Chapter 2

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{ 7 month later}
Jay's POV
Me and Erin have been secretly seeing each other for about 4 months now. I woke up and heard Erin
E~ " damnit, ugh"
J~ " everything okay?" She jumped I guess she didn't hear me walk out 
E~ " holy crap jay you scared me."
J~ " I can see that" I say laughing
E~ " did you sleep okay?"
J~ " yeah actually I did. The best I've slept in a very long time" I could see Erin wanted to ask more questions so I just told her everything
J~ " I guess you want to know more me hm"
E~ " only what you want to tell me"
J~ " alright where do I even begin um I was in the army since I was 18 after I was honorably discharged I moved to Chicago where I became a cop, I live with my big brother will who works at Chicago med"
E~ " hmm"
J~ " your turn" I could see her face go ghost white
E~ " oh I'm not ready to tell you about me yet I've lost a lot of people I care about by telling them about my past" I grabbed her hand
J~ " I'm not like the rest of them I'm not going to run away or get scared by your past"
E~ " okay, well I never had a 'normal' childhood my mom was a druggie and eventually I became one too, when I was 15 I met hank who took me in like one of his own, and I even though I was staying with a cop I was still the definition of hell on wheels. I even dyed my hair purple once just to irritate hank" me and her both started laughing
E~ " anyways who I was back then I'm defiantly not proud of but hank helped me out a ton I know I'd be dead by now if he didn't save me"
J~ " wow"
E~ " I take it you want to leave now?"
J~ " Erin I'm not going anywhere not now. Not ever. I love you to much for that"
E~ " I love you too! Listen I want to tell hank about us"
J~ " are you sure?"
E~ " yeah but just to be safe is stay kinda behind me" I start laughing at her
J~ " alright"
{at the district}
Erin's POV
Me and Jay get to intelligence before anyone else and walk to hanks office
E~ " hey hank me and jay need to tell you something"
H~" what is it kiddo?"
E~ " me and jay have been dating for 2 months now"
H~ "WHAT!"
J~ " I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner"
H~ " I told you when you got here to keep it in your pants!"
E~ " hank please stop!" Hank just looked at me for a couple of minuets
H~ " he makes you happy?"
E~ " yeah he does"
H~ " UGH! Kid you know how much I enjoy seeing you happy"
E~ " hank you don't have to approve of us, jay wanted to tell you."
H~ " I don't approve of any of this, but you have seemed happier the last couple of months and if he does that then I guess I could learn to get along with him" me and jay just looked at each other and Antonio walked in to jay went to talk to him
E~ " I don't really know what to say, you've never approved of any of my boyfriends, what's different with jay?"
H~ " he's a damn good detective and he seems to make you happy and if he makes you happy then that's all I really want"
E~ " thank you hank" I gave him a hug and walked out
H~ " oh and Erin today is you and jay's day off" he said laughing
E~ " oh that's right" I walked out and met with jay
E~ " hey let's go"
J~ "where are we going?"
E~ " today is our day off remember"
J~ " ohhhhh that's right"
An~ " are you now a thing?"
J~ " yeah we are" he said wrapping his arm around my waist
An~ " ha I knew it Adam owes me 50 bucks"
E~ " you and Adam placed a bet if we were dating or not?"
An~ " am I trouble?"
E~ " yes, yes you are. Your not invited to Molly's tonight"
An~ " damn Lindsay that's low" he said laughing
J~ " hey let's go"
Me and Jay went to get some breakfast at Jay's favorite diner and then went to his place
E~ " hey I was thinking maybe instead of having two places to live, never mind it's too early to think of that"
J~ " no Er tell me what's on your mind"
E~ " I was thinking maybe you could move in with me, you know what it's a stupid idea"
J~ " no no Erin it's not a stupid idea it's a great idea!"
E~ " really?"
J~ "yeah, I love you so much I couldn't imagine my life with out anymore"
E~ "really"
J~ " yes! Your the best thing that has happened to me in a longgggg Time!"
E~ " I love you too!" I gave him a kiss
J~ " so uh what do you want to do?"
E~ " well I know I left y workout clothes here so I'm going to change and go on a run"
J~ " oh that sounds great I might join you!" Jay's phone went off
E~ " is that will?"
J~ " yeah he wants to see me at med"
E~ " go I'm just going for a run around the block and then back"
J~ " okay I shouldn't be too long with Will he probably hurt something even though he works at med he's there more as the patient then the doctor" me and jay started laughing
E~ " alright I'm going to change" I have him a quick kiss and went to change
J~ " I'll see you later"
E~ " yes sir you will"
I went on my run after jay left and I was probably halfway down the block when I was hit with something hard in the back of the head and blacked out. When I woke up I was in a dark room tied to a chair
{ E= Erin KN= kidnapper}
E~ "what the hell"
KN~ " oh good your up!"
E~ "who are you?"
KN~ "hmm wouldn't you like to know!"
E~ "kinda that's why I asked" I was slapped hard across the face
KN~ " never talk to me like that again!"
E~ " okay"
KN~ "so where's your little boy toy?"
E~ "first of all he's not my 'boy toy' he's my boyfriend and I don't know"
KN~ " yes you do know!"
E~ " I don't know where he is!"I snapped
E~ "FINE!" I yelled. After I yelled at him he hit me in the head causing me to black out again
Will Jay find Erin?? Or is she gone forever!

Hey guys so I'm going to update later tonight! So keep an eye out for that!!

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