How Could You?! - Part 22

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These last few weeks during your pregnancy had been interesting. Your hormones were all over the place and so were your cravings. You weren't sure if it was because of the actual pregnancy or if you were just trying to block out everything going on with the baby. Either way, you were unpredictable sometimes.

Harry's tour was starting in a few days, which meant he had been at rehearsals most of the time and he left super early that morning. You had woken up to an empty bed, not that you minded because it meant more room for you to stretch out and be comfortable. Like most mornings you were starving, so you got up from the bed and went downstairs.

You were craving oatmeal with tons of bananas. You grabbed the oatmeal and went to get the bananas to cut up with you saw their normal spot where you kept them was empty. You looked around the kitchen to see if they got moved.

"That little shit!" You yelled.

You grabbed your phone and called Harry. He didn't answer, which you weren't too shocked about.

"Well, we'll just have to go visit your little fucker of a dad," you said to your belly.

You grabbed the keys and got into the car before heading over to the studio where Harry had rehearsals. It was only a few minutes away and you parked the car before heading right inside. The familiar sound of Sweet Creature was playing as you approached him. You didn't care that he was in the middle of the song, that was going to have to wait.

"YOU!" You said pointing to him.

"Y/N?" Harry said looking up at him when he and the rest of the band stop what they were doing. "W-What are you doing here?"

"How could you! You stupid little fucker how could you!" You said putting your hands on your hips.

"Uh, let's take five," Harry said before walking over to you. "Uh, Y/N, baby, what's wrong?"

"You ate the last fucking banana!" You said.

Harry bit his lip as he tried to hold back his laughter. "Is that...Is that why you came here?"

"Don't you dare fucking laugh! I was looking forward to oatmeal for breakfast because I'm trying to be healthy since I'm carrying OUR child and you know I only eat oatmeal with bananas and you fucking ate them all you... you... dick!" you groaned.

"Y/N, I'm sorry," he coughed. "I uh, I should have left the banana for you."

"Yes, you should have!" You nodded. "And then I wouldn't have had to come here in my fucking pajamas!"

"Uh, not to be even more of a dick, but you do realize that you could have gone to the market and got some more instead of coming here," he said.

You glared at him. "Well, you do realize had you not eaten the last banana I wouldn't have had to do either!"

"I'm sorry," he said. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to not eat the last fucking banana and when you do, you get more!" you said.

"Okay, I can do that," he said. "Would you like me to go buy some and bring them to you now?"

"No, I can do that," you rolled your eyes. "I'm talking about in the future."

"Okay, got it," he said. "But other than that, how are you feeling?"

"Good," you said. "Without you in the bed, there's so much more space."

"Heeey," he pouted. "Are you trying to kick me out?"

"No, I'm just saying," you shrugged. "Anyway, I'm going to the market, see you when you get home."

He laughed. "I'll bring lunch," he said kissing your head.

"Sounds yummy," you smiled. "I love you, have a good rehearsal.

"I love you too," he smiled.

You giggled and headed outside to get in the car.

"Everything okay?" Adam asked when the band walked back over.

"I ate the last banana," Harry laughed.

"How could you?" He gasped.

"I know, I know. I'm a horrible boyfriend," Harry said. "Anyway, let's get back to rehearsals before she comes back. I used up the last bit of orange juice too."


Later that afternoon, Harry came back with lunch and you were sitting on the couch watching tv. You were feet were swollen, so you had them propped up.

"Honey, I'm home," Harry joked as he walked into the house.

"About time, we're starving," you said.

"Sorry, there was a line at the cafe," he said.

You shrugged. "I'm gonna eat over here, my feet are killing me."

"Do you want me to get you an ice pack?" he asked kissing your forehead.

"If you don't mind," you said.

"Of course not," he said heading into the kitchen.

He opened the door to the freezer and got out the ice pack before wrapping it around your ankles.

"Thank you," you smiled.

"No problem," he smiled before joining you and eating some lunch.

"So, I've been looking at pregnancy photos online and I've got some really cute things I want us to do," you said.

"Really? I can't wait to see them," he said.

"Yeah, but I'm sure I look like a whale though. I'm not going to look cute," you groaned.

"You look beautiful," Harry said. "You're going to look hot."

"Yeah, yeah," you said stealing some of his food.

"You're lucky I love you," he joked.

"You're lucky I love you," you said.

"Yeah, I am," he smiled taking your hand in his. "I'm very lucky to have you in my life and as the mother of our son. Even if you yell at me over eating the last banana," he joked.

You giggled. "I may have been over dramatic this morning," you said.

"Maybe..." he laughed. "But it was entertaining. The band thought I had done something extremely bad."

"It was though," you defended.

He laughed. "Yeah, I know. How was that oatmeal this morning?"

"Fucking amazing," you said.

"Well, I'm glad," he said putting his hand on your belly. You took a bite of a food and the baby kicked. "Was that?"

"Yep," you giggled. "He must like the food."

"Hi baby, it's Daddy," Harry smiled.

The baby kicked again.

"Ooh," you groaned.

"Sorry," he laughed.

"I like when he kicks, but sometimes it's too much," you groaned.

"I bet," he smiled. "I love you baby boy."

"And I love you too," you smiled patting your belly.

Harry smiled and the two of you cuddled together on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.


Thank you lovely people for getting this story to #1 in Harry Styles Imagines. As a thank you, I decided to double up on chapters!! :)

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