Chapter 8

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{December 23} Jay's POV
me and Erin are heading to Wisconsin for the Christmas Eve dinner that they have every year, Erin says she not nervous to meet my family but I can tell she is.
J~ " hey baby you ready to go?"
E~ " yup are you ready?"
J~ " yes I am! Are you good not morning sickness or anything?"
E~ " not yet, I hope I won't get it today"
J~ " yeah me to, are you nervous to meet my family"
E~ " I'm not gonna lie I am now"
J~ " don't worry they'll love you, just keep your distance from my dad, like I said he can be an ass sometimes"
E~ " you really think they'll like me?"
J~ " I know they will"
E~ " thanks I kinda needed that"
J~ "Er I promise even if they don't like you I will still be here for you and our baby, because no matter what my family think of you it will never change how much I love you!" She looked up at me and smiled
E~ " I really needed to hear that"
J~ " we should get going so we can be there by lunch"
E~ " and were staying the night there right?"
J~ " well we're getting a hotel, the cabin is going to be full because of my family"
E~ "ohhhh okay, how many people are in your family?"
J~ " well total there 17 people coming to dinner and all of them are either my big brothers, aunts, uncles, or cousins"
E~ " holy shi-"
J~ " oh and my family doesn't like cussing, so I'd watch what you say verryyy carefully"
E~ " good to know!" Me and Erin get in the car and drive to Wisconsin. When we get to the cabin my mom is waiting outside, me and Erin get out and my mom greeted us
S~ " jay, hi buddy! Ugh it's so good to see you! Who is this beautiful young lady you have with you!"
J~ " Mom this is Erin she's my girlfriend"
S~ " hi I'm sandy, jay and Williams Mom!"
E~ " hi I'm Erin"
S~ " oh honey you look like you just saw a ghost, are you okay"
E~ " I'm fine Mrs Halstead"
S~ " it's sandy"
E~ " I'm fine really, just tired"
S~ " well if you need anything please let me know! Jay everyone is waiting inside"
J~ "alright me and Erin just need to grab a few things from the car and we'll be right in!"
S~ " okay honey"
E~ " your mom is so nice"
J~ " yeah she is"
E~ " so um maybe we should tell them I'm pregnant tomorrow a dinner? Only if you want to"
J~ " that's perfect!" Me and Erin head inside where I'm greeted by Ryan my older cousin
R~ " I'll be damned it's freckles!"
S~ " Ryan Halstead watch your mouth"
R~ " sorry aunt sandy!"
J~ " hey Ryan"
R~ " and who is this gorgeous lady you have here" he said looking at Erin who had her arm wrapped around mine
J~ " back off Ryan she's mine"
E~ " I'm Erin"
R~ " well it's very nice to meet you Erin"
E~ " same here Ryan" Erin smiled trying not to seem nervous but by the way she had her arm wrapped around mine I could tell she was, after everyone was introduce to Erin me and my cousins and brothers played football while my mom and Erin watched us from the porch
J~ " you cold Er" I ask while walking over to her noticing she's kinda shivering
{Erin's POV}
Jay had noticed that my jacket wasn't keeping me warm enough
E~ " kinda it's nothin I can't handle"
J~ " here"he grabs a blanket from the closet outside
S~ " and I see why you fell for him Erin, I'm glad to see he's treating you right" he placed the blanket around My shoulders
E~ " he's been nothing but a gentlemen"
S~ " that's good, he defiantly wasn't a gentlemen when was younger, he was a hellion excuse my langue"
E~ " really? Are we talking about the same Jay Halstead" I say laughing
S~ " yes we are believe it or not" I watch as jay get tackled multiple times and eating the snow
E~ " you okay jay"
J~ " yeah I'm good babe"
S~ "boys it's time to wrap it up it's getting late"
Jay's big brother Morgan whines like a 2 year old
M~ " but Mom I don't wanna wrap it up" jay walked over covered in snow so I wiped him off
S~ " Morgan Harper Halstead don't make me tell you twice mister!" After awhile everyone was sitting on the couch, I was sitting on jay's lap with a blanket that covered us both and the rest of the Halstead men did the same with there wives and girlfriends.
