Chapter 4

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Jay's POV
Erin's been in the hospital for 2 weeks now and she's done with this place. Will came in and Erin like I said is d o n e with this place
E~ " will if your not telling me I can go home then You better turn around and walk out"
W~ " actually you can leave this afternoon, if you change the attitude" Erin's eyes lit up with excitement
E~ "really!"
W~ " yeah! Your wounds are healing nicely and I'd say your stitches can come out today too!"
E~ " thanks will!"
W~ " yup" Will walked out and Erin looked at me like it was Christmas morning
E~ " I can't believe I get to go home today!"
J~ " I kinda knew you could do home today"
E~ " what the hell are you talking about freckles" Erin and will love calling me freckles I don't know why
J~ " well Will told me last week if you kept sleeping well and your wounds kept healing like they are you could go home today" Erin gave me this death stare
J~ " damn if looks could kill" Erin started laughing E~ " okay I wasn't trying to kill you, I just really want to go home"
J~ " I know you do babe, only a few more hours"
E~ " good I hate hospitals!"
J~ " me to!"
E~ " so uh I was wandering, have you thought about moving in with me?"
J~ " I kinda already had Antonio and kev move my stuff to your place" a huge smile formed in her face and she leaned over and gave me a kiss.
J~ " I take it as your happy about that" I said laughing
E~ " yeah, I can't wait to see what the feature holds"
Erin's never been one to look ahead of next week so when she said I was surprised.
J~ " me either"
{Two Hours Later}
Will came in with Erin's discharge papers and Erin signed them
J~ " you ready to go"
E~ " hell yeah!"
W~ " here you are princess" Will said bringing Erin a wheelchair
E~ " first of all if you call me princess again your ass will be in a coma and second of all I'm not riding in that"
W~ " sorry Erin it's hospital rules" Erin got in the wheelchair and will took Erin to where my car was and then left
Erin's POV
Me and jay were leaving med and I was absolutely craving a frozen hot chocolate!
J~ " hey babe is there anywhere you'd like to go?"
E~ " do you think we could go to dunkin doughnuts?"
J~ " sure! What do you want from there?"
E~ " a Frozen Hot Chocolate"
J~ " what the hell is a frozen hot chocolate"
E~ " it's like a hot chocolate milkshake it's really good!"
J~ " okay whatever you say" he said laughing. We pulled into dunkin doughnuts and he ordered our drinks. He got a coffee and I got my drink
J~ " alrighty a frozen hot chocolate for miss Lindsay"
E~ " why thank you kinda sir" jay started laughing causing me to laugh which I regretted because a pain shot up my side and belly
J~ " you good?"
E~ " yeah I just can't laugh like that yet"
J~ " okay"
Me and Jay got home and I sat down on the couch and tried to relaxed which is always extremely hard for me
J~ " you okay babe?"
E~ " yeah I just never have been able to relax like normal people can"
J~ " oh okay do you want anything?"
E~ " ummm yeah, for you to come sit down with me"
J~ " I can do that" jay walked over to the couch and sat down and I laid down with my head on his lap attempting to relax and I dozed off and I could feel Jay try to move my head as softly as he could with out waking me up. Around 7:45 I heard a knock at the door and jay got it
B~ " who the hell are you!"
J~ " I'm Jay Halstead. Who the hell are you?"
B~ " I'm bunny Erin's Mom is she here?"
J~ " yeah but she's sleeping right now so you'll have to come back later"
B~ " I think I'll wait for her to wake up here"
E~ " babe who's here"
B~ " babe! What the hell your dating him"
E~ " yeah I am"
B~ " oh honey you could do soooo much better then this" I could feel my blood boiling
E~ " okay you know what I'm 28 years old, who I date, or hang out with is none of your business"
B~ " Erin! That's extremely disrespectful!"
E~ " you wanna talk to me about disrespect, then maybe you should learn what respect is" I slammed the door in her face
J~ " what was that about?"
E~ " that as you know is my mother, she's the one I told you about"
J~ " Er if I'd had known I would've told her to leave"
E~ " it's fine, can we go lay back down please?"
J~ "yeah" me and Ja laid back down on the couch and fell asleep after watching a couple episodes of
'friends'. When I woke up I looked at my phone and it read 4:30 am so I woke jay back up
E~ " jay? Baby, wake up let's go lay down in the bed room"
J~ " what time is it"
E~ " it's 4:30"
J~ " alright let's go lay down" jay helped me off the couch and we went to lay down in our room when we heard this loud crash that sounded like our door being kicked in so jay grabbed his gun and went to the living room
J~ " CPD"
Intruder~ "FBI holster your gun officer!"
J~ " after you!"
Jay's POV
Both me and the FBI agent holstered their guns and Erin walked out
E~ "babe is everything okay?"
FBI~ " who are you?"
E~ " I'm detective Erin Lindsay and this is detective Jay Halstead, who are you?"
FBI~ " I'm special agent Oscar Emerson"
J~ " what the hell are you doing here it's 5 in the morning"
O~ " me and my partner got a call saying there was a drug operation going on in this apartment"
E~ " does it look like there's a damn drug operation going on here!"
O~ " I'm apologize miss-" Erin cut him off like she normally does when she's pissed
E~ " it's detective"
O~ " detective, my bad. Anyways I apologize but like I said me and my partner-"
J~ " you keep saying you and your partner, where the hell is your partner?"
O~ " she's coming up now" as Oscar said that his partner walked in
S~ " hi I'm Selena Copeland nice to meet you detectives"
J~ " hi I'm Jay Halstead and this is Erin Lindsay"
S~ " yeah,yeah I head over the microphone. So um when are you free for a drink detective?"
J~ " ummm half past never" Erin looked at me and smiled
S~ " so tomorrow then?"
E~ " umm no he's taken" she wraps her hand around my arm and leans her head on my shoulder
S~ " okay okay I get it now"
O~ " alright Copeland lets go I'm sure they want to get back to bed now"
E~ " well thanks for stopping by I hope we never see each other like this again unless we're working"
S~ " I hope I get to see Halstead again"
E~ " he's taken for the last time"
S~ " I'm kidding" Erin was giving one of her death stares and closed the door
J~ " alright let's get back to bed I'm exhausted"
E~ " yeah me too, and you have to get back up in 2 hours don't you?"
J~ " yeah I do"
E~ " jay can I please come to work with you I don't like being home alone anymore"
J~ " I don't think hank is going to like that"
E~ " and you think I give a crap what hank thinks"
J~ " okay you can come buttt your not going in the field"
E~ " jay it hurts to bend over. Do you think I want to be running and jumping"
J~ " I guess not" I said chuckling
E~ " come on let's go lay down"
Hey guys!! Sorry it took sooo long for me to update but I've been really busy lately! I will be updating again tonight though!

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