"Where's Mistystar?"
Thrushwing asked from the warriors den.
Flamefur shook her head slowly causing Thrushwing to cry out in anguish."What happened to her?"
Several cats who didn't go to the gathering surrounded Flamefur's gathering cats."She died of old age there, we buried her at fourtrees, the most respectable place to be buried."
Flamefur bowed her head while Several cats cried out in despair and disbelief."Can we still mourn for her here?"
Leaftail sorrowfully asks, Flamefur casts her a look of thats a dumb question before sighing"Of course! she was our leader!"
Cheetahpaw dashes to the middle of canp instantly tears forming in her eyes and bowed her head in vigil. Rainshine padded besides her and joined her on vigil, then Moondust, Applepaw, Rufflepaw, Leaftail, Oakblaze, Sneezecloud until the whole clan includeing Flamefur gathered in vigil. After a few moments of the quiet vigil, Flamefur leaped ontop of a willow tree and said."let all cats old enough to swim join here beneath the willow tree for a clan meeting."
Cheetahpaw leaped to her place under the willow tree where Duskfur and Owlscreech were already waiting."Since I am Flamestar now, it's time for me to announce the new deputy."
Flamefur raised her head in the moonlight, tears glowed in the moonlight of the grief stricken deputy now leader."Mistystar will be watching over our clan, thats why I would like to announce that the new deputy is..."
Cheetahpaw listened intently waiting for the name of the new deputy to he announced.
"Oakblaze! Your courage and kindness has made this clan brighter over the moons, I believe your apprentice would be proud to have a deputy for a mentor."
Oakblaze flashed a proud glance at his mate and his apprentice Adderpaw."Yay Oakblaze!"
Cheetahpaw proudly cheered, she was proud of the warrior, he was always kind to her and smart. What a great choice for him to be deputy."Thanks Cheetahpaw!"
Oakblaze's voice was drowned by the loud roar of cheering from Nightstorm, Flamestar, Adderpaw, Rufflepaw, Applepaw, Sneezecloud, Owlscreech, and Moondust. while most of the disagreeing warriors in the back silently acknowledged Oakblaze with small nods
Obviously they had wanted to be deputy instead of Oakblaze Troutnose, Tigerleap and Quailfoot were among the disagreeing warriors.
Flamestar then gestured for Riverclan to quiet down.
"Im going to take Rainshine and Oakblaze with me to the moonstone now to get my nine lives, now, I expect all of you to get some rest, what happened has shocked us all and will take us sometime to heal."
Flamestar bowed her head, Cheetahpaw yawned realizing how tired she was, but remembered she was supposed to meet Pebblepaw tonight at Dreamclan.
Cheetahpaw's weariness melted away into excitement before Rainshine spoke."If anyone is in too much shock, I left a pile of poppy seeds to calm it down and help for sleep."
Rainshine finished pointing to a pile of poppy seeds outside of the medicine den.
She then turned and left camp with Flamestar and Oakblaze.Quailfoot, Nightstorm and Squrrieltail turned towards the poppy seeds while the rest of the camp turned to their dens to rest. Moondust padded up to Cheetahpaw wearily.
"It's going to be your first night in the apprentice den, good night dear and if you need me go to the warriors den."
Moondust groomed Cheetahpaws forehead soothingly before padding towards the warriors den and disappearing inside.Cheetahpaw sighed,
"I have to meet up with Pebblepaw, the night guard isn't there yet so I can escape easily."
Cheetahpaw whispered to herself glancing around her now sleeping clan. Cheetahpaw creeped out of the Riverclan entrance into the forest night.

Cheetahscar's Rage
FanfictionI made another story on this in a different account (Stormycheetah) but I logged out of that account Blood will lead a storm to rage the forest Cheetahkit was half rogue born to Rainshine the Riverclan medicine cat and Fox a rogue. But...