{jay's POV}
Erin had fallen asleep while sitting on my lap
S~ " poor thing must be exhausted"
J~ " yeah she hasn't been sleeping well the last two weeks" I fix the blanket covering her legs
S~ " why is that"
J~ " I'd rather not say unless it's okay with Erin"
S~ " I understand that" as my mom finished talking my dad piped up
P~ " I still don't understand why the hell you brought her to this family event Jay"
J~ " because she's my girlfriend, and my family, dad"
P~ " actually she's not family"
S~ " pat!"
P~ " what sandy, she's not she's just his girlfriend nothing more"
J~ " not yet"
P~ " what do you mean 'not yet'!"
J~ " I plain on asking her to marry me on Christmas"
P~ "well from what I know about her she's not the marrying type and I know that she will regret living with you for the rest of her life" I was so pissed at this point so I gently woke Erin up so we could leave
J~ " hey Er, wake up let's go"
S~ " jay you don't have to leave"
J~ " uh yeah I do Mom I don't want to be late for the hotel check in"
S~ " okay then we'll see you two tomorrow right?"
J~ " yup" me and Erin walk out and drive to the hotel for the night
{ the next morning}
I woke up and felt for Erin and she wasn't there, so I looked in The bathroom and she wasn't there, lastly I checked the kitchen and she wasn't there either I was fixing to call her but then I saw her sleeping in the couch, just waking up
J~ " Er how did you get on the couch"
E~ " I walked"
J~ "well I know that, why did you lay down on the couch"
E~ " I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you so I just came in here to watch tv and fell asleep I guess" I started laughing
E~ " holy shit I love your laugh so much!"
J~ " yeah I'd get your cussing out before we get there today"
E~ " oh I am, trust me"
J~ "hey um maybe we should wait to tell them your pregnant"
E~ " why?"
J~ " well while you were asleep on my lap last night me and my dad talked and he was blabbing on and on about how disappointed he'd be if any of us got one of our girlfriends pregnant before we married them"
E~ " Jay your dad wouldn't be disappointed in you, and if you want to wait to tell them we will"
J~ " you know what let's tell them! I don't give a damn what my dad thinks of me, I love you and that's all that matters" a smile formed on her face
E~ " I love you more"
J~ " that's not possible" I walked to the kitchen followed by Erin
E~ "what do you mean ' it's not possible' bitch I love you wayyy more than you love me" I started laughing Erin only called me bitch when she was playing
J~ " what ever you say baby girl"
E~ " I'm kinda liking the baby girl thing"
J~ " oh yeah"
E~ "yeah"
J~ " we should get going we don't wanna be late my mom is expecting us at 10 and it's 8:45 now"
E~ " okay dibs on the shower first"
J~ "alright you take longer to get ready anyhow"
E~ " I'll be quick" after 15 minuets of being in the bathroom Erin got out of the bathroom with her makeup done, she had this beautiful gold and sliver eyeshadow with red lipstick, she looks so beautiful!
E~ " like what ya see Halstead"
J~ " yeah, yeah I do miss Lindsay!" 
E~ "I haven't even done my hair yet"
J~ " god your going to look so beautiful!"
E~ "you think so?"
J~ " I know so, hey I've got to get in the shower if we'll never leave"
E~ " okay" I get in the shower, after 20 minuets if being in the bathroom I come out shaved and dressed and I look over at Erin who is putting the finishing touches to her curled hair
J~ " oh my god"
E~ " what you don't like my hair?"
J~ " I love it! You look so beautiful!"
E~ " why thank you.I've got to get dressed real quick then we can leave" after 10 minuets Erin comes out in a black long sleeve shirt with one of those figure eight scarves and sorta riped skinny jeans with her light brown high heel boots
J~ " damn, my girl looks so beautiful"
E~ " you think it's to much?"
