At the Hopsital- Part 47

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"Here you go, love," Harry whispered handing you a to-go box filled with food from a restaurant across from the hospital.

"Thank you," you whispered taking it from you.

It was super late, all of your family had already headed home, while you and Harry stayed at the hospital with Mac. He was doing a lot better now and you and Harry felt as if you could breathe, so Harry offered to go and get some food.

"You're welcome," he said kissing your head. "How's little man?"

You smiled,"He hasn't had a temperature in three hours and he's been peacefully sleeping the last hour."

"That makes me happy to hear," he sighed sitting next to you. "I can't wait until we can take him home. I hate seeing him in here."

"Me too," you whispered taking his hand.  "It makes me think about when he had his surgery when he was just a little tiny baby."

Harry nodded, "Our little boy is so fucking strong."

"I know," you smiled. "We're lucky he's a fighter."

"We really are," he smiled.

"I'm sorry about uh... my parents and what they did at the hospital today," you said.

"It's not your fault," he said. "I just can't believe they decided to show up like that though."

"I know, after what they pulled at the party," you sighed. "And then knowing our son was going to be the bigger concern."

"But now that the cat's out of the bag, I'm going to have to explain to my mother, sister, and father about what's going on between us," he sighed.

You put your half eaten food on the table and get up from your chair to walk over to Harry. You sat down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around you.

"We're fine," you whispered. "We have some issues to work through, but we're going to be fine."

Harry leaned his head against you and held you close. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too," you whispered. "Which is why everything is going to be fine."

Harry smiled a bit and pressed his lips against yours.


The next day, Mac was cleared and discharged from the hospital. After signing the paperwork, Harry got the car and brought it around. You were carrying Mac while you waited from him to pull up by the door.

Mac was playing with your necklace and you smiled at him.

"Do you like Mommy's necklace?" You giggled.

He babbled to you with a huge smile on his face. You smiled kissing his head and soon Harry pulled the Range Rover up to the door. You put Mac in his car seat and got in the car. Harry put some music on before heading home.

Mac babbled loudly and started dancing around in his car seat in the back seat.

"Well, he certainly knows who he's named after," you giggled at Harry.

"That's my boy," Harry smirked.

"Our boy," you smirked.

"Our boy," he nodded.

When you got home, Harry got Mac out of the car and he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. Harry smiled kissing his head and Mac babbled against his skin.

"Hm, what should we have for breakfast?" Harry asked. "Do you want some of your baby oatmeal and nanas?"

Mac yawned with a nod and you laughed opening up the door. "He's a sleepy baby today," you said.

"Looks like we'll be getting a nap in after breakfast," Harry said. "Which is perfectly fine with me because I wouldn't mind a nap of my own."

"Same here. I swear no one gets to sleep in a hospital," you laughed.

"And I feel like I need a shower," He said.

"Yeah, you smell like you need one too," you smirked.

"Excuse you!" He scoffed. "You're one to talk, baby."

"Hey! I don't smell!" You defended.

You wish you didn't smell," He joked.

You rolled your eyes, "How about we just agree that we both smell," you laughed.

"Agreed," he laughed, "So, does that mean we both should shower together?"

"I don't see why not," you smirked.

He smiled putting Mac down, but as soon as he did, Mac started to whine and reach for Harry again.

"Someone's clingy," you said. "Although I don't blame him, he's been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours."

"Yeah, besides I don't mind cuddling," Harry smiled holding Mac against his chest. "Especially with my favorite little guy."

Mac babbles softly against Harry's chest. You smiled and finished making up the baby oatmeal and cutting up the banana slices into tiny pieces. You bring the bowl over to Harry, who starts feeding it to Mac, while you get some bread and make some toast for a quick breakfast for you and Harry.

Once Mac was done with his food and you and Harry were finished, you all head upstairs to the bedroom. You took off your shoes and went over to the bed and jumped on it. Harry put Mac down, who tried his best to scoot over towards you. He whined when he couldn't get there and you giggled.

"Poor thing, if only you'd start crawling," you smiled. "Come here, come to Mama."

You held out your hand and tried to get him to come to you, but he just kept pushing against the bed and his body wouldn't move forward.

"Maybe next time," you laughed taking him in your arms.

Harry was just about to join you when his phone rang. He groaned taking it out of his pocket.

"It's probably your Mom or someone checking on Mac," you said.

"Probably," he yawned looking at the screen. "It's Jeff."

"Answer it," you nodded.

He groaned answering the call and put the phone to his ear, "Hey, Jeff, what's up? If we could actually make this call quick, Y/N and I just got back from the hospital with Mac, and we're exhausted."

"Harry, I know you've been through a lot, but I've got some information for you that couldn't wait for later," he said.

"What is it?" Harry asked. "Is it good or bad information?"

"I know who took the picture and sent it to Y/N's parents," Jeff told him.


Dun, dun, dun.


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