Chapter 7

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{2weeks later and 3 days until Christmas}
Erin's POV
I can finally get back to kicking doors down again. I've never been so excited to go to work before.
J~ " hey Er you ready"
E~ " yes!"
J~ " somebody is excited to get back to work"
E~ " is it that obvious?"
J~ " hey I'm excited to have my partner back, Dawson is good but I have to say I like you better"
E~ " oh yeah?" Jay grabbed my waist and pulled him close to him
J~ " yeah" he slowly pulled me in for a kiss
E~ " jay, we uh we gotta go well finish this later though"
J~ " oh defiantly" I grab my light jacket and get two steps out the door
E~ " oh shut the front door it's cold!" Jay busts out laughing and I run back inside and grab my heavy jacket and beanie and jay's beanie as well
E~ " here baby" I hand him his beanie
J~ " I was just about to go back inside and grab this" be puts his beanie on and so do I and we head out
{at the district
Me and jay get up stairs and I'm greeted by Kevin
K~ " yo Lindsay you ready to kick some ass today"
E~ " hell yes!"
H~ " well then suit up cause we caught a case"
Me and the rest of intelligence head down to the garage and get suited up. Jay helps me put my vest on and I help him put his on, then we roll out. We arrive at the crime scene and I grab my heavy jacket and jay's heavy jacket and then we put them on.
E~ " what do we have?"
H~ " Emily Watson 16, strangled with her scarf"
J~ " damn"
E~ " she was only 16?"
H~ " yeah, let's call her parents and break the news" me and jay call her parents and have them meet us at the district
E~ " Mr and Mrs Watson?"
Jen~" please call me Jennifer this is my husband Aaron"
AA~ " have you found Emily yet"
J~ " we have, and I'm so so sorry but she, she's gone"
Jen~ " what, no, she-she can't be gone" Mrs and Mr Watson started sobbing which made a couple of tears fall from my face
E~ " I'm so sorry"
AA~ " please can we see her?"
E~ " of course Sargent platt will take you to see her"
Platt walks out with the parents
J~ " you okay?"
E~ " yeah, I just hate that part of the job ya know"
J~ " yeah I know Er" me and Jay stayed at the district going though surveillance footage from both the park and the bar across the street and we didn't find a damn thing
E~ " UGH!"
J~ " hey we'll find this son of a bitch don't worry"
E~ " Jay I know but will he kill another girl before we do. This surveillance footage isn't giving us shit"
J~ " I know and I'm just as frustrated as you but we have to keep looking"
E~ " okay, oh and btw I need you to calm me down"
J~ " anytime" after hours of going though footage hank walks in with a guy in handcuffs and I knew that face from anywhere
C~ " ahh Erin Lindsay we meet again"
H~ " shut the hell up before I make you shut up got it" hank walks Charlie to the interrogation room
J~ " who was that"
E~ " I'll explain later I promise" I barge in the interrogation room and hank walks out
C~ " you still look beautiful"
E~ " shut the hell up and only talk when I ask questions got it"
C~ " yes detective"
E~ " where were you last night"
C~ " well I wasn't in your bed so I was home"
E~ " your really pissing me off, quit with the smartass comments and answer with respect or I'm walking out"
E~ " did anyone see you home?"
C~ " yeah my girlfriend Emily"
E~ " last name?"
C~ " Watson"
E~ " are you aware she was 16"
C~ " she told me she was 18"
E~ "well she lied to you and now she's dead"
C~ " what, she's dead, no she left my place at 12 last night alive"
E~ " oh stop pretending you care, you don't care about anyone but yourself Charlie, you never did and you never will" I walk out and jay was standing by the door
J~ " who is that guy Er?"
E~ " jay I promise I will tell you later, just not right now"
J~ " when we get home?"
E~ " when we get home, promise" it was after 3 in the morning and I had fallen asleep watching survallince footage and was woken up by jay
J~ " hey babe let's go home" me and Jay head down stairs and to his car and head home.
J~ " hey Er you said you'd tell me who that guy was"
E~ " his name is Charlie we dated when I was a druggie he would abuse me and then make me do drugs with him"
J~ " I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that"
E~ " it's not your fault, I somehow managed to get away from him and that's when hank found me" 
J~ " thank god he did, I wouldn't be talking with you if he didn't"
E~ " yeah" I slowly fall back asleep
{ Jay's POV}
Me and Erin arrive home and she's sleeping so I pick her up bridle style and carry her inside and lay her on our bed then go change and lay down with her. Around 7 I heard Erin in the bathroom throwing up so I go check on her
J~ " hey you okay?"
E~ " yeah I guess all this stress is finally getting to me"
J~ " why don't you take a sick day and see if what's what's wrong, just to be safe"
E~ " Jay I'm fine"
J~ " Erin please for me"
E~ " fine, your lucky I love you"
J~ " yeah I know" I call hank and let him know Erin is sick and that we were heading to med to have my brother will check on her
E~ " you know we've been dating for almost a year now and I've never met anyone in your family besides will"
J~ " well since it's 2 days u till Christmas tomorrow my hole family has this big dinner and everyone goes to Wisconsin to my grandfathers cabin, and I was wandering if you wanted to go?"
E~ " that sounds amazing, I'd love to go"
J~ " I have to warn you my dad can be an asshole, so  kinda keep your distance I know I will"
E~ " you and your dad don't get along?"
J~ " we never have he always thought I was a disappointment"
E~ " I'm so sorry jay"
J~ " don't be if it weren't for him I never would have became a cop and I never would have met this really really cute cop named Erin Lindsay"
E~ " awe your the sweetest" me and Erin arrive at med and will is waiting on us
W~ " what's going on baby bro"
J~ " Erin's not feeling good and she says it's nerves but I don't know"
W~ " alright let's get you in a room and we'll see what's going on"
E~ " okay" me and Erin follow will to a room and he starts talking his doctor talk
E~ " will I have no clue what the hell your asking me" will laughs
W~ " what I'm asking is could you Be pregnant?"
E~ " no, I don't think so" Erin give me this look and I can tell she's a little scared
W~ " well let's do some blood work just to be sure"
E~ " okay" Will takes Erin's blood and heads to the lab so they can test it, I look back at Erin and she look terrified
J~ " hey it's okay"
E~ " Jay what if I am pregnant and I'm not a good mom"
J~ " Er let me tell you this, from what I see when I see they way you are with the kids that we find I can tell you this your going to make an amazing Mom" a couple of tears fall from Erin face
E~ " I'm- I'm just scared" I pull her in to a hug
J~ " I know baby I am to" Will walks in a couple hours later with Erin's blood work
W~ " alright here's your blood work Erin" will hands Erin a pice if paper and walks out
E~ " alright here we go" Erin slowly opens the paper and she starts crying
J~ " Erin Baby whats wrong?"
E~ " I'm, I'm pregnant" a smile slowly forms on both of our faces
J~ " this is great"
E~ " really?"
J~ " yeah really"
E~ " I guess we should go home now hm?"
J~ " oh yeah let's go" I grab her hand and we walk out of med smiling, when we get home we lay on the couch and Erin's head is resting on my lap 
{Erin's POV}
I've been so nervous to ask jay something since I found out I was pregnant I just didn't know how to ask him
E~ " hey jay?"
J~ " yeah babe?"
E~ " are you gonna leave me?"
J~ " Erin I would never leave you or our baby" he places his hand on my belly
E~ " really?"
J~ " yes really, I couldn't think of my life without  you"
E~ "me either, so um if we're leaving tonight for Wisconsin we should get packing huh?"
J~ " probably"
Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I will try to update again today I'm not sure but I will defiantly try!

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