Chapter 6

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Erin's POV
Me and Jay were in the car and I'm still not allowed to drive until my cuts fully heal which sucks and my favorite song 'meant to be' by bebe rexha featuring florida Georgia line came on and jay was switching  the radio
E~ " jay I love this song!"
J~ " really I never knew you like florida Georgia Line."
E~ " oh I don't I just like this song"
J~ " okay" he said laughing
E~ " i don't mean to be so uptight, but my hearts been hurt a couple times by a couple guys that didn't treat me right I ain't gonna lie, if it's meant to be, let it be,baby just let it be"
J~ " I love hearing you sing Er"
E~ " really?"
J~ " yeah, your the only one I really like to hear sing"
E~ " your so sweet. But I suck at singing"
J~ " no the hell you don't, your amazing"
E~ " awe" me and jay arrived at the 21st and I was greeted by platt
P~ "Lindsay welcome back, hey chuckles"
J~ " that's detective chuckles if ya don't mind" jay said laughing while walking up the stairs
P~ " I thought you weren't meant to be back until after Christmas"
E~ " I was going stir crazy siting at the apartment all day"
P~ " I understand that! You might wanna get upstairs before chuckles sends the hold intelligence unit down here"
E~ " ya I guess your right" I buzz myself up and walk up the stairs and my side was kinda hurting but not as bad as I thought it was gonna hurt
E~ " hey hey hey everyone!"
An~ " Lindsay welcome back!!" Antonio engulfed me in a hug follow shortly followed by Kevin
K~ " welcome back Linds, we all missed you and your smartass attitude"
E~ " I missed you all to" I say letting out a smile
O~ " you back to kick some ass today or no"
E~ " my side still hasn't fully healed but after Christmas I'll be back in the field"
K~ " good because ruzek is kinda slacking at catching the perps" Kevin said laughing
Ad~ " no I'm not!"
K~ " whatever you say dawg" I laugh instantly regretting it.
H~ " Lindsay my office" I walk to hanks office looking at jay
E~ " yeah?"
H~ " you good?"
E~ " yeah I'm 100% I mean for paperwork"
H~ " okay. Well we have a new detective working with us"
E~ " I can't wait to meet him"
H~ " her, not him"
E~ " what?"
H~ " her name is hailey upton"
E~ " seriously"
H~ " you know her?"
E~ " yeah let's say we don't exactly get along. In the academy when I had broken my arm, she was meant to be holding the rope at the top of the stairs and she let it go and yeah we both know how that ended"
H~ " Erin I had no clue if you want I can ask for another detective"
E~ " no another detective will take days maybe weeks before you get another one, as long as she says a distance away from me and doesn't hit on jay we'll be fine"
H~ " okay if you have any problems let me know"
E~ " ohhh trust me I will, oh and one more thing"
H~ " yeah?"
E~ " you partner her with jay I'll be back in the field tomorrow"
H~ " don't worry Halstead is to much of a pain in the ass and he's also way to much cop for her"
E~ " good" I walked out of hanks office and went to get some coffee when jay walked in
J~ " why hello beautiful"
E~ " hi handsome, would you like some coffee?"
J~ " mmm yes please"
E~ " ahh I see you've learned to say please"
J~ " after the last time I didn't say please and you shrunk my shirts, yeah you could say I learned"  I started laughing
E~ " okay first of all that was a complete accident I didn't mean to do that, and second of all I kinda liked you in those shirts"
J~ " oh yeah?"
E~ " yeah"Antonio walked in and told us that the new girl was here
U~ "hey I'm hailey upton"
J~ " hey I'm Jay Halstead"
E~ " hey hailey"
U~ " oh hi Erin, it's nice to see you again"
E~ " yup" I say taking a sip of my coffee. I walked to the locker room to grab a jacket because for some odd reason the heater upstairs isn't working so it's freezing, and jay walked in
E~ " ugh damnit"
J~ " what's wrong?"
E~ " I can't find my jacket I keep in my locker"
J~ " here use mine"
E~ " you sure I don't want you getting cold"
J~ " yeah I have two on it won't kill me plus I have my really thick one in my locker"
E~ " thank you" I lean up and give him a kiss before putting on his jacket. And Kevin had just walked in from running a errand
K~ " you warm enough Lindsay?"
E~ " I am now"
K~ " well lucky for you I stoped by Starbucks and grabbed you this" he said placing a hot chocolate on my desk
E~ " is this what I think it is?!"
K~ " yup one large hot chocolate with extra whip cream for miss Erin Lindsay"
E~ " thank you!"
K~ " don't mention it" Kevin walked to his desk and hailey walked up to me
U~ " so is Atwater your boyfriend of somethin'?"
E~ " no Jay is my boyfriend. Hence why I'm wearing his jacket"
U~ " hm you always did have a way with sleeping with coworkers"
E~ " excuse me!"
U~ " well you slept with almost all of the cops in the academy"
E~ " do I didn't, that was you"
U~ " whatever you need to tell yourself Erin"
E~ " you know what hailey I've had enough of your annoying ass" I walk out of the bullpen and down to jay's car, where jay followed shortly behind me
J~ " baby what's wrong?"
