Chapter 14

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May 8th, 2015
{Jay's POV}
Erin's less than two weeks from her due date and we're super excited. Last week I had Kim take Erin out for some 'girl time' as they call it. And I hung up Jackson's name above his crib. Early this morning I heard Erin whimper in pain so I turn over to face her
J~ " you okay?"
E~ " I don't know, ow" I walk over to her side of the bed and kneel down in front of her
J~ " Er talk to me babe"
E~ " jay it hurts"
J~ " what?"
E~ " my back"
J~ " it's okay"
E~ " Jay something's not right I feel it"
J~ " okay, let's go to med" I help Erin get changed and we get in the car and we head to med. once we arrive there will is there
W~ " hey baby bro, what's up?"
J~ " we don't know, Erin having really bad back pains"
W~ " it could be a number of things, let's get you into a room and we'll have a look"
E~ " okay" will grabs Erin a wheelchair and we take her into the room she's going to be staying in and after a few minuets Natalie comes in
N~ " hey Erin, will said you were here, you wanna tell me what's going on?"
E~ " I woke up this morning around 7 and I felt these really really bad pains in my back"
N~ " has your water broken?"
E~ " no"
N~ " when I had Owen I had the same pains, are they in your lower back?"
E~ " yeah"
N~ " it sounds like labor, but your water hasn't broken yet,so I'd like to keep you for a few days to make sure it's not just back pains"
E~ " sure" Erin gets changed into an hospital gown and lays back down in the bed
J~ " you feeling any better?"
E~ " no, not in the slightest"
J~ " I'm sorry"
E~ " why are you sorry?"
J~ " well I did this to you didn't I?"
E~ " well this is your kid, so I guess, but hey if he comes today it'll be worth it"
J~ " yeah, I just hate seeing you in pain"
E~ " I've been shot, stabbed, and god knows what else, I can handle this" I slightly chuckle
J~ " okay ' tough guy', I just still feel bad"
E~ " stop that" she points to me
J~ " sorry" I throw my hands up in defense causing Erin to giggle. after a few hours Natalie comes back in
N~ " hey Erin how you feelin?"
E~ " no better"
N~ " okay, so since your only a week and a half until your due date if we need to Jackson's lungs are developed enough we can deliver today, but that's only if needed"
E~ " and him coming today won't hurt him?"
N~ " no, we'd have concerns if you were two months from your due date, but like I said his lungs are almost if not completely developed so he'd be fine"
E~ " well if this pain keeps up I'm gonna tell you to deliver him today"
N~ " well if you need anything both you and Jay have mine and will's number so text either of us and we'll come"
E~ " okay"
N~ " try to get some rest, and here's the remote for the TV"
E~ " thanks"
N~ " no problem, I'll be back around 2 to check back up on you, if by then the pain hasn't stopped or eased off we'll see what you guys wanna do"
E~ " alright" nat leaves and Erin lays on her side and slowly falls asleep. My phone rings
* on the phone*
J~ " hello?"
W~ " hey man it's Wesley"
J~ " hey"
W~ " you busy?"
J~ " kinda, Erin's in the hospital"
W~ " oh alright, is she having the baby?"
J~ " not sure"
W~ " why is she in the hospital then?"
J~ " she's having really bad back pains, hey I've got to go Natalie just walked in"
W~ " alright"
*end of call*
N~ " is she sleeping?"
J~ " yeah she fell asleep around 45 minuets ago"
N~ " how was her back pain?"
J~ " she said it wasn't any better"
N~ " okay well text me when she wakes up and if it's not better you two will get to meet your son today"
J~ " alright" after 30 minuets I hear Erin whimpering
J~ " babe what's wrong?"
E~ " my back hurts more"
J~ " okay I'll call nat" I call her and after a few minuets she's in Erin's room
N~ " hey Erin what's going on?"
E~ " my back hurts worst"
N~ " okay, who's your OB?"
E~ " dr Bailey"
N~ " alright, how would you like to meet your little boy today?"
E~ " it's not gonna hurt him?"
N~ " I already talked about this, his lungs are almost if not completely developed, it won't hurt him a bit"
She looks at me wanting to know my opinion
J~ " if it's what you want?"
E~ " yeah I want to have him today"
N~ " alright, I'll page Dr Bailey, and we'll see about you two finally getting to hold your little boy today"
E~ " until then what can you do about this pain"
N~ " I'll see what I can do" she walks out
J~ " I know something that will make you feel better"
E~ " Jay."
J~ " oh not that Erin! I meant why don't I give you a back rub?"
