1. Yours

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At this point Mingyu was sure of one thing, today was not his day.
His alarm stopped working at night, making him late for school. Then he missed one step and fell face first in front of his ex, who casually (and purposely) said that she was glad they broke up. Next, he forgot his homework, leading Mr. Hong to believe Mingyu was not interested in his subject, history - like c'mon who even is? And now at lunch, he is laying on the cafeteria ground with a plate of spaghetti on his white SuJu tee, which he had to buy from his own money.

Totally not his day.

"Come on, dude, get up. You can pull through. Here take my hand," his best friend, Hansol, spoke up.

Once they settled down on their table, Soonyoung spoke up, munching on his carrot, "Like, I know you're clumsy on a regular basis, but this on a whole different level clumsiness. What's up with you today?"

"Honestly, I'm – It's not my day, everything is going wrong." He sighed, while Soonyoung patted his hand in understanding (Soonyoung was king of bad days).

"Hello, my lovely ladies!" yelled none other than Yoon Jeonghan, Seungcheol's not-so-secret crush. This time he had another guy with him, who looked like he ate rainbows and glitters for breakfast. At least his hair did look like it.

"Sorry, hyung. Looks like you got a wrong table there. For all I know, all guys are sitting here. And that comment about 'ladies', I'm sure you could pass as one," Wonwoo grumbled.

As for Mingyu, his eyes were set on a certain skinny guy with rainbow hair. How can someone look sexy while pulling off that cute look? Yeah, that was the question that ran in his mind on repeat. Mingyu was well aware he was staring at that beauty, knew he should probably snap out of it. He knew but he didn't.

The said guy abruptly blushed dark red. He sneaked a look at Mingyu making his heart race. Do you hear that? That's his heart thudding like crazy.

Suddenly Mingyu felt himself being poked with something sharp. He was snapped out of his trance, scowling at the source of disturbance. Can't they let Mingyu enjoy the view without interrupting him? Gosh, annoying people.

"What the fuck, man? Poking me with a fork?!" he yelled at Seungkwan, who was smirking yet was glaring (how even someone can do that?) at Mingyu.

"Okay, so now that I have the daydreamer's attention," Jeonghan spared a look at Mingyu, making him blush lightly. not your day, Mingyu reminded himself. "Meet my sunflower, Xu Minghao!" He announced proudly. He pulled his 'sunflower' close to himself.

"Where did you find him Hannie?" Seungcheol questioned him in a tone which suggested Seungcheol won't put it past Jeonghan to pick the kid from a trash can.

Jeonghan simply shrugged nonchalantly. "Mingyu was suppose to be his guide, but then he became late, so he didn't get a tour. Mr. Seo asked me to hand Minghao to Mingyu."

Now, Mingyu was in dilemma. At such a ready opportunity of spending sometime with such a cutie, on any other day, he would be jumping to grab this opportunity but today? No. As it is, it was not his day and he was sure of embarrassing himself in front of his crush. (can he even call Minghao his crush, considering they met not more than a minute ago?)

"Is it fine if I finish my food first?" he manage to croak out which sounded a bit harsh to even his own ears. He winced. Way to go, Kim Mingyu.

"It's fine. You can eat. We can tour some other day," Minghao spoke. Even his voice was cute with that little dialect. It was so very obvious he hadn't been in Korea for a long time. His smile fell a bit but managed to cover it up quickly, hanging his head down a little. But Mingyu saw right through that slip up and he felt like a proper asshole. He should just take the chance and give him a tour that way he would embarrass himself and not hurt Minghao unintentionally.

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