Back In Each Other's Arms - Part 6

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It was the day Harry would be arriving. You didn't have plans that day, so you used it to get ready for his arrival. You picked up your clothes that covered the floor and put them away. You went into the bathroom and tided up your hair and makeup products a bit and then you took a quick shower to freshen up and shave your legs and what not. You pulled out your candle stash and put them throughout the room, but away from the curtains and other possible flammable items.
You then went over to the shopping bag from yesterday and tried to decide on which one you would wear. You decided on wearing the red lace one and quickly put it on before putting your robe on. You then went and fixed your hair a bit and put on a little bit of makeup.
You knew that you didn't have to put this much trouble into it, but you wanted to make it a little more romantic setting than just a random hotel room. You looked at the clock and saw that Harry should be arriving within the hour.
You felt that nervous-excited feeling in the pit of your stomach. Seeing him this time was different than New York because you knew where the two of you stood and it wasn't a short visit. You would actually have more than a few hours to be together.
You kept pacing around the room as you waited. It felt like Christmas morning or the night before your birthday. You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a knock on the door. You were sure it wasn't Harry because he wasn't supposed to be landing until about now and it would take a while to get here from the airport. You tightened the knot on your robe and walked over to the door and opened it.
Harry was standing there with his bags in his hand and a huge smile on his face.
"Oh! What are you doing here so early?" You smiled.
"Where you expecting someone else?" He asked.
"Of course not, I'm glad that you're here, I just thought you wouldn't be in for another hour," you said.
"I was able to get an earlier flight," he smiled. "Can I come in or is your other boyfriend in there?" he joked.
"Don't worry. He snuck down the balcony," you giggled. "So, come on in."
He smiled walking in the door and putting his bags and guitar on the floor.
"Now, come here," he said pulling you to him after you close the door.
You giggled wrapping your arms around him and he holds you close to him, kissing your head.
"God, I've missed you," he whispered.
"I've missed you too," you smiled. "These last four days were torture."
"I know, especially with you teasing me," he laughed.
"Don't act like you didn't like it," you smirked.
"That's the problem, I loved it," he laughed.
You smiled. "Well, we have plenty of time to make up for it," you whispered leaning up to kiss him.
He smiled into the kiss bringing you closer to him as he deepens it. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you stood on your tip toes. After a bit, you pulled away.
"No offense, but you smell like an airplane," you laughed.
"Is that your way of telling me I stink?" He pouted.
"Pretty much, yep," you giggled.
"I guess I'll jump in the shower really quick, wanna join?" he smirked.
"Normally, I would, but I spent a good amount of time on this look and I'd hate to ruin it in the shower," you said.
"You know you don't have to get all done up to impress me or anything," he said.
"I know, but I wanted to look nice," you smiled. "Now, go and shower."
"Ugh, fine," he said grabbing his toiletry bag. "I'll be out in a few," he said kissing you quickly and going into the bathroom.
While Harry was in the shower, you lit all the candles and put on some music. You had some champagne brought to the room and you opened it to pour two glasses. You also had some fruit sent up as well. You set everything up and lowered the lights.
The shower turned off and a few minutes later, he came out wrapped in a towel. He looked around at the candles and smiled.
"Someone's trying to be romantic," he smirked walking over to you.
"Well, I figured it would be nice to have a nice night in without feeling rushed," you smiled handing him a glass of champagne.
"A romantic night in sounds amazing," he smiled.
You grabbed the plate of fruit and climbed on the bed. Harry smiled joining you and laying next to you before grabbing a strawberry.
"So, how did the show go?" You asked.
"It went well. I had so much fun," he smiled. "And the performance was amazing if I do say so myself."
"I'm sure you did great," you smiled. "What about the interview?"
"Really short, but we played this little game about asking about rumors about me and they zoomed in on my face. Most of them were ridiculous, but then they mentioned about us and I tried to keep a straight face, I really did, but I broke a bit and recovered quickly, but everyone was taking that as a yes," he laughed.
"Way to go," you joked.
"What? I'm not good at lying!" he laughed.
"Apparently," you said.
"I'm just happy," he smiled.
"So am I," you smiled. "Happier than I've been in a long time."
"Same here," he said. "So, I told Gemma about us."
"How did she react?" you asked.
"Not good at first," he admitted. "She just kept bringing up our past and how it doesn't seem like a good idea that we're getting back together. And that she didn't want to see me get hurt again, but I told her about how much I loved you and how happy being with you made me and she eventually decided that she would support my decision."
You sighed downing the rest of your champagne.
"Hey," he said taking your hand. "It's okay, she'll come around."
"I hope so," you sighed. "We used to be really close, she was like my best friend, but then everything changed."
"Well, hopefully, the longer we're together, the more you two can work on your friendship," he smiled.
"I'd like that," you smiled.
"You know what I'd like?" he smirked leaning closer to you.
"What?" You asked.
"Some of those kiwis," he smirked leaning over you and grabbing some slices off the plate.
You laughed. "Didn't you eat on the plane?"
"Yeah, but I'm still hungry," he smirked.
"We can order some food you know," you laughed.
"Nope. I don't have time for that," he said.
"Oh, really?" You asked. "Why not?"
"Because" he smirked pulling you on top of him. "We have things to do."
You giggled looking down at him. You tucked your hair behind your ear and leaned down to kiss him. He deepened the kiss as soon as you lips touched and put his hands on your hips as you straddled him.
As you kissed him, you moved your hips a little causing him to let out a moan against your lips. He ran his hands up and down your thighs before sitting you both up.
"Let's see what's under this, shall we?" he smirked pulling away and untying your robe.
"I have a feeling you're really going to like it," you smirked.
He let the sides of your robe fall and he pushed the robe off of your shoulders.
"Fuck," he whispered. "I see you got the red one."
"I did," you smirked. "What do you think?"
"I think I want to see more of it." he smirked.
You giggled getting off his lap to stand up next to the bed. He was staring at you with both lust and admiration. You smirked and turned around to show him the back.
"Fucking hell," he mumbled. "Now, get back over here."
You laughed as he pulled you back over him. He kissed your stomach and ran his hand over your bum. "You're so beautiful," he said with a kiss along your stomach. "And sexy," he whispered with a kiss over the tops of your chest. "And fucking gorgeous," he whispered against your neck. "And funny," he smirked kissing along your shoulder. "And talented," he whispered. "And nice. And the best person I know. And did I mention beautiful?"
You nodded. "You did."
He nodded turning back around you face you. "And you're mine," he whispered before pulling you in for a kiss.

Y/N and Harry are reuniting! How do you think that's gonna go?

Ever Since New York - Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now