Chapter 33: I Promise

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I walked downstairs and I guess everybody is in their rooms. Harry must have already slept in the room mum gave him. I looked at the clock and it's just eight o'clock. Too early for bed.

I get some crisps again from the fridge and walked to the lounge to watch telly. I pulled my pyjamas up before I sat down and put my feet up on the coffee table.

I'm searching for a nice channel to watch but I didn't get to find one so I just stopped and just watched an animated movie again, which is Tangled and thought of random stuff like why am I a fangirl? Why can't pigs fly? Why can't horses bark? Why am I not tall? Why is Ashton tall? Why are there boy bands? Why are One Direction's legs thinner than me? Why would ever Harry Styles come over my place all the way from Cheshire? Why?!

"Tara, what is with you?" I look at my right and Ashton was standing with a smirk on his face. "You just crushed a bag of crisps!" He says and sits beside me. Ash gets the crisps and started to eat them. "Ashton, where's Harry?" I ask him.

"So now you're looking for him." Ash looks at me with a smile. "It doesn't mean anything." I answer. "Are you not glad? A lad from a famous boy band came here to visit you." Ashton adds. "I am glad but... Ashton... Ugh." I breathe. "If you only knew." I mumble. "I want to go somewhere." I say and sank in the couch.


Ashton and I looked up to the stairs where Harry is on his way down. I looked back to the telly where I can see from my left that Harry sat on the couch next to Ashton. "Do you want some?" Ashton gives Harry some crisps, I look at them and Harry shakes his head. "Thank you." He smiles and our eyes met. I'm not myself now, I don't even know what I'm doing. I stretched and sank in the couch more that my toes reaches the height of Ashton's which is on the coffee table too.

"It's I'll keep my arms wide open. Not heart." Harry says with a smile and I looked at him. "What?" I ask him. "You were singing a song and you messed up the lyrics while you were stretching." Ashton says and my eyes widen. I sat back and looked at the telly. Did I?! I messed up Harry's song and I sang his song. "Thanks for correcting." I answer.

"Can someone buy me bread?" Mum was at the stairs and we looked at her. "Tara." Ashton looks at me. "Sure, I would love to go for a walk." I say and stand from my seat. "To Aunt Debbie's?" I ask. "Yes. Remember the loaves you buy before? Please do get them and add French bread, some macaroons and just those wheat loaves that have nuts and that." Mum says. "Can you come with Tara? Harry?" Mum says and my eyes widen. "He's tired." I say. "I'm not." Harry says and he smiles at me. "You can't go out alone at night." Ashton says. "Then you can come with me." I tell Ashton. "Harry's a visitor." I say. "It's absolutely fine." He says. "Tara." Mum and Ashton say in unison and I stand there with no one siding me. "I'm just going to get my hoodie." I say and walked to my way up my room. I take my plain grey hoodie out of my closet and wore it. I walked downstairs and out of the house after getting the money from mum.

"Can you wait for me?" Harry asks and I stopped until he catches up. "Are you mad at me that I came here?" he asks. "I'm not." I say and placed my hands inside my hoodie's pocket. "Why do you seem mad at me?" he asks again. "I'm not mad. I... I couldn't get mad at you." I say and looked at his smile. "It's really nice here." He says. "Peaceful. No paparazzi. No much people." Harry adds. "It is. That's why I like it here than back in London. But I love it in London too." I say. "Do people know where you are?" I ask him. "I do not know." He says.

"Is the bakery near? Are we going downtown?" he asks. "No. Just a few more steps and we'll be there." I say. "About how many?" he asks. "About a thousand." I answer and he laughs.

Aunt Debbie's bakery is already closed when we came so we head back to home with nothing.

"I worked in a bakery before." He says. "You sweep the floor and earn £3.65 an hour." I add and I looked at him. He was smiling. "Tara, are you mad at me?" He asks. "How many times will I tell you that I am not." I say softly. "Harry..." I calm myself down and I guess this is the best time to tell him how I feel so that I won't over think anymore. "Harry... Did you really remember... everything?" I ask and looked at him. "Everything we had.". He answers with a nod. "When I introduced you to mum, brought you to Glasgow, had times with you in LA---" "I know." I cut him and took a deep breath. "Harry... I didn't... I didn't like to talk to you because I was afraid. I... I was afraid of getting rejected by you which... Which I know you really will. I just want to apologise if I ever made you feel bad... and down a few weeks ago." I honestly say and he doesn't utter a word. I don't know what else to say. "Harry, why did you came here anyway?" I ask him and he looks at me.

My heart started to beat fast that I looked away after our eyes met.

"Uhm, you forgot something on tour, you left it." He says and stops walking. I walk back to him and he was taking something inside his pocket. I'm really nervous on what he will say after. I just want to be friends with him after everything we've been through that he remembers.

"Here." He says as he raises the necklace he gave me. "Here." He repeats. "Tara, remember I told you that I wanted to see you wearing this every day. I... I didn't want to take this any longer." He says and slowly tears flowed down from my eyes. "Harry..." "Tara, I couldn't wait anymore to tell this to you. I was the one who felt scared that I might get rejected by you because you weren't talking to me anymore since I told you that I remembered everything. If you felt scared, I felt worse than that." He says. "Harry..." I shake my head. "Even if..." Tears slowly comes out from his eyes and streamed down to his face. "Even if I won't remember anything from the past, from what we had while you were doing the book, I will come back for you." He says and my crying makes me harder to breathe. "Because I had love you." He says and I sobbed on my hands so bad.

"I'm sorry I didn't had the courage to tell you before because of Adam." He adds and I looked up to him. "I promised. Remember that... I promised that I won't let you go." He says and I walked towards him and cried badly on his chest. I grip his shirt because I was badly crying and he was whimpering.

"Why... Why would you ever fall for a fangirl..." I ask him as I catch my breathe. "Because my heart says it." Harry tightens his hug. "Don't let me go." He whispers and I let myself be comfortable in his warmth. I pulled myself away and he holds my face. "I'm sorry." He says and I pushed his head down close to me for a kiss.

"Why are we in the middle of the street?" I ask after we pulls away. He smiled and giggled. "Shall we go home?" I add. "Let us put this on first." He says and goes to my back and wore the necklace to me. As he was done, I turn to him. "I have never regretted every single moment when I was with you." He says and smiled. "I thought you were going to get mad." I say. "When we knew you throughout the tour, I told myself that I want to be with you. I wanted it to happen before but..." He pauses and presses his lips together. "But they told us that we're not allowed to date you." He says as he shakes his head. "The rules..." He sighs. "What if they find us out..." I ask. "I wouldn't let you go. You wouldn't let me go either, would you?" "I won't." I answer and shake my head.

He clasps his hand to mine and walked home.

"Am I still living in a fan fiction?" He asks. "Not anymore." He answers with a smile and he pulls me close to him while walking.

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