Lamaze Class Part 26

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"Baby, we're going to be late," Harry said pulling you out of bed.

He wasn't actually pulling you out of bed, but he was gently tugging the blanket off of you.

"It's too early," you mumbled. "We're sleeping."

"I know you are, but we've got an appointment," he laughed.

"It's not a doctor's appointment, we're good, we can miss it," you said waving him away.

"No, we can't," he said. "This Lamaze class is something we both need to do and this time was the only time I could get to work with my schedule."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have been fucking booked all day to where we'd have to go to a class at 8 am," you mumbled pushing yourself off the bed.

"I'm sorry," he said holding back a laugh.

"Don't even start with me," you said holding your hand up. "You're lucky I'm even going to this thing. I could just go at a later time and take Jeff with me or something," you said.

"Sorry, babe, but that'd be a negative. No other man is going with you to the class about our baby," he said.

You stuck your tongue out at him before grabbing some clothes and changing right then and there. Harry smirked over at you while you got dressed and you rolled your eyes.

"Perv," you mumbled.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before," he smirked.

"Exactly, so why are you staring?" You said.

"Because you're beautiful," he smiled.

"Whatever,"you rolled your eyes. "You better be buying me breakfast."

"Of course, now if you're ready, let's go," he laughed.


After stopping to get a breakfast sandwich, you two arrived just as the class was starting. You two quickly snuck in and sat down like the others in the class. There was soft music playing in the background and candles were lit throughout the room.

"How much you wanna bet candles and music helped get everyone here," you joked to Harry.

He laughed shaking his head.

"Okay, so welcome to the class, raise your hand if you are becoming parents for the first time," the instructor asked.

You and Harry looked around before raising your hands.

"Congrats on becoming parents," she smiled. "You all are going to do great and it's so rewarding."

Harry smiled kissing your cheek.

"Stop it," you giggled pushing him away.

"So, today, we're going to watch some videos of real-life births, so you can sort of get a feel of what they're like," she said.

She pressed play and all of a sudden a woman in full on labor was on the screen.

"Fucking, hell, I didn't sign up to see this," you groaned covering your eyes.

You looked over at Harry, who had his head tilted and a grossed out, yet interested look on his face. You hit his arm and he looked over at you.

"What?" He asked.

"How can you watch that?" you groaned.

"I have no fucking idea. It's just... I don't know," he said.

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