Just a Little Family Barbecue- Part 45

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The sound of a babbling baby filled the air as you were cutting up the vegetables for a salad. Today was the day of the barbeque, which meant you'd be seeing your parents for the first time since they showed you the photo of Harry and another woman. His family would also be there and some close friends, so you were hoping any drama would be set aside for today.

You giggled looking over at Mac, who was sitting up in his chair on the counter in the kitchen. His hand was in his mouth and drool dripped down his face, arm, and on his bib.

"Are you hungry or are you just bored?" You laughed.

He babbled looking at you and kicking his little feet. You grabbed a banana from the bunch and cut in half to mush it in a bowl. You walked over to Mac and held it out to him. He giggled putting his hand in the bowl and then bringing it back up to his mouth.

"Mmhmm," he babbled reaching for more.

"Are you saying it's yummy? Do you like bananas? Hm?" You smiled. "You loved bananas when you were in my belly, especially with oatmeal, except the time your mean ole Daddy ate the last one."

Mac giggled clapping his hands, getting mushed banana all over it, along with his face.

"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" You asked. "We want you to look your best when you meet people for the first time."

"Okay, I've got the grill lit, so I just need to let it heat up and put the food on," he said. "Uh, what happened here?" He laughed pointing to a messy Mac.

"He was chewing his little hand, so I fed him some bananas," you laughed. "Well, half a banana."

"Did he even get any?" He laughed.

Mac put one of his banana covered hands against Harry's lips and giggled.

"Aww, are you sharing with Daddy?" You smiled.

Harry laughed licking his lips, "Yummy," he smiled kissing Mac's forehead.

"Do you mind finishing up the salad, while I clean him up?" You asked. "There's really not much left, just a few to cut and then mix it up, but I can do that."

"Oh, yeah, I don't mind," he smiled.

"Thank you," you said. "Come on, little man, let's get you cleaned up."


About an hour later, everyone started arriving. You had changed into something a little more nicer and changed Mac as well. You were holding him on your hip while you getting some drinks ready for everyone. Harry and Nick were standing by the grill, looking over at you.

"You're really lucky, mate," Nick said. "I mean you've got a beautiful family, beautiful house, dream job making millions pretty much every year. I wish I had half of that."

"Well, maybe one day," Harry smiled a bit. "Just word of advice, if you do get it, don't do anything to fuck it up."

"Am I missing something here?" Nick asked.

Harry sighed, "Don't say anything, but I fucked up. I kissed someone else and didn't tell Y/N about it... she found out from her parents."

"Okay, what the fuck, you kissed someone else? When?" Nick said.

"Will you lower your fucking voice," he snapped.

"Sorry, sorry, I just didn't think you were the cheating type," he mumbled.

"I'm not... I didn't cheat... per say," he said. "It was a girl at a club one night... she was hanging around our group for most of the night. I figured she was just a fan, so I thought maybe if I talked to her, took a picture or whatever, she'd leave. As we were talking, she moved closer and started dancing with me. I danced back because... I don't know. Next thing I know her lips are against mine. The second I realized what was happening, I pulled away and walked away, but I never told Y/N, which is why she's really upset with me."

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