A Sick Baby - Part 46

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The minute you all arrived at the hospital, they rushed Mac into a room and asked you and Harry to stay in the waiting room. You hated not being with him with and not knowing what was wrong. Tears both dried and fresh streamed down your cheeks and Harry's. He took you into his arms and held you close.

"I'm so fucking scared," you sniffled.

"He's going to be fine," Harry whispered, holding you close. "He's been through worse."

"Exactly, which means he shouldn't be having to go through this," you cried.

"I know, I know," he whispered kissing your forehead.

You heard the door of the waiting room open, so you peeked over Harry's shoulder. You saw your parents walking in and you saw red.

"Why the fuck are you two here right now?" You snapped.

"Y/N?" Harry whispered.

"No, these two want to try and break up our family, but now they're so fucking concerned!" You said.

"Y/N, Mac is our grandson, of course, we're concerned," your mother said.

"Oh, but you weren't so concerned about his well being when you were showing the pictures and spreading lies about his father trying to break our relationship up," you said.

"Pictures? Lies? What's going on?" Anne asked.

"Look, let's not get into the bullshit right now," Harry said stepping in between you and your parents. "Let's just focus on Mac right now. Y/Parent's/Name, if you two will just sit in the corner and keep your mouths shut, for the most part, you can stay. But if you want to cause more drama then you're going to have to leave. My son is more fucking important than whatever bullshit you're trying to create."

Your parents looked as if they wanted to say something, but thought better of it and just went to sit down. Harry wrapped his arms around you, trying to calm you down.

"Now, isn't the time to focus on that," he whispered.

You nodded wrapping your arms around him and burying your head in his chest. He kissed the top of your head before you both walked over and sat down in some chairs.


Over the next hour or so, the waiting room filled up with friends that were at the party and other family members. The doctor or even a nurse had yet to tell you what was wrong with Mac or even if he was going to be okay.

"What if it has something to do with his heart?" You sniffled.

"Hey, we can't think like that," Harry said. "We can't automatically think the worse. It could just be a cold or something. He's going to be fine."

You sniffled sitting in his lap, wrapping your arms around him. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," you smiled kissing his cheek.

He rubbed your back as you laid your head on his shoulder. "You know, at least you're not wearing those bright purplish/pink trouser like you did that night I was in the hospital."

"Oh god, don't remind me," he laughed. "That was a scary night, but it was a little embarrassing being that noticeable in the hospital."

You giggled, "We should get Mac a pair of those and you two could be even more twin-like."

He laughed shaking his head at you.

Almost two hours after arriving at the hospital, the doctor finally walked into the waiting room.

"Family of Mac Styles," he said.

"We're here his parents," Harry said as you both stood up.

You walked over to him and the doctor looked at the two of you.

"How's our baby? Is he going to be okay? Can we see him?" You asked quickly.

"He's doing well," he said. "He was running a 101 fever when he arrived and his short breathing was due to mucus build up in his lungs."

"Oh my god," you said.

"He's fine now," he said. "We've got the fever down and we've got him on fluids to help loosen up the mucus within his lungs."

"Do you what caused this?" Harry asked.

"Just a simple cold," he said.

"Will his happen everytime he gets sick?" you asked.

"Not every time, but since it did get this bad it could mean he's more susceptible to it happening again," he said.

"Is there anything we can do to prevent it when we notice he's getting a little sick?" Harry asked.

"Humidifiers are great because they help open up the nasal passages and the lungs," he said. "And make sure he has a lot of fluid to keep any mucus thin enough that it can drain from his nose."

"Okay, thank you," Harry said. "Can we see him now?"

"Of course, follow me," he smiled.


When you and Harry walked into the room, they had Mac in a hospital crib and he was looking around the room. He was hooked up to a little blood pressure monitor and had an IV in his little arms.  As soon as he saw you and Harry, he sniffled, whined and reached out for you.

"It's okay, baby," you whispered running a hand over his arm. "We're here."

He babbled looking up at you and Harry kissed his head.

"You're our little fighter," Harry smiled.

You took a deep breath and blinked back tears. "We love you, baby," you smiled.

He kicked his little feet around and babbled.

"We would like to keep him overnight just for observation," the doctor said. "It's purely precautionary, nothing to worry about."

"Are we allowed to stay with him?" Harry asked quickly.

"Of course," he nodded. "But we do ask that you two are the only ones to visit with him," he said. "Since he is still sick, we don't want any more germs coming in and out of here."

"Yes, sir," Harry nodded. "Um, I'll go tell everyone the news and tell them to go home."

"Okay," you whispered.

"Do you want me to get anything?" He asked.

"No, I'm okay," you said.

He nodded kissing your head before heading towards the door, which caused Mac to whimper.

"It's okay, buddy," Harry said. "Daddy will be back in just a few minutes."

Mac sniffled and you kissed his head. Harry walked out of the room and into the hallway between the room and the waiting room. He was finally alone where he could let out all of his emotions. He had to be strong for you and for Mac before, but now that he was by himself, he let the tears fall down as he felt both fear and relief that his little baby boy was going to be okay.

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