E~ " that sounds amazing" Erin sits up and I sit behind her and start rubbing her back
E~ " this feels really good, thank you"
J~ " I'm sure, and I'd do anything for you, your my favorite person"
E~ " and your sometimes mine"
J~ " hey"
E~ " let's get real your kinda the reason I'm here"
J~ " fair point" we hear a knock at the door
B~ " hey Erin, how you feeling today?"
E~ " better now that I've made Jay my back rubber, but when he stops I'm in a lot of back pain"
B~ " I assume that Natalie told you that we'd see about you two getting to finally be able to hold Jackson in your arms"
E~ " yes"
B~ " well that's what's gonna happen today, Jackson will be here sometime tonight"
J~ " awesome"
B~ " so we'll break your water, the contractions will start, and after you'll have a beautiful boy in your hands"
E~ " okay"
J~ " how long before she actually has him?"
B~ " see that we don't know, it could be atleast 2 days once the contractions start"
E~ " oh hell no" both me and miranda started laughing
B~ " we'll make sure it won't be long"
*4 hours later*
Erin had Jackson about a hour ago and I haven't let him go since
E~ " Jay give me my son"
J~ " he's mine too"
E~ " Jay"
J~ " fine"
E~ " hey look at that he's got the Halstead freckles, with your brown hair and blueish, greenish eyes"
J~ " how did you not know that"
E~ " you've been holding him since I handed him to you almost a hour ago"
J~ " okay fair point"
B~ " knock knock"
E~ " hey miranda"
B~ " hey here it's Dr Bailey"
J~ " what's up dr Bailey"
B~ " Jay, don't be a smartass"
J~ " you said to call you Dr Bailey"
B~ " Jay. Tread lightly, now let me see this baby" she took him from Erin
B~ " he looks almost exactly like Jay"
E~ " yeah, the Halstead freckles, his brown hair, and Jay's blue, green eyes, it kinda pisses me off"
B~ " honey I thought your natural hair is brown"
E~ " nope, it's actually black, but I didn't like the black so I went blonde"
B~ " oh okay, here, I better get going"
J~ " I'll take him"
E~ " Jay, I'm holding him for a while"
J~ " oh fine"
B~ " Jay get the hell outta my way"
J~ " yes ma'am"
B~ " here Erin, I must say Jackson is the perfect name for this little guy!"
E~ " thank you, both me and Jay picked it out, and of course he has Jay's last name"
B~ " when's you twos wedding?"
E~ " December 31st, 2015"
B~ " ooo a winter wedding, sounds beautiful!"
E~ " yeah, Jackson will be in it, which is why we decided to wait"
B~ " yeah, when I met Ben tuck was 4 so when we got married Ben actually made tuck his best man, tuck was thrilled, it made the little guy feel so important"
E~ " awe, well Jay already has asked Antonio to be his best man"
B~ " who's your made of honor?"
E~ " well I was hoping maybe you?"
B~ " are you kidding? I'd love to"
E~ " yay! All of us actually go to get our dressed fitted next week"
B~ " all of us?"
E~ " me, you, Kim, and a few of my best friends from highschool"
B~ " awesome! I'll see you guys in a little bit"
E~ " alright, bye" miranda leaves and it's just me and Erin with Jackson now.
E~ " Jay stop starring at me"
J~ " sorry I just can't help it, your just amazing"
E~ " whatever"
J~ " it's true"
E~ " okay, it's killing you isn't it?"
J~ " what?"
E~ " not holding him"
J~ " a little bit not gonna lie"
E~ " come here" She pats the bed and I come lay with her
E~ " there now you can hold both of us"
J~ " I like this idea" I kiss the top of her head wrapping my arm around her shoulder, and she lays her head on my chest
N~ " hey guys"
E~ " hey nat"
N~ " how's the little guy??"
E~ " he's good, Jay's fixing to give him a bottle actually"
N~ " awesome, have you guys heard from will?"
J~ " no, why?"
