Pregnancy Hormones - Part 23

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Currently, you were on a private jet headed to LA with Harry. After a lot of persuasions, threatening, and an okay from your doctor, Harry finally agreed to let you come with him. You were only halfway through the flight and you were uncomfortable, which made you extremely annoyed and irritable. You tried reading, listening to music, watching a movie, and taking a nap, but they all failed.

You just wanted off the plane. You looked over at Harry, who was writing away in his journal while chewing his fucking gum. You swear you could hear him all the way over where you were sitting. You glared over at him, but of course, he couldn't see you because he was lost in his own little world.

"I swear to god if you don't stop smacking that gum I'm going to smack it out of your mouth," you groaned.

"What?" He said popping his head up to look at you.

"Your gum. I can hear you chomping down on it from here," you said.

"Uh, sorry," he said. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling great. My fucking feet are swollen more than usual. My back hurts. I can't get comfortable on his damn airplane and your son keeps kicking me in the ribs," you mumbled.

Harry sighed shutting his journal and walking over to you. He grabbed a few pillows and placed them on the seat across from you. He took your feet and put them on top of the pillows before sitting behind you and rubbing your shoulders.

"I knew this flight wasn't a good idea," he sighed. "It's too long for you."

"It's worth it to stay together," you said. "I'm six months pregnant, it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing I'm gonna be uncomfortable for the most part."

"I swear you're even more stubborn when you're pregnant," he mumbled.

"I heard that," you glared.

"Sorry, sorry," he said.

"It's just I don't get it. All of these women talk about how great it is to be pregnant, but all I don't feel it," you sniffled.

He sighed kissing your head. "I'm sure every woman is different with their pregnancies," he said. "You shouldn't feel upset or anything about it."

"What if it means I'm not a good mother?" You whispered.

"It doesn't mean that at all, baby," he said firmly.

"You don't know that," you said. "When our son is born, I could turn out to be the worst mother ever and you'll leave me."

"I'm not going to leave you," he sighed. "You're the love of my life, I've already been without you and I'm not going back to that, remember? And you're not going to be the worst mother because I know you love our son more than life itself. I also know that you would do anything for him, right?"

"Of course," you whispered putting your hand on your belly.

"See, so you're already the best damn mother ever," he smiled. "Don't ever doubt that, baby."

You sighed leaning your head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for snapping at you over little things."

He laughed. "It's okay. You're going through a lot, so I can take you cussing me out every now and then."

"Good, cause I can't promise it won't happen again," you giggled.

"Looking forward to it," he joked.


When you finally got off the plane, you threw your hands up in the air before walking down the stairs.

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