Chapter 40: Infinite

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A year has passed and everything is all normal now. We have forgotten about our typewritten love thing but we just recall it every night when we want to. We still haven't decided where we should really stay. Sometimes Harry is in his house in the North while I have already got to own the house I stayed in and used before and also where Harry stays most of the time.

Months ago we went back to Cheshire to meet his mum and sister, it was amazing and maybe soon we'll be back again as he promised.

Of course about his fans, I'm already being accepted or should I say, well accepted by them but we can't say goodbye to the haters.

My mum and Harry's are already Twitter buddies, mum sends clothes from her line to Harry's mum which she told Harry to tell me that she loves the clothes. Maybe soon they'll get to see each other. I checked on mum's Twitter just now and the latest were conversations with Harry's mum about missing the both of us five minutes ago.

"We'll see you soon all together. Much love from me and @Harry_Styles xx @MrsAnneTwist @MooreHope"

"@tarashaw London meet up!"

"Harry's place mam :) soon x @MooreHope"

"@tarashaw Where you at?"

"@MooreHope home w/ curly xx"

I replied.

Harry's at my place by now. Ashton doesn't live here anymore but he has already found a house in South London where he'll be continuing his career.

I'm currently in my iPad when I saw a photo of the cathedral from Ellie's Twitter. The Westminster cathedral.

"You didn't call me! I wanted to go there. @elliellie"

I tweeted her.

"Was with my love ;) @tarashaw"

"Creepy wink, love. That's the last time you're using a wink. @elliellie Haha! See you soon. Curly misses you too oh no aha."

I replied.

I'm currently working in Footprints and I'm writing a new novel for them and this time, it's not fan fiction. I've wanted to make a novel with supernaturals things, it is a challenge for me, that's just like my part time job, my real job is in a production team in a tv show, drama in BCC. It is really my dream to be in a production team of a drama and I am already enjoying it.

Today is our rest day, the actors, directors, and the rest of our team are in a day off for three days.

"Tara, get dressed, love." Harry says as he walks inside the room. "Why?" I ask. "We're going somewhere." He says. "What time is it anyway?" "About four." He answers and changes his clothes. "Are we going to eat?" I ask with a laugh. "Maybe?" "Can we buy ice cream?" "Sure." He nods.

After dressing up, I get in the car and waited for Harry who forgot his beanie in the living room. As soon as he comes back, he wears his sunglasses and started driving somewhere without telling me where are we going but I just really feel that we are going to the airport to fetch someone since I heard him talking to someone on the phone a while ago.

I turn the radio on since we're really quiet and some great road trip music played. I was tapping my lap and softly sang to the music until the beat rises and Harry turns up the volume which made us sing together and it felt like a mini party inside the car as I was dancing in my seat, and Harry nodding his head.

After the trip, he pulls over in a place that is really familiar to me.

"We're here, babe." He says and he takes his seatbelt off. So did I. We walked down the car, my phone in my right hand and I placed it inside the jeans' pocket.

"Westminster cathedral." I say to myself and smiled. "I thought we were going to the airport." I tell him as I looked at the cathedral. "Maybe. But higher than what planes can reach, we're actually in heaven." He says. "Would you like to come inside?" He asks me and I looked at him. He was smiling. "Of course." I nod and we walked our way inside the cathedral.

It was massive and beautiful.

I said a little prayer and as soon as I finished, I looked at Harry. He had his head bowed down with his eyes closed and he was feeling the spirit of the place.

As he finishes he turns to me and nods.

"Thanks for bringing me here."

I whisper to him and he smiles. "You should have told me you wanted to go here. We should have gone here before." He says and we walked our way outside.

It's really beautiful. I could just stand in this place right now and stare at the cathedral and the people coming in and out, in smiles and in tears. It was wonderful.

"Can we get something to eat on our way home?" He asks. "Oh, of course." Harry nods and we get in the car and he started to drive again.

"Taaaa @Harry_Styles for bringing me to the Westminster Cathedral. It was very beautiful. Xx"

I tweeted and we stopped at some supermarket to buy food and some goods for our home. Harry is on a holiday for a week and he'll be back to work soon again. I'll miss him again but still he'll be coming home at my house in the east.

In a few days too, I'll be getting my driver's license after years of not wanting to drive but I have to. I tried to drive Harry to his mates a few days ago and he said I was good but he had to drive our way home because I was too lazy and I might be caught soon (since I still don't have my license) which would really bad.

Tonight, we're having dinner with dad who just wanted to see me and Harry since he has business here in London and he's currently staying in a hotel.

We met at the restaurant in where we went when I finished college since he told me he really liked the food there. Dad was already there and Harry and I walked towards him. I gave him a kiss on his left cheek and a hug. Harry gives him a hug and dad tells us to be seated so we did. Harry is just dressed in a plain gray shirt and a blazer on, dark tight jeans and boots. I had jeans on and a shirt with flats, my hair is down and didn't want to style it or anything. Dad was just in a black shirt and in a black blazer which made him look like a celebrity, oh if only mum could see him, she'd fall for him, I guess. They looked formal while I didn't. I didn't care since I'm having dinner with people I'm so comfortable with.

"Good to see you again, Harry." Dad says with his Scottish accent that made me smile since the last time I heard him on the phone is him talking with his New York accent, whatever you call it. "You have your accent back." I say and chuckled. "Tara doesn't tell me where you really are from, sir." Harry says as he looks at me with a smile and he looks back to dad.

"I did!" I say. "Dad's from Glasgow, in Scotland. That makes him Scottish." I tell Harry. "And British." Dad says. "I was born in Liverpool. My parents are from there until we had to move to Glasgow and lived there until I finished college." Dad says and I just I left my jaw slightly opened as he talked about his life.

