Chapter 13

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{ Erins POV}
I wake up in Jay's arms and knowing tony was caught. I feel Jay move and try to get up alerting me he was up. I look over at the clock and it read 11:30AM
J~ " good morning beautiful"
E~ " hello handsome"
J~ " How'd you sleep?"
E~ " amazing for once"
J~ " that's good"
E~ " how about you?"
J~ " really good"
E~ " I'm so glad tony was caught"
J~ " me too, we can finally relax. Carefree, and worry-free"
E~ " well not carefree" I point to my baby bump
J~ " you know what I mean" he chuckles
E~ " yeah I know, now give ya girl a good morning kiss" he gives me a kiss.
J~ " so what do you want to do today?"
E~ " I'm not sure, what do you want to do?"
J~ " well I promised you a trip to baby's R us, so we're going there in a little bit. Umm how about we go get breakfast?"
E~ " that sounds amazing"
J~ " great ( he jumps off the bed excited) I know this really good place, it's called fresh express, amazing, me and will used to eat there all the time when we'd come visit! They have, pancakes, muffins, you name it they have it"
E~ " ooo that sounds so good, let's go"
J~ " Er, we have to get dressed first"
E~ " right"
{ Jay's POV}
I get dressed in my tan jeans, and my shirt Erin got me for Christmas that said " sorry lady's he taken" and Erin wore one of my CPD shirts with her maternity jeans
J~ " you ready babe?"
E~ " yup, let's go eat" we walk down the the lobby and one of the workers stop us
G~ " Mr Halstead"
J~ " yes?"
G~ " are you staying another night?"
J~ " yes, um another 2 nights actually"
G~ " amazing, so here's a gift certificate for the spa, and here's a key card for the gym if you use it"
J~ " awesome thank you" me and Erin walk out and get in our car. After a very short drive we're at the fresh express. When we get there my mom and dad are walking out
P~ " hey Jay. Oh good Erin's with you"
S~ " pat stop it"
E~ " hi Mrs and Mr Halstead"
S~ " hey honey! It's so good to see you!"
E~ " same here!"
S~ " when did you guys get here?"
J~ " a couple days ago"
S~ " why didn't you call us?"
P~ " because he's been to busy with his little girlfriend"
J~ " dad, that's not why"
P~ " they why then"
J~ " the guy that kidnaped Erin escaped prison and was looking for Erin, so I took her to the cabin! I would've called but tony is damn good at tracking peoples phones, he had my number and could've tracked it! I was keeping her safe!"
P~ " whatever" my dad walked away
J~ " I'm sorry mom, I know your probably mad at me"
S~ " oh honey, he's just being mean, you did what you thought was best for your girlfriend and child, I'm not mad, you made the right choice. So Erin how have you been"
E~ " oh your grandson tries to break my ribs quite often" they started laughing
S~ " ooo your having a boy! How exciting!!"
E~ " yeah, we're thrilled"
S~ " have you picked a name out for him yet?"
E~ " yes! We chose Jackson Avery Halstead!"
S~ " oh that's a wonderful name! I better get going, you know how your father is"
J~ " you mean a pain in my-"
S~ " besides that"
J~ " alright mom we'll see you later" Erin walks on in
S~ " if you want you two could come to dinner tonight"
J~ " mom we'd love to but it'd be weird and awkward with dad giving Erin the look that he wished she weren't there, thank you though, maybe once dad finally accepts the fact that I'm happy with her we'll come. But for now it's just weird"
S~ " I completely understand that, I love you Jay, I'll see you and Erin around"
J~ " love you too mom" I walk in and Erin's already I'm a booth waiting on me. I get in and sit beside her
E~ " I didn't know what you wanted to drink so I just got you a coke"
J~ " that's fine, what do you want to eat?"
E~ " I was thinking, this" she points to the pancake and fruit
J~ " that looks good! I think I'll get the same thing" after a few minuets our waiter comes back and takes our order
E~ " so what did you and your mom talk about?"
