Chapter 3

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Jay's POV
I get home from seeing Will and I notice a note on the door that said ' come to storage room 6 at the north side storage alone or your pretty little princess dies" I run to the car and hurry to the 21st
J~ "platt buzz me up now!"
P~ " why!"
J~ "platt I don't have Time buzz me up now!!" She buzzes me up and I almost trip going up the stairs
J~ "hank Erin's been kidnapped!"
H~ "what!"
J~ " Erin's been.."
H~ "I know what you said Halstead. Why would somebody kidnap her?"
J~ " I don't know I found this note on my apartment door when I got home" I handed hank the note
H~ " alright Antonio suit up your going to be across the block watching jay like a hawk!"
Erin's POV
When I woke back up i was hanging about 2 feet off the ground by my wrists. I started squirming to try to loosen the tie
KN~ " oh good you're up let's have some fun!" The guy grabbed a knife and cut open my shirt showing just my bra
KN~ " alright now that that's out of the way" he grabbed a taser and tased me until I couldn't take it anymore.
KN~ " I think you've had enough of the taser" he set the taser down and grabbed the knife again and sliced my side. I screamed in pain and then he stabbed my leg
E~ " what did I do to you!" I say fighting back the tears
KN~ " you did nothing to me. Your boyfriend on the other hand screwed up with me in the army!!"
E~ " I don't even know your name!"
KN~ "It's Tony"
E~ "jay never mentioned you"
T~ " doesn't surprise me!" He punched me in the abdomen again and again like I was his punching bag and then picked back up the knife and cut my abdomen
Jay's POV
I arrive at then storage containers and I see tony a army buddy of mine who I used to be good friends with
J~ " tony you son of a bitch where is she!"
T~ " don't worry she's still somewhat alive"
J~ " tony you WILL tell me where she is or I will kill you" tony just laughed at me so I started punching him until Antonio and hank came and pulled me off of him and searched his pockets until they found the storage room key so I grabbed it and ran to where Erin was and I unlocked the door to see a unconscious Erin hanging by her wrists
J~ " HANK I FOUND HER!!" I scream. I grab my knife from my pocket and flip it open causing Erin to wake up panicked
J~ "baby it's me"
E~ "Jay! I knew you'd find me"
J~ " of course I would" I carry Erin our bridle style causing her to whimper in pain. When I get her outside I understand why she was whimpering in pain. I see the cuts and bruises and the stab wound on her leg
J~ " oh my god Erin I'm so sorry"
E~ " what are you sorry for? You didn't do any of this" she says very weak. I get Erin in my car and turn on the lights and haul ass to med. when we get there I run over to her side and pick her up bridle style and carry her into the hospital
J~ " Will!"
W~ "Jay what the hell happened" he said grabbing a gurney for me to put Erin on
E~ "Jay please don't leave me"
J~ "don't worry Er I won't" I follow her until will won't let me anymore
E~ " will please let jay stay" I hear her say while the doors are closing
{ 2 hours later}
I've been pacing the waiting room for the past two hours waiting to hear something from Will
W~ " hey baby bro"
J~ "how is she?"
W~ " she's okay, she has 6 broken ribs and needed a lot a stitches from the knife wounds and she has severe burns on her abdomen from a taser"
J~ "did he?" Before I could say the rest will cut me off
W~ " no there was no sign of sexual assault"
J~ " thank god! Can I see her?"
W~ "yeah she should be waking up anytime now"
Will shows me Erin room and she's still sleeping from the anesthesia. I walk in and she's all bruised up and it breaks my heart seeing her like this. More than that it pisses me off
W~ " you good baby bro?"
J~ " I should have been there to protect her! Why wasn't I?"
W~ " don't blame yourself jay! This is not your fault!"
J~ " then why the hell do I feel like it is!"
W~ " I wish I knew" I walk to the chair next to Erin's bed and sit there just holding her hand and waiting for her to wake up.
About a hour later she wakes up in a panic
E~ " Jay!"
J~ "shhhh I'm right here baby" she leans up and hugs me as tight as she can groaning in pain
E~ " thank god you found me!" She said sobbing into my shoulder
J~ " Er it's okay your safe now" I say stroking her hair
E~ " I- jay I was terrified and you know I don't scare easily"
J~ " it's okay" Erin lets go of me and lays back trying to now relax
E~ " jay will you do something for me?"
J~ "of course anything?"
E~ " will, will you lay with me"
J~ " of course." She moves over and I gently lay down beside her on top on the blankets and she lays against me and I could feel her once stiff and shaky body relax once I wrap my arms around her.
E~ " jay?"
J~ " yeah Er?"
E~ " did you catch the guy who did this to me?"
J~ " yeah, yeah we did" Erin let out a sigh of relief knowing she was safe and as long as I can help it I will always me here for her.
Hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter!! I will be updating tomorrow!! So keep your heads up for that!!!

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