E~ " jay I can't work with her"
J~ " with who?"
E~ " upton she's an ass"
J~ " do you want to go home"
E~ " no I just needed a minuet before I knocked her on her ass, and you know I would have"
J~ " oh I know, why don't we get in the car and warm up I'm sure it's like -4 out"
E~ " yeah your jacket has kept me pretty warm"
Me and jay get in the car and start warming up
J~ " I'm sure you finished the hot chocolate Kevin got you so do you want to get another one?"
E~ " yes, but don't go just because I want to"
J~ " oh trust me I was fixing to go get some coffee with or without you" I start laughing
E~ " let me text hank and let him know we're going" I text hank and let him know me and jay are going to get come coffee
E~ " hank said to get him a coffee"
J~ " alright" me and jay get to Starbucks and get our drinks and hanks coffee, and then we head back. I walk up the stairs and take hank his coffee
H~ " thanks kiddo"
E~ " yup" I walk out to my desk and do some paper work and hank walks out
H~ " we caught a case everyone suit up" I follow jay down to where the cars are and help him with his vest
U~ " you ready to go partner"
J~ " I'm not your partner Dawson is"
U~ " well maybe you could be my partner"
J~ " I think not" Jay walks past hailey and gets in his truck with Kevin and I smiled
U~ " you think your so slick don't ya?"
E~ " I have no clue what your talking about?"
U~ " you think I don't know that you've trained your boyfriend to reject beautiful girls like me"
E~ " look here you bitch I didn't 'train' jay he loves me, not you so if I were you I'd get in the truck and leave with Dawson. Got it" hailey rolled her eyes and got in Antonio's truck. After 4 hours of being alone upstairs and after 3 hours of cleaning everything everyone came back
An~ " damn Lindsay you get a little board?"
E~ " just a little" I started to chuckle
J~ " hey babe" he gave me a kiss on the head
J~ " this looks amazing Er! You even cleaned my desk?"
E~ " I cleaned everyone's including hanks office"
H~ " damn this looks good Erin"
E~ " thank hank" I let out a shiver as I'm freezing
J~ " here babe" he says taking off his jacket
E~ " thanks baby" I started to warm up almost instantly, I walked into the break room where I had a  cup of coffee on the counter as I just made a pot of coffee so I made jay a cup
E~ " here" I handed him the cup of coffee
J~ " have I told you lately how amazing you are?"
E~ " hmmmm yes, yes you have"
J~ " well i'ma tell you again. Your amazing"
E~ " I know I am" I laugh and walk back to my desk which is in front of jay's which I love cause who doesn't like that view!
H~ " Erin come here for a second" I walk to hanks office
E~ " you rang" hank laughed
H~ " yes, yes I did ring. Hailey said you've been harassing her"
E~ " that's bullshit, if anything she's been harassing me"
H~ " what do you mean?"
E~ " when Kevin brought me that hot chocolate earlier Hailey asked me is he was my boyfriend and I told her no jay is my boyfriend and she told me 'hm you always did have a way with sleeping with coworkers' when I asked her what she meant she said that I slept with almost everyone in the academy which we both know is a bunch of damn lies. Hank I tried to get along with her, I really did."
H~ " I know you did kiddo, trust me I've seen you, when you walked out I knew than it was more than likely because of her but I let it go. But I'm not letting this go, she's outta here" I walked out of hanks office and into the locker room with jay behind me
J~ " what was that all about?"
E~ " what do you mean?"
J~ " with hank what happened"
E~ " jay I'd really rather not talk about it right now if you don't mind"
J~ " okay. Well hank just told me to get you and head home"
E~ " oh my god home sounds so good right now! Let's go before he changes his mind" me and jay walked out and Hailey followed us
U~ " you bitch!"
E~ " who"
U~ " you I lost my job here because of you!"
E~ " no Hailey you did this all your self" Hailey got inches from my face
U~ " you'll regret ever telling hank what you did!"
E~ " and you'll regret the next hour of your life if you don't back the hell up" I walked away and got in the car
Jay's POV
J~ " what was that"
E~ " Hailey being a pain in my ass as per usual" I laughed
J~ " well what do you want for dinner"
E~ " maybe we could cook something"
J~ " by we I assume I cook and you stare at me"
E~ "what can I say I love to watch you cook it's one of the sexiest thing about you"
J~ " oh yeah?"
E~ " yeah and maybe once I'm all healed up we could play some scrabble" a smile formed on my face
J~ " now that sounds fun"
E~ " I'm sure it does"
J~ " only one more month"
E~ " the longest month ever"
Me and Erin arrived back home and I cooked dinner, we watched a episode, or the rest of the 6th season of criminal minds, and then went to lay down and Erin fell asleep snuggled up to me and I had my arms around her which always makes her feel safe, ever since Erin's kidnapping she's fallen asleep with her head on my chest which I don't mind.
Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! Comment ideas for my next chapter!!

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