Chapter 9

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Christmas Day
{Jay's POV}
I felt Erin stir which made me think she was awake I carefully wrap my arms around her
E~ " good morning"
J~ " good morning merry Christmas"
E~ "merry Christmas"
J~ " you hungry?"
E~ " yeah"
J~ "I'll go make us breakfast" I get out of bed and see more presents than what was under the tree last night when I went to bed
J~ "hey Er?"
E~ "Yeah"
J~ "did you put more presents under the tree after I went to sleep"
E~ " jay you had your arms wrapped around me"
J~ "if you didn't do it then who did?"
H~ " I did"
E~ "Hank merry Christmas!"
H~ "merry Christmas kiddo!"
J~ "merry Christmas hank"
H~ " same Halstead"
E~ "okay hank you need to open ummm this one first" Erin handed hank the present with a onesie that said 'my grandpa is the best Sargent in chicago' and I have no clue how she found it on such short notice
H~ " okay first of all I'm confused as hell"
E~ " read the onesie hank"
H~ " I've read it 15 times and I'm still confused"
E~ " hank I'm pregnant" Erin said smiling
H~ " really!"
E~ " yes really!"
H~ " congratulations you two!"
J~ " thank you"
H~ " Halstead I've never said this and if you repeat any of this to anyone I will put you in the bottom of river. But I've always kinda liked you two together"
E~ " this is just the beginning of our life" I smile thinking of the fact that Erin is happy. with everything that we've been though this year you'd expect she'd be ready to give up but she's Erin and she's a hardheaded pain in the ass but she's my hardheaded pain in the ass and I love her. Hank left about a hour later so me and Erin  opened our presents and I got Erin a bracelet with Camille's initials on it and hers, plus a dolphin which was Nadia's favorite animal
E~ "jay I love this thank you so much"
J~ " when the baby is born you can but his or her initials on it as well"
E~ " thank you! I love it"
J~ " it's nothing, I knew you'd love it"  I open a small box with a keychain in it and it has the baby's first ultrasound picture in it
J~ " babe I love this!" I stand up and get my keys to put it on
E~ " I'm glad you like it, here open this one too" when I open the next one it has a picture of me and Erin from our very first date
J~ " I remember when this was taken! Adam and Kim took it"
E~ " yeah and Kim sent it to me, so I put on a key chain, I know key chains are kinda dumb but this way you'll have me and the baby with you at work and out in the field"
J~ " I love this more than anything, and keychains aren't dumb because I lose almost everything except my keys" Erin starts laughing
E~ " yeahhhhh you do lose everything but your keys"
J~ " hey I'm not gonna lose you"
E~ " true, especially now that we're engaged"
J~ " oh your stuck with me now"
E~ " yes I am, and I love it" I give Erin a kiss and then we open a little bit more of our presents. I also got Erin a new bullet vest that said E.Halstead
E~ " okay now this I love!"
J~ " I knew you'd like if of course you can't use it until after we're married but now you don't have to go threw all of that pain in the ass paper work to get a new vest"
E~ " thank you so much, i- seriously I love this!"
J~ " I'm glad" I smile
E~ " oh god there's that damn Halstead smile that I fell for two years ago"
J~ " this smile will be here forever"
E~ " good, I'll never get tired of it" me and Erin were just about to lay down and watch 'a Christmas kiss' when there was a knock at the door
J~ " Er did you invite anyone over?"
E~ " no, did you"
J~ " no"  I get the door and it's my mom
J~ " Mom! Hi what are you doing here?"
S~ " well your dad left for Porto Rico last night after you left, so I decided that I'd spend Christmas with my two sons"
E~ " Mrs Halstead, hi!"
S~ " Erin, Hi Honey!"
E~ "are you hungry? Jay made breakfast"
S~ " oh no dear I went though someplace and got some breakfast, thank you though"
J~ " will should be here any minuet now"  as I said that will bursted though the door
W~ " merry Christmas people!" Me, Mom, And Erin started laughing.
S~ " merry Christmas William"
W~ " Mom it's Will"
S~ " well I'm still going to call you William"
J~ " alright let's get the rest of these presents open" everyone got the presents open
W~ " wow, thank you I love it!" Will said holding up a new holder for his hospital badge
J~ "well your always losing your badge so this away you won't lose it"
W~ " thank baby bro! Hey Mom where's dad"
S~ " he went to Porto Rico last night after jay and Erin left"
W~ " oh that's right"
J~ "why did he go to Porto Rico?"
S~ " well to be honest I don't know, he said he just needed to get away from Wisconsin"
J~ " ohhh okay"
S~ " oh Erin I almost forgot, this is for you"
E~ " oh Mrs Halstead you didn't have to"
S~ " I know I didn't but I wanted to" Erin opened the present and it had a picture of us from yesterday at the Christmas Eve dinner, it was taken outside in front of a frozen waterfall. My mom had decorated a frame to say Erin and Jay Halstead
E~ " oh Mrs Halstead I love it so much, thank you!"
S~ " it's nothing honey"
E~ " this probably the best give I've ever gotten from a mother"
S~ "what about your mom?"
E~ " my actual mom I don't talk about, and the woman I actually thought of my mom died 3 years ago, so it's just me, my dad, and brother"
S~ " oh that's horrible, at least you have them"
E~ " yeah, I love them but my dad can be a pain in my butt sometimes"
S~ " I'm sure" my mom laughed
J~ " hey I've got an idea, why don't you call hank and see if him and Justin want to join us all for breakfast at the diner across the street?"
E~ " okay I'm sure they'll like that"
S~ " hank is your father correct"
E~ " well not technically but he's taken care of me since I was 13, so I consider him my father"
S~ " so justin isn't really your brother?"
E~ " technically no, but like hank I consider him my brother since they've taken care of me since I was 13"
My mom nodded and Erin went to her her phone to call hank, a couple minuets later Erin walks out
E~ " hey babe, hank said him and Justin will meet us at the diner, so we need to get ready"
J~ " okay um mom you know where the fridge is help yourself to a drink"
S~ " okay"
E~ " so uh justin doesn't know I'm pregnant, so be careful you know he is not a fan of you at all"
J~ "thanks for the heads up"
E~ " jay look" Erin is standing in front of our mirror and shows me that she is starting to show a little bit.
J~ " our little cubs fan is growing"
E~ " how do you know he or she is going to be a cubs fan?"
J~ " just guessing" me and Erin get changed and walk out
S~ " Jay I thought you didn't drink anymore"
J~ " I don't drink like I used to but I like to have a beer or two after work"
S~ "well you told me you stopped drinking all together"
J~ " no Mom I said I didn't drink as much" my mom stormed out pissed off
E~ "what was that about"
J~ "before I joined the academy I had a bit of a drinking problem, and after I graduated the academy I didn't drink that much but like I do now I only have a couple of beers at home after work"
E~ "why was your mom so mad though"
J~ "because my dad used to have a horrible drinking problem, so she thought I'd grow up like him"
E~ " I'm sorry baby" she kissed my forehead
J~ " it's not your fault"
E~ " I'm going to call hank and tell him we're not going to the diner"
J~ " Er lets go, I'm fine" she knew I was lying
E~ " Jay your not fine, I know you too well"
J~ " okay I'm kinda hurt that my mom just stormed out like that and didn't give me time to explain"
E~ " why don't we just lay down on the couch"
J~ " I like that idea a lot" Erin called hank and told him we weren't going to the diner and he was okay with it. Me and Erin basically hung out for the rest of the night and eventually fell asleep.

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