Meant to be... or not? - Part 42

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You stared at the picture of Harry and some other woman on your father's phone. You couldn't tell where the photo was taken, but it appeared to be at some club or party. There were other people in the background of the photo. Harry and the woman were quite close, almost as if they were dancing and his lips were pressed against hers. His hands were on her ass and she was pressing her chest against him.

Harry's face was a bit hidden due to the kiss, but the tattoos on his arms were quite evident. However, they could have been photoshopped onto some random person.

"That-that's not him. He wouldn't do that," you shook your head.

"Are you sure? Because it seems to me that he did, in fact, do that," your father said. "And this just so happens to be the only time we have evidence, who knows how often he's done this."

You shook your head getting up from the couch and pacing around the living room.

"No, no, he loves me," you said. "We're happy. We're a family, he wouldn't... he wouldn't jeopardize that."

"The proof is right there," your mom said.

"That's not... that's not proof. Anyone could have photoshopped that photo," you said. "I need to.. I need to ask him."

"Like he's going to confess to you," she rolled her eyes. "If he admits to cheating on you, he knows he's going to lose you and Mac."

"Just stop!" You cried. "Just stop!"

You ran upstairs and into the bedroom, tears pouring down your face. Harry was in the bathroom, taking a shower, while Mac was fast asleep in his crib. You knew you were going to have to have this conversation in a different room. A conversation you never thought you'd have to have. A conversation you wish you didn't have to have.

You sat on the bed as you waited for Harry to emerge from the bathroom.


When Harry walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, steam flowing out into the room, he didn't expect to see you sitting on the bed, a stoic look on your face, with tears streaming down it.

"Baby?" He asked walking closer to you. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"You need to get dressed and meet me in your office," you said.

"Is everything okay?" He asked walking over to grab some clothes.

"You tell me," you mumbled before getting up and walking into his office across the hallway.

When you both got into the office, he shut the door and looked at you worriedly.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Have you ever... Have you ever cheated on me since we got back together?" You asked.

"Wait? What?" He asked freezing in place. "Where's this coming from?"

"That's not exactly a no," you pointed out.

"Because I'm confused as hell on why this is a topic of conversation, right now," he said.

"My parents-" you said.

"Oh, so you parents' planted a seed in your head about me cheating on you and now all of sudden I'm the bad guy huh?" He asked.

"They didn't plant a seed in my head," you said. "They showed me a photo of you grinding on and fucking making out with another woman who isn't me!"

All color drained from Harry's face. He looked as if he was going to be physically sick. "What... what?" He whispered.

"You're not even going to deny it?" You whispered.

"I-Y/N.. It's not.. It's not what you think," he said.

"Not what I think? What I think is that it's a bullshit picture that was photoshopped, but apparently what I think is a fucking lie and you did... you cheated... how could you... how fucking could you!" You shouted.

"I didn't... I didn't fucking sleep with her!" He said. "Nothing else happened... I swear to you."

"And how am I supposed to believe that? You were fucking sucking her face off Harry. Your hands were grabbing her ass! I'm surprised you two didn't fuck right then and there," you snapped.

"We didn't fuck... we kissed that was it," he said. "I'll admit that it.. it almost became more, but it didn't. I stopped it after that kiss."

You shook your head, "I can't believe you. I defended you to my parents! I told them you would never cheat on me... that you'd never jeopardize our family, but you did... you have."

"No, no, Y/N... I didn't... I swear to you," he said. "I only kissed her. I was drunk... I know it's no excuse... but it happened so long ago."

"How long ago?" You asked. "When I was at home alone, pregnant with our baby? When I was at home taking care of our baby while you were supposedly out working? How far did it go before you remembered me? Huh... are you even with me because you love me or because I'm the mother of your child?"

"I... I don't.. I... It happened when I was in Australia. I was exhausted... and had been drinking. We were out at a bar, that was too crowded. This woman.. she came up to me... we started talking and then as I kept drinking... she moved closer and I just.. I fucked up okay, but as soon as she kissed me, I realized she was getting the wrong Idea. I swear to you that I stopped it after that. I didn't fuck her. I didn't cheat on you other than just a kiss. I've never even seen her again and I don't want to see her," he said.

"And of course I fucking love you. I felt horrible after it happened. I almost flew home because of it, but Jeff told me I only had a few shows left and then I'd be home to make it right. I was going to tell you... I promise you I was going to tell you as soon as I got home, but then Mac was born and we had enough shit on our plates.. and I just thought... I thought since it wasn't more than a kiss it was better to just leave it in the past," he whispered.

"But it was more than just a kiss, Harry," you whispered. "It was everything."

"Not to me," he said grabbing your hand. "I'm sorry it happened and I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but-"

"How am I supposed to trust you now?" You whispered. "How am I supposed to just go back to how we were knowing that you did this and you kept it from me. Had you told me as soon as it happened, it may be different. Yeah, I'd still be fucking livid, but at least you would have been honest and I would have thought it was just a kiss.... but now, it must have meant something for you to hide it this long."

"Y/N-No-I," he started.

"Since this is your house, I'll leave with Mac and my parents in the morning," you whispered. "We'll stay at a hotel until -"

"No, Y/N, please!" He cried.

"It's done Harry," you said. "I can't.. I can't look at you right now. I need... I need space."

"Y/N- I... I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too and that's why this hurts so fucking much," you cried.

You walked out of his office and went into the bedroom. You grabbed everything you would need for the night and headed into the extra guest bedroom. You shut the door and locked it before climbing into bed and crying your eyes out.

Once again the universe had spoken, you and Harry maybe just aren't meant to be together.

Looks like love may not ever be enough.


Harry fell to his knees in his office when you walked out. He felt like someone had stabbed his heart and ripped out of his chest. He hated himself. Hated what he had done. Nothing happened... but a kiss. A stupid kiss... A stupid kiss that ultimately was going to cause him to lose his family.

And if did in fact happen, Harry didn't know if he could handle it. You and Mac were everything to him and he would be nothing without you two.

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