Follow me!
Pebblekit chirped quietly stalking out of the makeshift nursery.
Cheetahkit remembered Mistystars words guiltily
You need to stop this behavior
But Cheetahkit ignored it following Pebblekit, Pebblekit quietly slipped through the curtain of moss, right past sleeping Oakblaze who was on guard.
Cheetahkit followed Pebblekit into the forest, owls cried out making fear shoot down Cheetahkit's spine. Crickets chirped in the distance and silverpelt shone brightly above."This way!"
Pebblekit whispered, Cheetahkit noticed that Pebblekit was heading not towards Thunderclan Riverclan nor Shadowclan territory, but towards the twoleg place.
Fear send an icy chill down Cheetahkit's spine again, but curiosity was stronger. Cheetahkit followed closely behind Pebblekit until they left the forest completely along with all four clans. Pebblekit led Cheetahkit through the twoleg place along a thunderpath until they reached a narrow way to another forest in between two twoleg nests. Pebblekit squeezed through the narrow path way along with Cheetahkit, and they stepped out onto the grass of another forest."What is this place?"
Cheetahkit gasped."I don't really know, its a small forest surrounded by twoleg nests. My foster mother in Shadowclan, Gingerbreeze, showed me this place when she took me hunting."
Pebblekit purred"She let you go hunting?"
Cheetahkit shook her head amused"Yeah, it was fun."
Pebblekit chirped"I haven't really explored here yet so lets do it together! like a game!"
Pebblekit mewed excitedlyPebblekit tapped Cheetahkit's shoulder with a murrow of exhilaration before taking off into the forest Pebblekit showed to Cheetahkit, Cheetahkit chased Pebblekit into the forest excitedly. Cheetahkit tore after Pebblekit passing many tall trees and bushes, close on Pebblekit's tail, Cheetahkit was determined to catch her sister.
"You're too slow Cheetahkit you'll never catch me!"
"Oh yeah?"
"I don't think so!"
Cheetahkit growls taking a huge leap amd landing squarely ontop of Pebblekit, pinning her to the ground.
Cheetahkit chirps in triumph as Pebblekit squirms underneath Cheetahkit's feet."Ok, you are faster than me."
Pebblekit sighs attmitting defeat.Pebblekit in a flash then kicks Cheetahkit off from on top of her, and attempts to pin Cheetahkit to the ground by a swipe of her paw. Cheetahkit dodges the swipe and drops to the ground, Cheetahkit swipes Pebblekit's feet from under her and pins her to the ground again.
"And you are stronger than me."
Pebblekit chirps with amusement.
"Woah! look over there!"
Pebblekit gasps pointing to an area surrounded in bushes, it was like a camp for a clan, but it was a little smaller with an entrance made of branches and leaves.
Pebblekit rolls from under Cheetahkit's grip and trots through the entrance vanishing into the camp like area. Cheetahkit scrambles after Pebblekit into the entrance gasping at what she saw.
it was a grassy area lit up with fireflies swarming the area lighting it up with brilliance. It was surrounded with massive oak trees and willow trees that covered the sky above it with a mossy, leaf ceiling. It was illuminated with the glow of the dancing fireflies. It was the perfect place for a camp.
Pebblekit glanced back at Cheetah in awe."This should be our secret hideout! no one else knows about this place but us."
Pebblekit squeals in excitement her tail flicking from side to side.

Cheetahscar's Rage
FanfictionI made another story on this in a different account (Stormycheetah) but I logged out of that account Blood will lead a storm to rage the forest Cheetahkit was half rogue born to Rainshine the Riverclan medicine cat and Fox a rogue. But...