First Doctor's Appointment - Part 17

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It's been a few months now and you were starting show a little baby bump. If Harry had a hard time keeping his hands off of you before, he was having an even harder time now. Any chance he got, his hand was on your belly and it wasn't even that big at the moment, but he still cherished it any chance he got.

In the mornings and late at night, he would sing little lullabies to the baby in your belly because he read in one of his books that it was good for baby's to hear the sound of their parent's voices.

One night you two were laying in bed, music was playing softly in the background. You were leaning against Harry and his hands were on your belly running his fingers up and down.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day for the two of you. You had a sonogram scheduled and it would be the first time that you'll have seen your growing baby.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" You asked.

"I'm so fucking excited," he smiled. "We get to see our little baby for the first time and I can't wait."

"It's definitely going to make it seem real, if it doesn't already," you giggled.

"Maybe tomorrow we could go shopping for some baby things after the appointment? We can make it a day all about the baby?" He smiled.

"I'd love that," you smiled. "I know we won't find out the sex of the baby for another few weeks, but I can't wait to find little outfits and toys."

Harry smiled. "I've been trying so hard not to just buy everything before now," he joked.

"You're going to spoil our baby so much," you giggled.

"Oh, don't even act like you're not going to either," he scoffed.

"I never said that I wouldn't," you laughed.

He laughed and kissed your head. "We've come a long way these past few months," he whispered. "It's hard to believe that we weren't even together four months ago."

"I know it's crazy," you smiled. "I feel like we never were even apart. We just picked up where we left off. Like we hit the pause button and press play a year later and it was still in the same spot."

"Maybe that was what we needed all along, you know," he said. "Maybe all the other times, our break-ups were still too fresh when we got back together, so the hurt was still there and just any little thing sent us over the edge again."

"Maybe so," you nodded. "But I'm glad we're good now. We're happy and in love, with a little baby getting all ready to come into this world."

"I love you," he whispered.

You smiled looking back at him. "And I love you," you whispered.


The morning of the doctor's appointment was a little crazy. Both you and Harry had woken up almost two hours earlier than you really needed to for the appointment, so you decided to get in a little bit of a workout and some yoga before getting in the shower.

You two were both nervous and excited and just couldn't wait until you were able to see the baby. You were nervous because you hoped everything was okay with the baby and yourself.

Once you two were ready to go out, you decided to stop for some breakfast, since you still had a good hour before your appointment. Harry noticed that you seemed quiet in the car, so he took your hand.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous," you said.

"I know," he nodded. "But the baby, everything is going to be okay. You're doing everything right, you're eating so healthy, and working out. You're not stressing, you're taking your prenatal vitamins. You're already being the best Mummy."

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