"I thought you were born in Glasgow." I say and he and Harry laughed. "No." Dad shakes his head. "I'm starving." I say to cut the laughter that is embarrassing me since it's my father and my boy laughing at me.

After the waiter takes our orders, Harry and dad continued talking whilst I'm listening to them. Harry was telling stories about how his life works, how tiring and fun it was, he talked about his fans and how they treat me, the negatives bothered dad but Harry told him he can handle it, I got the shivers when I heard Harry tell dad,

"But I won't let any of them hurt her physically or in Twitter or anywhere, sir. I'd do my best to protect her in every way I can. I promise."

He says and even though he sounded like some military man, it was the sweetest thing he could ever say to my dad.

My dad nods and the look of approval was seen in his eyes and face after hearing those words from Harry. He lifts his glass of water up and takes a drink from it. He puts it down and nods again.

"It is very good to hear those words from you, Harry. At first, I really believe that you are really one good lad."

Dad says and I didn't know what my face looked like. I felt happy and nervous for nothing. I glanced at Harry who is smiling to my dad and I look back at my food.

After a few chats, I felt tired and I have work to do tomorrow. I am really lazy to do things for the next day but I have to get my license tomorrow with Harry and go to Footprints with him for the update on the story. I guess I have spent my whole holiday with him and this is just right since soon we have to go back to work and be away from each other for another month or two.

"What did you and dad talk about when I got in the car and passed out?" I ask since I'm really curious. Last night, I remember looking at my phone's clock and it was about ten in the evening before I get inside the car and Harry told me that he had to talk to dad. When we got home, I was already concious when he pulled over right in front of our home, the time then was twelve twenty six. It only takes less than an hour to get in the restaurant from home and it should be lesser than that since I know it wouldn't be traffic since it's already night. Maybe they had a long talk and I want to know what it is all about. We are on our way to get my license and I'm really excited since I'll be driving to Footprints later with Harry, again.

"Guy talk." He says. "What was it?" I ask. "Nothing." He answers. "Personal?" "Not really." He shrugs. "Is it about sex?" I ask as it just reminded me by some book I just read. The book was made into a movie by the way. "No." He laughs. "He wouldn't care about it anyway, it's up to us. What then? Is he mad?" I ask. I won't stop until I get the real answer. "No, love." He laughs again. "Harry." I look at him and he pulls over not in front of the building where I should be getting my license but we are in Footprints.

"We are going to publish a book first." He says. "I'm still controlling you." I say. "Not anymore." He says with a smile and leans back to his seat. We were just inside the car staring at nothing and it just felt so comfortable, I wouldn't like to get out of this car and position.

"What if I was still writing about you? I really didn't want to end it but I had to let you go because I love you." I tell him. "Love is still stronger than anything. Look at that. I didn't even thought that we knew each other before. Isn't that amazing? And you were my girlfriend." He says with a light laugh and I just felt a little shy. I sighed and smiled. "Would you still call it a typewritten love?" I ask him. "Not anymore. We're living in reality now and it can't be ruined." He softly says as he turns to me and leans forward to me as our lips locked.

"Like that necklace you're wearing, our love is infinite." He says after looking down to my necklace and straight up to my eyes and gives me one last kiss before we pull ourselves away.

"But I'm still controlling you." I tell him in a haughty manner as he puts his hand from my face down and takes his seatbelt off. "Not anymore." He answers again. "I am! I can make you do anything I want. See, I'm making you drive, making you come with me---" "That's because you love me, I even want to be with you, that's just how I feel for you, more than that so let us go now and submit your papers to Ms. Johnson and we'll be getting your license and we'll pick Niall and Louis and we'll be having some tea as you wished." He says and walks out of the car and I also did and we walked our way inside the building. "You always win these days." I roll my eyes with a smile and looked at my phone's time. "One, Styles. Zero, Shaw." Harry says and I pull his beanie down to his nose and he stopped walking while I didn't. "Ten points to Slytherin. Sorry, Harry... Potter." I say and we get inside the lift.

"I could win in the Hunger Games." Harry says and presses the sixteenth floor button. "I'd still win the Hunger Games because I starve so fast than you." "But it is not all about starvation." Harry says. "I have read it. I just wanted to make a joke out of it." I say. "You'll be paying for the tea, then." I tell him and he nods. "I always do." He says we exchanged looks and he smiles, he gives me a peck on my lips before we walked out of the lift and off to give the chapters of my supernatural story.

I'm really glad of having Harry in my life now, he's all I could ever ask for and it just made me complete. I'm one in a billion that could date a famous personality that girls so crazy over to and I was one of those girls, before, and now. I wouldn't stop being a fangirl. I may have stopped fangirling over Harry now a bit but I still do get the butterflies everywhere and he makes me ovaries explode. I'm still fangirling over the whole band, especially Zayn. Once a Zayn girl, always a Zayn girl. I wouldn't be here in my place, in where I am if Ellie wasn't with me, she's the reason I came up with a great fan fiction that turned out to everything I write comes real. Tomorrow, Ellie and I will be seeing each other and Harry with his mates before we go back to work on Monday. Harry wouldn't like our love before to be known as anything that was typewritten, scripted or controlled, he felt that it was true love and it will forever be.

"I won't let you go again. I promise." He says before we drifted ourselves to sleep. His promises never get broke and I trust him with that. I know that sometimes he may be a jerk but he will always be different from all the guys I've met. Maybe we're afraid of letting go of each other since we have truly, madly and deeply fallen for each other and nothing, nothing and nobody can break us apart from this strong bond we have that is infinite.


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