Who'd Have Known 1

533 37 40

"What the F---!!"

Seokjin managed to shut his boyfriend's mouth by covering it with his left hand. They both sat on the couch in the corner of coffee shop near Seokjin's house. Hyosang just arrived from Anyang, the city he lives for work and had been told about Seokjin's situation.

"Shh... Hyosang, please calm..."

"How could I calm myself? I told you not to be friends with him! This is worse than being friends. I knew this would somehow happened." Hyosang fisted his palm. "The way he looked at you that day at the school clinic was really something."

"What?" Seokjin kinda confused.

Hyosang was taken aback. He slipped those forbidden fact he wished he could keep it as a secret himself. That he doesn't want Seokjin to know it was Namjoon saved the fainted pretty boy, and the truth that he is actually reckoning Namjoon as his rival. He knew that Namjoon has heart for Seokjin.

"That.. That I told you not to be friends with him, you know that I am protecting you right? He is a bad guy. And he likes you, you know that!"

Seokjin seemed did not really pay attention with the words about school clinic. Probably not important for his assumption. "Yeah, but, I think he is not really that bad..."

"Not really that bad? It's close to be called slavery!" Hyosang reached Seokjin's palm, squeezed it. "Don't be so naive. He is the type of person who will do anything to get what he wants. He wants you! Not to mention that he has money and power. He has everything!"

"I know. I know. But please trust me. It's just two years. We will be okay. I promise you nothing will happen."

"It's not just. It's BLOODY TWO YEARS! And what kind of promise? You are living with him in the same roof for 24/7. And also," Hyosang hesitated to continue his words. "You will probably grow feelings just by meeting him everyday."

"It's not 24/7, Hyosang." Now it's Seokjin squeezed Hyosang's tigh. Reassuring him. "He is busy enough to be home. And you know right, that you are the only one that I love..."

"I know. I love you so much that's why please leave that mansion as soon as possible. Come live with me."

Seokjin bit his lower lip. "Hyosang... Please understand my situation. I'm doing this for Jungkookie..."

"Why? He is just your step brother right? Just let your step father and your step brother fix their own problems. You don't have to sacrifice yourself, sacrifice us..."

"Yeah you right. Jeon Jonghyun my step father is really a bastard, but Kookie still my brother. My mom gave birth of him. I don't have parents anymore. Kookie is the only family I have. I treasure him a lot. More over, my mom wanted me to protect him whatever happen."

"Damn it!" Hyosang was desperate and really lost for words to make Seokjin doing what he said to leave the mansion. "Do I have any other words to convince you, Seokjinnie?" He sighed. Deeply. "You win."

Seokjin smiled. "You are the best, Hyosang..."

"Just please don't let him touch you..."

Seokjin himself actually unsure about this one certain thing, but he needs to reassure Hyosang so the other could believe him.

"Don't worry. Trust me. I'm yours." And he received a kiss from Hyosang. A passionate one.



After ended the rendezvous with Hyosang, Seokjin visited his home. Seokjin offered his boyfriend to come over with him, but the other has appointment so he couldn't join the dinner together. Jungkook was waiting him with groceries ready to cook. He was peeling some carrots while Seokjin came. He wanted his hyung cook him Japanese curry he likes the most and bake him some cake. They both have some conversation while Seokjin preparing dinner. Their father also home and tried to joining yet still awkward. Seokjin was having a cup of tea and a slice of cake while listening Jungkook told him stories about school when his phone buzzing. A message from Namjoon.

A Wish Remembered - NamJin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now