Family Time - Part 32

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"Boop," Harry smirked gently poking Mac's nose with his finger.

Mac stared up at him while trying to move his little arms and legs around.

"You are the cutest little baby ever," Harry smiled. "Your Mum and I did a good job."

Mac yawned as he continued to stare up at Harry, while Harry just kept talking to him about nonsense. You had just gotten out of the shower and Harry and Mac were laying on the bed. You laughed as Harry was just talking away and Mac looked like he could care less.

"Mac, buddy, I know how you feel," You joked.

"Heeey!" Harry whined.

You laughed walking over to the bed and joining your two favorite boys. Harry kissed your cheek and you both laid on the sides near Mac.

"What time is your appointment?" Harry asked.

"I have to leave in about an hour," you said.

He nodded and rubbed Mac's belly as he cooed and yawned again.

"So, I was thinking earlier and I want to run an idea by you," he said.

"Okay, what's this idea?" You asked.

"Well, I've thought about asking if Gemma wanted to come over and watch the little guy for a few hours while we went out for a bit," he said. "We've been cooped up in this house since Mac was born and I think it will be good for us to spend some time together."

You smiled. "That actually sounds like an amazing idea," you said. "But do you think Gemma will want to do it?"

"Baby, she gets to spend time with her precious little nephew, of course, she'll want to do it," he laughed.

"Then let's do it," you said. "Whenever she's free."

"I've already texted her and just waiting for a response," he smiled.

You smiled leaning over pressing your lips against his. "I love you," you smiled.

"I love you too," he smiled. "Now, you better go get ready."

"I am, I am," you laughed.


After saying goodbye to Harry and a sleeping Mac, you got into the car and drove to your doctor's appointment. You talked it over with the Doctor beforehand and they understood your concerns for not wanting to bring him, so you just opted for him to stay home with Harry. While you were driving to the doctor's office, you noticed a few times there was a car, a few cars behind you, that was always there.

The street you were driving on was considered the main road so it could be that this particular person was going the same direction as you. However, whenever cars in between your car and theirs, they always made sure to still stay back enough to where they weren't right behind you. And that you found very odd.

You thought about calling Harry and telling him what was going on, but you didn't want to worry him over something that was most likely nothing. Eventually, you pulled into the parking lot near the doctor's office and the car sped on by, which made you feel better about the situation. After you parked the car, you got out and walked inside.

You signed in and they took your information and you sat down before taking out your phone. Harry had sent you a few photos of Mac and you laughed typing up a response to him. A few moments later, they called you back and you followed the nurse.

"Welcome back, Y/N, how's everything going?" She asked.

"Great," you said. "But still missing out on sleep," you laughed.

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