J~ " no are you aware how many of the Halstead men are going to be in tuxes, hell i'm probably a little underdressed"
E~ " are you sure"
J~ "yes I'm sure, my mom told me yesterday while you were sleeping that we needed to dress nice but comfortable"
E~ " okay good, I- I just really want your parents to like me"
J~ "Erin my mom loves you and my dad doesn't really care who I'm with like he does will"
E~ " okay I'm just getting nervous, and I haven't felt any morning sickness coming so that's a good sign"
J~ " yeah it is, maybe our little boy or girl is finally giving you a break"
E~ " yeah, we need to get going"
J~ "alright let's go" I grab my thick black quilted jacket and Erin grabs her red thick leather jacket. After 30 minuets we're back at the cabin, me and Erin get out and head inside where were greeted by Ryan
R~ " dang you two look so Perfect together"
J~ " thanks Ry"
R~ " you know me I only say the truth"
{Erin's POV}
Jay's mom walks out in her black dress that jay says she wears every year
S~ "Erin you look absolutely stunning honey!"
E~ " thank you Mrs hal- I mean sandy, you look stunning yourself"
S~ " oh thank you sweetie" when she said sweetie she sent me back to when I was kidnapped all tony would call me was sweetie, I looked at jay with trying to hide my fear
E~ " dang it! I forgot something in the car, babe is it unlocked"
J~ "no uh let me come help you"
E~ " okay" me and jay walked to the porch and he knew something was not okay
J~ " hey what happened?"
E~ " Jay I can't be called sweetie anymore"
J~ " why, what happened"
E~ " that's all tony would call me and every time I hear it"
J~ " it sends you back to being tied up and tortured"
E~ " yeah, I don't want to hurt your moms feelings or anything but I just can't be called that"
J~ " my mom will completely understand Er, if you tell her why"
E~ " jay I'm not ready yet"
J~ " okay" jay started to walk back in
E~ " where are you going?"
J~ "back inside"
E~ " jay I need your help" I opened the trunk to reveal gift bags for everyone
J~ " when did you do this"
E~ " last night while couldn't sleep"
J~ "everyone is going to love these babe" me and jay walk back in with the gift bags
{jay's POV}
When me and Erin walk in my moms eyes light up with excitement
S~ " oh goodness did you two do this"
J~ "well Erin did"
S~ " oh honey these look amazing I'm sure everyone is going to love them!"
P~ " oh please she's just trying to bribe her way into the family sandy"
E~ " Mr Halstead that's not what I'm trying to do at all sir"
P~ "sure it's not"
J~ "dad!" I say protectively
P~ " don't 'dad' me Jay! You know what she's trying to do! She's just going to be another heartbreaker for you like all the girls in highschool were!"
J~ " oh don't act like you care about how highschool was for me! And Erin is not like that! She actually loves me"
S~ " hey Erin why don't we go outside and watch everyone play football"
E~ " um okay" Erin and my mom walk outside
P~ " how do you know she loves you and she's just not after your money huh!"
J~ "because she doesn't know that I have money like that dad!"
P~ " oh I'm sure! You know what I regret even asking you to come this year take what girl with you and leave!"
J~ " you didn't 'ask' me to come this year dad! It's a annual family event that I come to every year! And 'that girl' has a name it's Erin Lindsay! Oh and by the way ' that girl' is carrying your grandson or granddaughter!"
P~ " Are you serious! I now see why you invited her! You got her pregnant and now you feel bad so you want to marry her!"
J~ " no! That's not what happened at all! I have been planning on asking her to marry me on Christmas since October! We only found out she was pregnant 2 days ago FYI dad!" I walk out where my mom and Erin are
J~ "come on baby let's go"
S~ " why are you leaving?"
