyed, I had a connection with her, well at least I did, I wasn't sure if she did.
I jumped out of the car,
"Give her to me and I'll let you live."
One of the gunmen opened fire at the back of their car, where I was taking cover.
I laughed to myself, I saw them backing themselves up to the green Ford Focus. I hopped out shooting one of the gunmen, he fell to his knees down fell all the way down, the remaining two aimed their guns to me. I saw a man jump over the green car and shot one of the gunmen at blank range. We both aimed our guns at the last gunman. He pushed Lisa forward, she coming rushing over to me.
I laughed, I hugged her picking her up, I looked behind her and nodded to my colleague. I walked over to the car and placed Lisa in there, I walked over to the drivers side and drove back to her house.
"It's us! I've got her!"
I head Viktor walk around the corner to the hallway, he rushed over to Lisa and hugged her,
"Thanks god!"
I smiled, it was ridiculously cute.
"Listen, my place is just around the corner, you lot wanna crash there, it'll be better then staying here."
Viktor nodded.
Once at my house I led everyone to there own rooms, but there was a problem, I didn't have a room for Lisa, I ended up having to let her stay in my room.
"Get some sleep blondie."
She giggled, and stared at me, she slowly made her way to me, I was sitting in the corner at the point, she placed her hands on my knees and brought her head to my level, she slowly pulled in, I did the same...

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