Chapter 13

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Just wanna day before you read this. Be ready for emotional onslaught 😂 and also this is my 2nd day in a row of writing so hopefully I continue like this!
Anyways, back to the story!
A few days had passed since I had any contact with anyone. After seeing Lisa I was reevaluating my choice of having people over for Christmas. But I already invited them, so I wouldn't dare to cancel.
"Alright, Let's get this house ready."
Over the day, I added decorations in all the rooms. I decorated the outside, the garden, the pathway leading to the house and even parts of the forest around it.
And obviously the masterpiece of the living room. It had a tree which was around 14 foot, I covered it in tinsel, lights and glitter.
I had already wrapped the presents and  placed them under the tree.
It was Christmas Eve currently, I had been nervously anticipating what Christmas would actually be like.
But I was interrupted on that train of though by a ring at the door.
I opened it.
"I like what you done with the place, mate!"
Tom said as he walked into the house, I hugged Lena who was behind him and said my greetings to her, then there was Lisa. I ended up hugging her too, and carrying her bags into the house.
I showed everyone their rooms, Lisa was across from me, and both Lena and Tom were down the corridor sharing a room.
"I'll put dinner on."
I said as I left the three of them in the living room.
I could hear some talking but not enough to understand the conversation.
A few minutes after, Lisa came into the room and asked,
"Can I help with anything?"
She was playing with her hair. Damn she looked cute..
"Yeah sure, can you just start cutting the veg and then boil then please."
She immediately answered,
"Ok Liam."
It was pretty awkward, we didn't really talk until she said.
"I'll leave you alone from now on if you want.."
I could hear some sniffling in her voice.
"I don't want to be a bad memory to you.."
"And I- I love you.."
I smiled to myself, she couldn't see my face, but I was ecstatic.
"I do too.."
I said under my breath, but somehow she heard it.
I was startled a bit.
"Of course, you are the first girl I've ever had these types of feelings for.."
I could hear her wipe away something, I was guessing that it was tears. I still hadn't turned to her.
"And I will never want you out of my life."
I turned around, she had her back to me, so I put my hands around her waist and I pulled her back to me. I leant her head back and kissed her forehead.
"I've missed this.."
I said to her.
"I have too."
She said with a smile on her face.
I turned her around, and pulled her up, she wrapped her legs around me, and she rested her head on my chest.
"I'll never leave you again.. I promise."
I could feel her face move into a smile. She was happy about it. I stroked her hair and rubbed her back.
"Come on, let's finish with dinner."
She nodded and climbed off of me. I connected my phone to a speaker and played some music. I was much less awkward, I started dancing around whilst making the food, which really made Lisa laugh. She followed suit and did the same. Which made me laugh too.
It was perfect.
Too perfect.
And then I woke up.
"Fuck.. it was a dream.."

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