•Chapter 10•

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    Welcome to the four trees gathering, Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan.

     Mistystar croaked from her place on the branch. she ended in a bought of body wracking coughing that alarmed the other leaders.
Cheetahpaw fidgeted besides Pebblepaw and Birdpaw uncomfortable of having to sit still. Mistystar chose Oakblaze, Badgerpelt, Rainshine, Quailfoot, Adderpaw, Rufflepaw, Applepaw, Nightstorm, Petalwing, Falconwhisker, Owlscreech, and Cheetahpaw to go to the gathering.

      "Most is well in Windclan, the fire reached the moors, and it burned the grass. So prey is very scarce in that area."
      Harestar announced from her place on a thick branch jutting out between two of the four trees.

"Thunderclan is lucky to have been barely grazed by the fire, some trees were scourched, but prey is still plentiful and the damage is minor."
Bramblestar orderly announces after Harestar before stepping back again to let the other leaders speak.

"Shadowclan has not been touched by the fire thankfully, but in all this devastation, we have a new apprentice, Pebblepaw!"
Juniperstar purrs.
Cheetahpaw proudly glances at her sheepish sister flattened to the ground in embarrassment.

"Pebblepaw! Pebblepaw! Pebblepaw!"
Everyone chants at the gathering, making Pebblepaw sink even lower to the ground in embarrassment.

"Congrats Pebblepaw!"
Cheetahpaw praised her sister proudly. Pebblepaw grinned.

     "You too!"
      Pebblepaw pointed to Mistystar as the chanting died down.

     "Riverclan has been destroyed by the fire, but we can rebuild it. Of all this devastation, we have a new apprentice!"
     Mistystar croaked, Riverclan cheered loudly while the other clans sat silently.

    "Cheetahpaw is an apprentice now, we are grateful for our new addition to apprentices!"
     Mistystar grinned at Cheetahpaw from her place on the branch

"Cheetahpaw! Cheetahpaw!"
    All the clans started chanting, Cheetahpaw looked down at her paws in embarrassment.

   "Cheetahpaw! Cheetahpaw-"
       The chanting was cut off with a ripple of gasps and screeches. Cheetahpaws head shot up fightened.
      Cheetahpaw sat in terror as Mistystar wobbled on the branch wheezing before tipping over and plummeting to the ground limply.
      There was a loud blood curltling thump that echoed through the tensified air. The remaining three leaders stared down at Mistystar's body in shock and horror. 
     Bramblestar leaped down from his branch and raced over to Mistystar's side. The gathered cats around Mistystar's limp body backed up away from her in horror.
     Cheetahpaw felt a chill run down her spine, as Bramblestar looked up with a face full of sorrow.
     "she's dead."
    Bramblestar croaked in anguish.

      Cries of anguish and fear rippled throughout the crowd of terror stricken cats.

        Juniperstars snappy order silenced the cries of anguish.

     "She was on her last life, she was as old as the clans. It was her time to die."
    Juniperstar bowed her head in grief and respect for the fallen leader.

    "Riverclan! everyone make a path for Riverclan to come fowards."
    Juniperstar meowed

   The other three clans split off to the sides to make a clear path for Riverclan. Cheetahpaw stood up from besides her shock stricken sister sorrowfully, and followed her clan to the front of the gathering where Juniperstar was with Harestar. Bramblestar was crouched over Mistystars unnaturally twisted limp body grieving for the loss of her life.

"Let us sit vigil with our Riverclan friends for the loss of their leader, let us remember Mistystar as a brave courageous leader that lived a long live to serve her clan."
Juniperstar's mew cracked with grief when she ended her sentence. Then she bowed her head along with Harestar, Flamefur, Rainshine and Bramblestar.
Then Shadowclan bowed their heads, Windclan, Thunderclan, and finally grief stricken Riverclan.

"We will all miss Mistystar very much, and we honor her life as a blessing to us."
Flamefur's voice cracked with a sob that echoed through the silent air of vigil.

"Riverclan, you may share your respects of Mistystar."
Bramblestar stood up from Mistystar's limp body and untangled the fallen leader.

"She was the best leader we could ask for."
Oakblaze bowed his head in sorrow.

"I admired her courage and strength, I hope she is happy and well in Starclan."
Nightstorm followed

"I will miss Mistystar greatly, she was like a mother to me."
Flamefur's voice cracked with a sob

"Mistystar was the best leader anyone could ever ask for, she was wise and kind, I hope she is well in Starclan."
Cheetahpaw bowed her head recieving several glances of agreement.

"Bramblestar, let's bury her right under the four trees, Flamefur you help us."
Juniperstar leaped down from her branch lifting Mistystars limp body with Bramblestar and Flamefurs support. The three dug a hole right under the four trees and placed Mistystar in, then they buried her and dipped their heads one last time respectfully.

"It's time for the end of this grief stricken gathering, let's go home and get a good rest in honor of Mistystar."
Juniperstar led Shadowclan out of the gathering bowing her head, then Thunderclan left with Bramblestar and Windclan left with Harestar. Leaving Riverclan scattered in the gathering.

"Follow me everyone, I'll announce the new deputy tonight in Mistystar's honor."
Flamefur meowed leading Riverclan out of the gathering.

What a shame that Mistystar died, we will all miss her so much. Did she die of old age and fall? or was it an accident?

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