N~ " oh I was just wandering"
J~ " Natalie"
N~ " fine will won't answer my texts or calls, I'm just a tad worried"
J~ " maybe he got pulled into emergency surgery"
N~ " your right, oh my gosh he's so handsome"
J~ " I know I am"
N~ " not you, Jackson, he's so adorable"
E~ " yeah"
N~ " oh my god those damn Halstead freckles, Jay he looks so much like you, but he has Erin's facial structure and nose"
E~ "ha! Told ya so"
J~ " whatever babe"
N~ " hey I better get going, I've been out with a crap ton of post-ops so I'll see you guys in a little bit"
E~ " bye nat"
E~ " that little boy has you wrapped around his finger and he's not even a day old yet"
J~ " hey I had you wrapped around my finger the day we met"
E~ " no you didn't"
J~ " bet"
E~ " okay I'll admit I had a crush on you from the day we met, but you didn't had me wrapped around your finger, I'm attached to no one" I give her a look
E~ " what, okay that was a lie, I'm attached to Jackson"
J~ " hey what about me"
E~ " I'll admit I kinda love you"
J~ " kinda? Babe you adore me"
E~ " don't push it"
{ Erin's POV}
After a while Jay and Jackson are sleeping in the little bed thing nat brought in. Hank came by with some food food for me and Jay
H~ " hey kiddo"
E~ " shhh, look" hank walks over to the other side of the bed and sees Jackson sleeping on Jay's chest and Jay sleeping as well
H~ " is Halstead that tired?"
E~ " he hasn't been sleeping good, I heard him in the kitchen last week at 2 in the morning"
H~ " well he better get rested up, until Jackson's about 6 or 8 weeks old he'll be waking up every hour on the hour"
E~ " yeah we know, thank you for the food"
H~ " it's nothing ( he looked back at Jay and Jackson) you know Camille would be extremely proud of how you change you life"
E~ " you think so?"
H~ " I know so, because I'm proud"
E~ " thanks hank" his phone went off causing Jackson to stir and Jay to wake up
J~ " hey hank" he said in his just woken up voice
H~ " sorry halstead, didn't mean to wake you"
J~ " it's fine, what's up"
H~ " nothing just Antonio, go back to sleep before Jackson wakes up, I'll be back after I finish work"
J~ " okay"
H~ " alrighty kiddo I've got to get goin, Antonio just put somebody in the cage"
E~ " damnit all the good stuff happened when I'm gone"
H~ " sorry kid, see you in a little bit" hank leaves
J~ " why did hank stop by?"
E~ " to bring us some purple pig"
J~ " okay" he got up and carefully placed Jackson in the little crib that nat brought in for him and Jay walked over to grab my food and his so I could eat while Jackson slept
E~ " hank it literally my favorite person right now"
J~ " no kidding" we both lightly laugh
E~ " dang babe, slow down you'll choke"
J~ " sorry I'm just really hungry"
E~ " I'm sure you haven't eaten since yesterday" I rub his shoulder lightly, there was a light knock at the door and my birth mother bunny walked in
E~ " what do you want?"
J~ " who is she?"
E~ " this is my birth mom, bunny"
J~ " I thought Camille was your birth mom"
E~ " no hank and Camille adopted me when I was 18"
B~ " who are you?"
E~ " leave. Now."
B~ " why?"
J~ " look I don't know who you are but if my fiancé doesn't want you here then you need to leave." Jay says in a low deep voice trying not to wake Jackson who was sleeping beside me
B~ " oh look a baby. I assume he's yours" she pointed to Jay
E~ " oh my god leave"
B~ " well I had to ask you did sleep with a lot of guys in highschool"
J~ " leave. Now"
B~ " I have a right to see my grandson"
E~ " he's not your grandson he's hank and Camille's grandson" she went to walk over to the crib but Jay stepped in front of it so she couldn't see him
J~ " I'm not telling you again, your not seeing our son, now leave, I will call security" Jay said in a pissed off tone
B~ " I'll be back later" she walked out
E~ " I'm sorry"
J~ " what for?"
E~ " her, she's been a pain in my ass since Hank and Camille legally adopted me"
J~ " Erin, I love you. But I have one question"
E~ " what?"
J~ " is bunny her real name?" I laugh
E~ " no it's actually Barbara"
J~ " ohhh okay" a few minuets later Jackson wakes up and Jay grabs him
J~ " here bud go to mama"
E~ " you two are gonna be attach at the hip when he's older"
J~ " why do you say that"
E~ " because he's already attached to you" there was a knock at the door and the whole intelligence unit came in
An~ " hey, where's the little guy"
E~ " hey, he's right here"
An~ " can I hold him?"
E~ " of course" I hand Jackson to Antonio
An~ " hey bud I'nm your uncle Antonio, I'm going to teach you how to kick your daddy's butt when he gets on your nerves"
E~ " Antonio."
An~ " sorry linds" everyone took turn holding him and after a few hours they left so we could get some sleep.
Hey guys!! Sorry it took so long to update I've been super busy with school and rodeo's. but I'll be updating sometime either next week or the week after!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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