J~ " oh your husband said Erin wasn't welcome here anymore"
S~ " Jay, Erin please stay"
J~ " Mom I want to I really do but Erin's not welcome here so that means I'm not welcome here anymore either"
S~ " Erin is always welcome here!" I look at Erin and she nods so I reach for the ultrasound picture from yesterday before we left to come here and hand it to my mom
J~ " here ya go Mom" me and Erin walk out
R~ " what's that aunt sandy"
S~ " it's a ultrasound from jay and Erin"
R~ "wait Erin's pregnant"
S~ " I guess so" I start the car and look up to see Ryan flagging us down so we don't leave
R~ "Jay wait"
J~ "what Ryan"
R~ "come back inside both of you"
J~ " Ryan, Erin isn't welcome"
R~ " you think I give a damn what uncle pat thinks! You and Erin are ALWAYS welcome here jay"
I look over at Erin who is sitting quietly in the passenger seat looking at me
J~ " do you want to go back inside?"
E~ " yeah"
J~ " okay I guess were staying"
R~ " good, oh and congrats you two!"
E~ " thank you"
R~ "how are far along are you?"
E~ " only 2 months"
R~ " still congratulations you two!
J~ " thanks ry" me and Erin walk back inside and my dad is giving Erin a death stare
S~ " Patrick Halstead stop it or go somewhere! Erin is welcome anytime!"
P~ " whatever" my dad walk outside
S~ " I'm so sorry about him Erin"
E~ " it's fine, I deal with that everyday"
S~ " well Pat shouldn't talk or treat you like that"
E~ " it's fine really"
S~ " Erin your a really nice young lady and Jay is happy with you, and Pat should respect that. Also what is this" my mom holds up the ultrasound picture
J~ " Mom Erin is pregnant" her eyes light up
S~ " really! That amazing! Congratulations you two!!"
E~ " thank you!"
S~ "when is your due date?"
E~ " July 24th"
S~ " oh I'm to excited one of my sons are finally giving a grandchild before I die!" I start laughing so does Erin
E~ " well anytime you want to see him or her just come over"
S~ " oh honey your so sweet! Jay you made a great choice with her" I smile and nod
J~ " yeah I did didn't I" I wrap my arm around her waist
S~ " I'm so proud of how you changed your life around, we all know you were the definition of trouble when you went into the military"
J~ " thanks Mom" Erin looks up at me and smiles
E~ " is there anything I can help cook?"
J~ "Erin if you cook the cabin will be burned down" she starts laughing
E~ " that's probably true"
S~ " we have almost all the cooking done if you want to help me set the table and set everything out you can"
E~ " sounds great!" I watch Erin walk into the dining room
W~ " hey Jay come play I need somebody on my team!"
J~ " I'm coming
{ Erin's POV}
Me and jay's mom finished setting everything up for the dinner, so we walk to the back porch and I saw jay playing foot ball with Will and the rest of the Halstead men
S~ " I always thought he'd be playing for the bears or something with how much he loves football when he was younger"
E~ " yeah, he still loves it. Him and Antonio from our unit play at the house all the time"
S~ " I'm glad you are okay with him"
E~ " I'm more than okay with him, he's the only man that I've ever loved this much"
P~ " oh stop already"
S~ " Pat stop it! If you can't get along with Erin then you need to leave, she is jay's girlfriend and you don't have to like her but you need to respect her!" Jay's dad walked out and left
E~ " I'm sorry Mrs Halstead"
S~ " it was nothing you did honey, he's a miserable man who wants to make everyone else feel like him"
Me and Jay's Mom sat down and watched everyone play football and Jay got tackled more times then I can count
J~ " Ryan your on my team man!"
R~ " sorry I forgot" me and mrs Halstead started laughing
J~ " hey Er hold this for me please" he handed me his jacket
E~ " Jay you need to keep your jacket on"
J~ " it's getting in my way" he walks away and I put his jacket on.
S~ " he's so hardheaded, he always been like that"
E~ " yeah. He's been like that as long as I've know him"
S~ " how long have you know jay?"
E~ "almost 2 years"
S~ " oh wow. How long have you two been dating"
E~ "a year tomorrow actually"
S~ " oh wow!"
E~ "yeah, I know I just hope that he likes what I got him for Christmas"
S~ "what did you get him?"
E~ "I got him a key chain with the baby's first ultrasound but I have to put the picture in it"
S~ " oh he'll love that!"
