Chapter 10

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February 23,2015
Jay's POV
E~ " hey Jay we need to get going"
J~ " where are we going?"
E~ " I have an OBG/YN appointment today remember"
J~ " oh that's right"
E~ " yeah the doctor said that since I'm now 5 months along we get to find out if we're going to have another you or another me around"
J~ " oh really! Plus we get to find out if hanks going to murder me if we have a boy or not " me and Erin got in the car and 'found you' by kane brown came on and me and Erin love that song
J~ " cause I'd never found you at the random house party I didn't even want to go to, the way to move had me first time feelin' in a while that I should make one too, some times the finish line is just the start is something new. If I'd never lost her I'd never found you"
E~ " hey when we get married we should have this as our first dance song!" I was still singing so I wasn't paying attention.
E~ " Jay, focus!" Erin clapped her hands
J~ " sorry babe, what"
E~ " I said we should have this as our first dance when we get married"
J~ " that sounds perfect!" We arrive at the doctors office and Erin signs in, we only wait a few minuets before we get called
Nurse~ " Dr Bailey will be in shortly"miranda has been a really good friend of mine and Erin's since we met
E~ " thank you"
J~ " so do you want a boy or a girl?"
E~ " I think it would be interesting to have another you around"
J~ " so you want a boy?"
E~ " yeah what about you?"
J~ " I kinda want a girl, I mean I love you so this will be another mini you for me to love"
E~ " well I don't care as long as he or she is heathy"
J~ " yeah" it was a while before the doctor came in to I rested my head on Erin's baby bump
B~ " Erin, it's so nice to see you again, Jay pick your head up"
J~ " yes ma'am" I pick my head up and she lifts Erin's shirt so she can start the ultrasound,
B~ " so did you want to find out if your having a boy or a girl or wait?"
E~ " we want to know now" before Miranda could say Jay got a phone call that he had to take.
B~ " okay, congrats your having a....."
Erin's POV
Me and Jay headed for 21st
J~ " hey Er, hank is having this kid do a ride along/ training thing with us today,I think he said his name is Alex something"
E~ "sounds like a boat load of fun" I roll my eyes
J~ " I know right"
E~ " now remember your a teacher don't be a hard ass"
J~ " you were one to me"
E~ " I also gave you a boat load of encouragement and support, I didn't drop kick you into the deep end of the pool and yell 'swim, idiot" He started laughing
J~ " actually you did do that once" I slapped him  as we walked into the district
A~ " umm detectives Halstead and Lindsay?"
J~ " yup that's us, Alex right?"
A~ " yes sir Alex Slone"
E~ " nice to meet you Alex I'm Erin and this is Jay"
A~ " I must say I've never had such a beautiful teacher"
E~ " I'm before this go ANY farther I have a fiancé"
A~ " damnit maybe one day"
E~ "maybe not. I don't sleep with people I'm training" Jay leaned over and whispered
J~ " you slept with me"
E~ " shut up"
A~ " so where are we going first"
E~ " well normally me and jay head upstairs to check and see if hank needs us for the day and if not then we take a car and ride around kinda like we're working on the streets"
A~ " sounds fun"
J~ " kinda after two hours in the car with Erin and she gets board then she gets mouthy"
E~ " I do not"
J~ " okay princess"
E~ " call me that again and I will have hank put you on desk duty" I turn to my side to walk upstairs
A~ " woah your pregnant?"
E~ " yes, got a problem?"
A~ " no I just- you didn't look like you were, how far along are you?"
E~ " 5 month"
A~ " congrats"
E~ " thank you" we walk upstairs
H~ " hey Erin Dawson's lookin for ya"
E~ " where is he?"
H~ " he's down in the basement"
E~ " ohhh who's in the cage" hank starts laughing
H~ " someone you've been dying to see in it"
E~ " well jay's not in it sooo Charlie"
H~ " go see" I start running
J~ " Erin don't run"
E~ " kiss my ass"
{ Jay's POV}
A~ " your sleeping with her" I give a smirk
J~ " maybe"
A~ " Damn your lucky"
J~ " yeah once you get to know Erin she's really amazing"
A~ " she looks like she'd be fun in bed"
J~ " okay, look man, that's my fiancé, keep the words that are sexual in your head and do not stare at her ass, and if I catch you starring at her you'll be the next person in the cage, understood"
A~ " yes sir"
J~ " and also don't 'sir' me"
A~ " yes si- I mean okay"
J~ " good kid, and also your what 20?"