J~ " nothing really, just about how excited she is about Jackson" I lied
E~ " oh okay, so um since it's Saturday, why don't we go to Baby's R Us, and then head back to the hotel and enjoy that peace and quite?"
J~ " now that miss Lindsay is an amazing idea"
E~ " really"
J~ " yes, we can watch tv, you can relax a little more, and I get to spend time with the love of my life"
E~ " awe your the sweetest" she gives me a kiss and then our waiter comes out with our food
E~ " that was fast"
J~ " there're amazing! I told you, they make everything fresh so it doesn't take forever like normal places."
E~ " hmm"
J~ " not to mention the food is pretty damn good"
E~ " no kiddin, these pancakes are better than yours"
J~ " hey, hey, hey, I wouldn't go there now"  she giggles
E~ " okay, your are a bit better"
J~ " a bit, do you get to give them kisses while there making them? I think the hell not" this guy turned around
W~ " hey watch your mouth"
J~ " dude I'm 29 I can say what I want"
W~ " no ya can't" I flash my badge
J~ " try again"
W~ " sorry officer"
J~ " it's detective" I smirk,
W~ " my bad" the guy gets up and leaves
E~ " mmm detective Jay Halstead, my man"
J~ " yes ma'am I am" after a few minuets me and Erin finish eating, I pay the bill and leave a tip for our waiter and we head out
J~ " so what do you wanna get at Babys R Us?"
E~ " well I defiantly wanna look for some onesies, because we basically have none, um we need diapers and bottles, plus we need to look for stuff for his nursery"
J~ " alright"
W~ " aye yo detective"
J~ " what"
W~ " names Weston, weston pierce"
J~ " I'll be damned Weston my man" he pulls into a hug
W~ " how've you been man?"
J~ " good how yourself been stayin out of trouble?"
J~ " oh sorry Erin, Weston this is my girlfriend Erin, Erin this is Weston. We went to high-school together"
E~ " hi"
W~ " damn you got yourself a good lookin girl and a kid on the way, plus your a cop. Who woulda thought"
J~ " yeah, I was defiantly hell on wheels in high school"
W~ "no kiddin, the last thing the basketball team thought was that you'd be in a good place like you are now"
J~ " well, Erin's helped me a lot, she defiantly keeps me on my toes"
E~ " hey you like being kept on your toes"
W~ " when are you due?"
E~ " may 15th"
W~ " wow that's not far"
E~ " nope, but we can't wait to meet our little guy!"
W~ " your havin a boy?"
J~ " yup, we've named him Jackson"
W~ " that's amazing bro, I'm happy for you really I am, listen I better get going, Amelia is waiting at home for me"
J~ " damn your still with her"
W~ " yeah, she puts up with all of my bullshit"
J~ " wow, 10 years later who woulda thought"
W~ " well here's my number we'll have to really catch up some time"
J~ " I don't live here"
W~ " where do you live?"
J~ " we live in Chicago"
W~ " alright well I'm headin up there in a couple weeks both of us actually, so um text me the address and we'll meet up, have a beer or something"
J~ " sounds good, see ya man" me and Erin get in our car and head off
E~ " wow, that's the Weston you've been talking about?"
J~ " yeah, I almost didn't recognize him"
E~ " yeah I know, you looked like you were going to punch him"
J~ " I woulda if I hadn't known it was him" we arrive at baby's R Us and Erin squeals with excitement,
E~ " Jay hurry up"
J~ " babe I'm right behind you, ERIN LOOK OUT!" I grab her and pull her into me as a car swerved into the side walk, crashing into the wall and Erin screams
E~ " what the hell was that"
J~ " you okay?"
E~ " I think so" I run to the car and I see a little boy about 5 or 6
J~ " hey buddy, you okay"
P~ " I think so, how's Alexa "
J~ " I'll be right back" I walk to the front and see the lady and feel for a pulse but she was gone
P~ " hey, how's alexa !"
J~ " she's okay, whats  your name bud?"
