Lad's Day - Part 37

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Harry and Mac were currently having a lads day at home, while you were out getting some shopping done. Mac was sitting up in one of his little chairs while Harry was playing the guitar and singing some songs. Mac watched his Daddy with wide eyes and a drooly grin as his little legs and arms moved around to the sound of the guitar.

"Do you like listening to Daddy sing?" Harry laughed tickling Mac's belly.

Mac responds with a little gurgle and babble.

"You should really hear Mummy sing," Harry smiled. "She's bloody amazing and better than me, but don't tell her I said that."

"Don't tell her what?" You smirked walking in the front door with the bags of groceries.

"Nothing, nothing," Harry said putting the guitar down quickly. "Here, let me help you."

"There's more in the car," you said nodding in that direction.

Harry nodded walking past you and out to the car. Whenever he went outside the house and even times he was in the house, he always made sure to be on the lookout for any signs of paps. It had been over a month since the incident with the last pap and so far that hadn't been any signs of them. And there hadn't been another rock through the window incident either.

Harry had considered the two incidents were related, but he didn't say anything to you because he didn't want you to worry about it any more than you already did.

But little did he know, you thought the same thing.


All of the food was brought in and Harry was putting everything up while you went over to Mac and took him in your arms.

"How's my baby? Did Daddy do a good job taking care of you while I was gone?" You giggled.

He babbled and snuggled into you moving his mouth towards you. You giggled walking over to the couch and getting situated to feed Mac. He latches on after a few seconds and starts to suckle. Harry walks over and sits next to you.

"Is Daddy next?" He smirked.

"You wish," you joked.

"I do, actually," he smirked. "I mean... nap time is soon."

You rolled your eyes shaking your head.

"So, how was it to get out of the house?" Harry asked.

"Great, but I also missed this little guy," you smiled kissing Mac's head.

"What about me?" Harry whined.

"Eh," you shrugged.

"You're lucky I love you, Mac or else I'd be super jealous of you taking your Mummy away from me," Harry joked.

"You are jealous though," you giggled.

"A little, but I know our baby boy needs his Mummy more than I do," he sighed dramatically.

You laughed putting your feet on his lap and turning Mac around to burp him once he's finished.

"This little guy has a doctor's appointment at the end of the week," Harry sighed. "I forgot all out it until they emailed the reminder. I'm nervous."

"I am too, but he's been doing so well, I'm sure everything's going great," you smiled.

"I know, but it's still scary," Harry sighed sadly.

"Aww, I think Daddy needs some loving, Mac," you smiled handing Mac to Harry.

Harry smiled and held him to him as Mac yawned and laid his head against him.

"God, he looks so much like you. The only thing missing is the tattoos and a bit more hair," you laughed.

"We should get him some of those temporary tattoos and the hair will eventually grow in, hopefully," he smirked.

"You're not putting temporary tattoos on my baby!" You laughed.

"But why? He'd look so fucking cool! I mean how many babies rock tattoos? None that I know of," He added.

"There's a reason for that," you rolled your eyes.

"Anyway, speaking of tattoos," Harry said. "We need to figure out what Tattoo of this little guy we're going to get."

"I know, I'm still trying to decide what I want," you said. "Do you know what you want?"

"Not exactly, but I really to get something that involves his heart or his strength for going through what went through," Harry smiled. "Maybe his heartbeat or something with his name and birthday?"

"You know what would be really cool?" You asked.

"What, baby?" He asked.

"If there was a way for us to get a little bit of our heartbeats on the side and then have Mac's in the middle, so that all three of ours are together or something... but I don't know it seemed like a good idea in my head, but now that I said it out loud..." you sighed.

"No, it does," he smiled. "That would be cool because it would symbolize how his little heart is made up of both of ours because we made him."

"So you don't think it's a weird idea?" You asked. "Or a stupid one?"

"I don't know, no," he smiled. "I love it."

You smiled leaning over to kiss him. Mac's little eyes start to close as he falls asleep in Harry's arms. Harry takes him up to the bedroom while you follow them and place Mac in his crib. You smile and lay on your own bed and Harry joins you.

"Your parents are coming next week right?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, they got more time off, so they, of course, want to come this way."

"Cool, I'll try to see if Mum wants to come down too," he said. "Maybe we could do a Barbeque."

"Sounds good," you yawned.

Harry laughed. "Looks like Mummy is sleepy too."

"Yes," you nodded.

Harry wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head. "Well, let's take a nap of our own then."

You smiled cuddling closer to him and falling asleep, while he did the same. 


The next couple of updates will be cute little family moments before shit gets real! ;) 

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