A~ " I'm 23"
J~ " well Erin's 28, and she only dates guys older than her by one year"
A~ "when why is she engaged to you? Your like 38"
J~ " not funny I'm 28"
A~ " oh my bad"
J~ " look drop that attitude or I'll drop it for you"
H~ " Halstead, Lindsay wants you down stairs"
J~ " alright, Alex stay here and don't insult Kevin or he'll throw you out the window"
A~ " noted" I walk down stairs to the basement and see Charlie in the cage with Antonio and Erin 
J~ " this looks fun"
C~ " shut the f" before he could finish Erin slapped him and then grabbed his face
E~ " do. Not. Talk to him like that"
C~ " you crazy bitch"
E~ " yes I am" she pushed his face away and walked away
E~ " hey baby" she gave me a quick kiss
J~ " having fun?"
E~ " yes I am, but we have to go"
J~ " where are we going?"
E~ " me, you, and Alex are going a patrol so go change"
J~ " correction me and Alex are going on patrol, your not going anywhere"
E~ " Jay" she warned
J~ " don't 'Jay' me it's for you and the baby's protection"
E~ " if you weren't so damn cute I'd punch you" Erin walked back upstairs
J~ " I love you too" I chuckled
C~ " you two are so gross"
J~ " shut up"
An~ " hey I'll watch Erin while your gone"
J~ " thanks Antonio"
An~ " no problem" I walk upstairs and see Erin in the locker room changing with Alex peaking his head around the corner starring at her
J~ " what did I tell you"
A~ " sorry I couldn't help myself"
J~ " well you better watch yourself she's mine. Er why are you changing
E~ " I had blood over this from where Charlie spit on me. Don't worry I slaped him"
A~ " well aren't you aggressive"
E~ " keep hitting on me and you'll see just how aggressive I can be. Hey Jay do you know where my shirt is that I keep in here?" Alex walked out
J~ " did you check the top shelf?"
E~ " yeah it's not there" I walk over to my locker and grab my long sleeve CPD shirt and hand it to her
J~ " here wear this, I'm sure it'll be more comfortable"
E~ " thank you" she puts it on
J~ " no problem, besides it looks way better on you"
E~ " whatever" we walk out to the bullpen and Erin walks over to her desk
E~ " hank where the hell did all these papers come from"
H~ " the printer" everyone starts laughing
E~ " haha very funny, but I'm serious where did it come from?"
H~ "as I said the-"
E~ " yeah, yeah the printer" she starts doing her papers. I walk back to the locker room and change into my patrol uniform
A~ " so um is Erin coming with us?"
J~ " no, it's just us"
A~ " damnit, we would've had more fun, I mean I would have"
J~ "what did I tell you? She is mine back off"
A~ "no can do brother" I slam him up against the lockers
J~ " first of all do not call me 'brother' and second of all I've told you she is taken." Erin walks in with Kevin and I drop Alex
E~ " Jay is everything okay?"
J~ " everything's fine"
A~ " no everything's not fine he tried to kill me"
E~ " well you must've given him a good reason"
A~ " I did nothing"
E~ "mhm" she walks over to me
E~ " what happened"
J~ " he keeps mouthing off"
E~ " are you sure that's all?"
J~ " he keeps talking about you"
E~ " Kevin take him out of him" she points to Alex and Kevin grabs him by the collar of his shirt and walks him out
E~ " Jay listen to me, I haven't said anything because Alex is just a pain in the ass who flirts with every girl he sees, but I love you not him, I'm with you, and I plan on staying with you for the rest of my life. Give me your hand" she grabs my hand and places it on her baby bump
E~ "WE are never leaving you" I smile
J~ " I love you"
E~ " I love you more"
J~ " I better get changed hm?"
E~ " I have a better idea"
J~ " and what is that?"