P~ " Parker, Parker Karve"
J~ " Parker, I'm jay, and this is Erin, listen I need you to stay really still for me bud, you here the sirens those are ambulances and fire trucks, they'll be here any second"  Parker doesn't listen to me and gets out and hugs me tightly
P~ " okay, Jay, please don't leave me"
J~ " I won't, where's your dad"
P~ " my mom and dad are working, Alexa's my babysitter"
J~ " what's your mom and dads name"
P~ " jo and Alex Karve, their doctors"
J~ " okay, listen Erin is gonna stay with you while I go and see if I can't get ahold of your mom and dad"
P~ " Jay, please don't leave me"
J~ " okay, do you have a phone" he reaches into his pocket and grabs his babysitters phone, I toss it to Erin and she scrolls though it until she finds the parents number
{ Erin's POV}
*on the phone*
A~ " Alexa, hey how's Parker
E~ " Mr Karev, this is Erin Lindsay I work for the Chicago police department, your sons been in a car crash at Baby's R Us"
A~ " what, me and my wife are on our way!" He hangs up the phone
P~ " are my mom and dad coming?"
E~ " yup their on their way"
P~ " why isn't Alexa moving"
J~ " Shes sleeping"
P~ " oh okay"
J~ " why don't we go over here" me, Jay, and Parker walk over to the other side of the building after a while  Alex and Jo arrive and jump out of their car
Jo~ " Parker!" Parker runs to his mom and dad and they hug him tightly
A~ " thank god your okay, ( he looks up at me and jay) are you Erin?"
E~ " yes, and this is Jay"
Jo~ " thank you for helping our little boy"
J~ " Don't thank us, we wanted to help him"
A~ " no thank you, how's Alexa?" Jay shakes his head
Jo~ " oh my god"
P~ " she's sleeping" Jay kneels down
J~ " Parker do you remember what happened before you crashed?"
P~ " ummm I think Alexa fell asleep and then I heard screaming and then we ran into the wall"
J~ " that's great bud"
Jo~ " so um your cops?"
E~ " yeah, we work in Chicago we're vacationing here"
Jo~ " when are you due?"
E~ " may 15th"
Jo~ " congrats, you'll defiantly hate your husband while your in labor but it's totally worth it"
A~ " you shoulda heard some of the things she said to me" we all lightly chuckle
Jo~ " Parker what do you say to these people" he walked up to us and gives us a hug
P~ " thank you for helping me"
E~ awh! Your welcome bud" Parker and his parents leave
J~ " soo you still wanna go inside?"
E~ " No, I just wanna go home" we walk back to the car and I'm still shaking
J~ " you alright?"
E~ " that just really scared me"
J~ " hey at least Parker's alright"
E~ " yeah"
J~ " what's going on in the beautiful head of yours?"
E~ " I'm not too sure, everything is"
J~ " talk to me, what's going on?"
E~ " I don't know, I just- I look at Parker and I see Jackson, we haven't even held him yet but I'm already looking at the kids we help like my own"
J~ " Er that's natural, your going to do that, and you can tell me all ya want, it's going to happen"
E~ " I know"
J~ " come on let's get you back to the hotel"
E~ " listen when we get back there better be some PJ's when we get there"
J~ " okay, I'll get you some out while you go wash your face off"
E~ " sounds perfect" I smiled at him
J~ " hey why don't we just head back to Chicago tonight?"
E~ " why?"