E~ " I hope so"
S~ " if you don't mind asking why did you get that horrified look when I called you 'sweetie' earlier?"
E~ "about 3 months ago I was kidnapped and tortured. I don't tell anyone about that"
S~ " oh honey I'm so sorry! If I had known"
E~ " it's fine like I said I never talk about it"
S~ " well I'm glad your okay now, I've honestly never seen Jay so happy with anyone like he is with you"
E~ " I love him so much, he's actually the best thing that's happened to me in a very long time"
S~ " I'm glad to hear he's treating you right"
E~ " he treats me like I've never been treated. He makes me feel special"
S~ " that's good Jay always had some way to make someone feel special" jay's aunt Hannah walk out
H~ " sandy dinners done"
S~ " okay me and Erin will round up the boys for dinner"
S~ "boys it's dinner time!"
J~ " I should have kept my jacket on"
E~ " I tried to tell you, but you never listen" jay wraps his arms around my waist
J~ " I'm kinda warming up now"
E~ " well let's get inside and get some warm food in you"
J~ " I could eat"
E~ "when couldn't you" me and jay walk in and jay's dad is still giving the death stare, but jay's mom puts a stop to that real quick. Everyone was eating and jay's dad started talking
P~ " so Jay how long have you been with this girl?"
J~ " a year tomorrow"
P~ "and you've already gotten her pregnant"
J~ " dad just give it a rest, please"
P~ " you know how I feel about a kid before marriage"
J~ "yeah dad because we planned on this"
E~ "jay it's fine just please stop it"
P~ "yeah listen to your little girlfriend Jay" jay got up and stormed out and I chased after him
E~ "Jay wait please"
J~ " I don't know why he's such an asshole to you Er you didn't do anything to him"
E~ " it's okay baby" he places his hand on my stomach and leaned down
J~ " I don't care what my dad think about you baby, I love you and your mommy more than anything"
E~ " and we love you so much!"
J~ " let's go for a walk I need to get away from my dad for a bit"
E~ " alright" me and jay walk to this beautiful spot that looks like it was a small waterfall that was frozen
E~ " Jay this is beautiful!"
J~ " this is where I always went when I was little and needed to get away from my dad" I turn around to look back at the frozen waterfall and when I turn around I see jay on one knee
J~ "I was going to wait until we got home tomorrow to do this but I can't wait any longer, Erin Lindsay this year being with you realized how much I love and need you will you marry me" I was crying at this point
E~ " yes! A thousand time yes!" Jay slipped the ring on my finger and stood up and kissed me
J~ " I love you so much"
E~ " I love you more"
{Jay's POV}
Me and Erin walk back to the cabin and my mom is waiting for us on the front porch
S~ " I figured you went to your hiding place"
J~ " I'm sorry Mom, I just really didn't want to punch dad" my mom started laughing
S~ " I understand that, Erin honey you didn't grab your jacket before you walked out"
E~ "no ma'am I didn't think to grab one before I went after jay"
S~ " honey you look like a popsicle"
E~ " I'm fine really"
J~ " come on Er let's get you inside I'm sure your tired"
E~ " I'm fine babe" me, my mom, and Erin went inside. I got a blanket and Erin came and sat down on my lap so I covered her up and she rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I try to reach for my jacket to cover her shoulders but I couldn't reach it so my mom handed it to me
J~ " thanks Mom"
S~ " you know, I feel really bad about how your dad has treated Erin while you guys were here"
J~ " its not your fault Mom, oh shoot is that the time" the clock read 10:30PM
J~ "Er baby wake up we need to get going"
S~ "oh that's right you need to get back to Chicago don't you"
J~ "yeah, and it's going to be after midnight once we get home" once I get Erin up we head to the car.
S~ "by Jay, it was nice having you Erin please feel free to come with jay down here anytime you want to!"
E~ "thank you Mrs Halstead"  my Mom and all of my family said there goodbyes and we headed home.
Hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter! I will try to update sometime tomorrow!

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