E~ " I'll be right back" she walks out and comes back a few minuets later
E~ " let's go home"
J~ " Er I can't"
E~ " yes we can, hank gave us the day off, I told him I wasn't feeling good which I'm not"
J~ " Er, I- I have to work, as much as I'd love to go home, I just can't"
E~ " okay that's fine I'll see if Kevin will drive me home, I love you"
J~ " I'll be home soon"
E~ " okay" she started to walk out
J~ " oh Er by the way I love you too" she smiled and walked out.
A~ " is the princess leaving?"
J~ " call her princess again and I'll stuff you in a locker"
A~ " sorry, but she's hot"
J~ " that's it, leave this district now!"
A~ " or what you'll punch me"
J~ " nah I don't want to loose my job over a turd like you" I walk out into hanks office
J~ " hey hank can we talk?"
H~ " sure, what's up?"
J~ " Alex has to go"
H~ " what's he doing"
J~ " well for one he's been hitting on Erin since he saw her" he cut me off
H~ " bring him in here" I walk out
J~ " hank wants you in his office"
{ hanks POV}
Alex walks in
H~ " sit down" he quickly sits down
H~ " I heard you've been hitting on Erin"
A~ " I wouldn't say hitting on her but for the most part yeah"
H~ " Erin has a fiancé, you hit on her again and I will have your job"
A~ " yesh over protective?" I chuckle trying not to want to strangle this little ass
H~ " yes over protective Erin's like my daughter, she has Jay and there engaged, you will stay away from her or you'll never work in Chicago as a cop again. Now leave"
{ Erin's POV}
Kevin dropped me off at the house and I hung around watching 'grey's anatomy' because Jay doesn't really like it. I heard a knock at the door
E~ "baby, did you forget your key again?" I open it to see Alex
A~ "nah baby, you didn't give me one"
E~ " oh, hey Alex. Waittt how the hell did you find me and jay's place?"
A~ " oh I looked though your file"
E~ " get out!" Before I could push him out the door he kissed me. I quickly pull back and slap him
E~ " don't ever do that again!"
A~ " come on baby, you know you enjoyed that kiss"
E~ " leave before I call Jay! Now" I try to push him out the door and he over powers me. I heard the door open
E~ " Jay!" I yell hoping it was him
J~ " Alex, what the hell!" He quickly pushed off of me
A~ " hey she came onto me"
E~ " bullshit! I did not"
J~ " Alex I told you to stay away from her!" Jay started punching him. I grab my phone and call hank
E~ " Jay calm down! Hank hurry up and get here Alex is here and jay's is beating the crap out of him!" Hank hung up the phone.
E~ " Jay! Please" he stopped punching Alex
E~ " calm down, I'm- I mean we're okay"
J~ " you sure you two are okay"
E~ " yes we're fine, I promise, hanks on his way to take the trash out" he lightly chuckled
J~ " okay"
H~ " I'm here. You let's go now!" He grabbed Alex by his ear and drug him out of the apartment.
J~ " I'm so glad you both are okay" he looked down at the floor
E~ " hey look at me, I'm okay so is the baby. Ouch"
J~ " what's wrong" I smiled Then grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly
E~ " he's defiantly going to be good at kicking down doors like his daddy"
J~ " wait it's a boy!"
E~ " yeah, I was going to tell you when you got home, but other things happened"
J~ " oh my god this is amazing!"
E~ " I know, I can't wait to finally meet him"
J~ " me either"
E~ " are you hungry?"
J~ " yeah, kinda. What did you have in mind?"
E~ " I don't know. What do you want?"
J~ " well we can go get something or I could cook"
E~ " I have a better idea, why don't we order some pizza and stay home"
J~ " alright I'll go get my phone"
E~ " okay" Jay ordered the pizza and I turned Netflix on and we watched ' the boss baby' for like the millionth time. There was a knock at the door and jay went to get it
J~ " alrighty here's our pizza"
E~ " yay, I'm starving!" Me and jay ate and chilled out on the couch for the rest of the night.
BAM new chapter! Sorry it took so long to update I've been working on my AU linstead book more than this one! But I will try to update again soon!

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