J~ " well I'm sure you wanna get back home and relax in our bed instead of these hotel beds"
E~ " mm that does sound really good, sure, besides I kinda miss everyone even though there a pain in our ass"
J~ " well more Adam then anybody else"
E~ " true, when we get back let pack and head home"
J~ " alright. When we get home Adam told me him and Kim picked out a crib for Jackson"
E~ " well at least it wasn't all Adam, we'd be screwed if he was just him alone picking something out"  Jay laughs
{Jay's POV}
J~ " that's true" after a few minuets we finally arrive at the hotel and head up to our room
G~ " Mr Halstead somebody left this for you after you two left" he hands me a note
J~ " thank you, um we'll be back down in a bit for check out"
G~ " I thought you two were staying a few more nights"
J~ " we've decided to head back home, we love it here but we miss home"
G~ " okay, let me know if you need any help with anything"
J " will do" we get in the elevator
E~ " I think Garrett has a crush on you"
J~ " nah"
E~ " I'm pretty sure he does, I know a crush when I see one, and who can blame him, your hot"
J~ " shut up" I laughs
E~ " hey all I'm sayin is he lovveeesss you"
J~ " that's not funny"
E~ " its a little funny"
J~ " Erin"
E~ " Jay"
J~ " okay, It's a little funny" Erin and Erin start laughing
E~ " I'm sorry, it's just funny. Now he better back off, your mine" we get out of the elevator and head to our room to pack up.
J~ " so um when we get home I've got a couple things I had Kevin finish up for me, it's for Jackson's nursery so you can't see it since it's a surprise"
E~ " okay Mr bossy" she said causing me to laugh
J~ " well it's a surprise, I might even have Kim take you out while I finish it"
E~ " so when Kim says ' let's go out' I'm to assume that your finishing up the nursery?"
J~ " exactly" me and Erin finish packing up and make our way down to the lobby
E~ " here wear this" she hands me a gold band
J~ " Erin where did you get this"
E~ " I have people, now put it on"
J~ " left or right?"
E~ " left ring finger, Garrett is gonna leave you along because we're married"
J~ " oooo clever"
E~ " ya girl has good ideas ever now and again" we step out of the elevator and Garrett greets us
G~ " Mr Halstead"
E~ " gah"
G~ " sorry miss Lindsay didn't mean to startle you"
E~ " it's actually Mrs Halstead"
G~ " you two are married?"
E~ " yeah"
G~ " I had no clue"
J~ " yeah, we've been married for a while now, I just wear my ring on a chain"
G~ " ohhh okay, well I hope your stay was good"
J~ " it was, well defiantly be coming back"  me and Erin walk to the car and put our luggage in the trunk
E~ " see I told you that would work"
J~ " maybe I should listen to you more"
E~ " maybe you should" she says in a snarky tone
J~ " oh my god what did I start" I smile at her
E~ " hey, I'm not that bad"
J~ " no your not" I grab her waist and pull her closer to me and give her a kiss
J~ " I'm driving" I grab the keys from her
E~ " Jay, don't push it" I let out a innocent smile
J~ " please?"
E~ " fine, only because I don't feel like having you give me the puppy dog eyes the whole ride home"
J~ " you my angel"
E~ " I know" we get in the car and head back home.
After a almost 4 hour drive due to damn traffic we finally reach home, and it's almost 9 at night
E~ " ugh it feels so good to finally be able to relax in our own house"
J~ " no kidding"
E~ " I'm going to throw my PJ's on"
J~ " alright" after a few minuets she comes back in an over sized tee shirt and shorts
E~ " you hungry?"
J~ " yeah, what to we have to eat?"
E~ " we ain't got shit, Kevin must have been here" I laugh
J~ " do we have anything?"
E~ " we have lucky charms"
J~ " well I'm starving, so pass me a bowl" Erin hands me a bowl and grabs her one as well as the milk
E~ " we'll be going to the store tomorrow"
J~ " yup, how's my little buddy doin?"
E~ " he's fine, before we got home we was kicking up a storm, as for me I'm exhausted"
J~ " we have an appointment tomorrow"
E~ " what?"
J~ " it says on this card we have an OB/GYN appointment tomorrow"
E~ " good thing we came home, I completely forgot"
J~ " yeah, well we better get to bed" Erin walks into the bed room and I'm behind her with my hand on her back.
E~ " goodnight babe"
J~ " good night, love you"
E~ " I lo-" she didn't finish what she was saying before she fell asleep with her head on my chest.
BAM new chapter! I hope you like this one! I'll be updating tomorrow hopefully maybe today again who knows!

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