4. Ready For Me? (Part 1)

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A word had gotten around that Kim Mingyu, the son of famous clothing brand 7TEEN's CEO and Pledis High's personal ex Bad Boy, was back.
Back again in Pledis Academy.


The moment Minghao heard it, he started praying for himself and DK. He and DK wished to disappear from that campus as soon as they heard it. Seungkwan was the one who had come to their table with a cup of coffee and their college paper.
(Minghao had found the idea of College Newspaper very stupid and hilarious. But when he got his sketch book back through the 'lost and found' segment of that paper he stopped questioning it's sanity).

Seungkwan opened the paper to a page, which was exclusive for gossips only, that had Kim Mingyu's picture on it. Woozi, Chan and Seungkwan gathered around the paper to look at the bad boy.

Seungkwan whistled lowly.  "Damn, he looks fine. Won't mind getting banged" he muttered, scanning the paper for more pictures. But looked disappointed on not finding.

Seokmin nudged Minghao gently in his side, and looked at him. They shuffled closer so they could whisper and not attract attention of the other three.

"Minnie, he's back"
"I know, Hao. Why are we this unlucky?"
"Couldn't he find any other college to go to? "
" Why do you think eh cane back? Heard his dad is doing pretty well, then why come here, why not got to England or London? "
" Only if he could think like you, DK"
"If he could think like me , we wouldn't have gotten in this mess in first place, Hao"
"Don't get sassy with me, Minnie"
" Yeah, okay, jeez. What do we do now?"
"How about we stop looking at each other so fiercely?"
"Right. We'll talk when we're alone"

And they turned their head slightly freaked out. Seungkwan was on his phone, probably hunting down Mingyu's every social media account or he already did that and now is in the middle of stalking.
Next to him Chan was giggling over the comic segment which Minghao was incharge of. Today's comic was written with Chan's help, he had insisted he helped Minghao.

Minghao turned to look at Woozi only to find him looking at him with a calculating gaze. It is never a good news when he is in such a mood.

"What you guys were talking?" he asked, suddenly grabbing his bottle tightly.
"You both didn't see Kim Mingyu. Here take it" he said offering the paper Chan put down. Woozi was and is one hell of a man. Minghao is sure he knows something is up and about. And within a minute he figured it revolved around Mingyu. He wasn't called tiny genius for nothing.

Minghao was about to take the paper, and make it clear there was nothing going on, when Seokmin suddenly blurted out, "We've seen him already"

Way to go, Minnie, way to go.
Woozi's doubt just got confirmed. And he'll either get hold of Seokmin or Minghao. And the way Woozi smirked at Minghao, he was sure he'll be the one that woozi will get hold of. Other two seemed to be in their own world with headphones.
Minnie, why?

He found it difficult to swallow his own spit, let alone swallow the fact that Mingyu is back.
He really prays that Mingyu doesn't come searching for a certain Xu Minghao and Lee Seokmin.


As soon as Minghao was out of the Pledis High and into Pledis Academy, he was offered to take over the comic section in the college newspaper. And since he liked sketching he accepted it.
Next day he had gone to the Club's weekly meeting only to get introduced to Suga, Woozi, Scoups, Rapmonster, Solar, Ten and other names Minghao couldn't quite understand.
Minghao did a double check to see if he had walked in on some Underground meeting, he wasn't aware. I mean Woozi is fine Rap Monster? Really?
Suga, aka Min Yoongi, explained the whole concept of "stage name" or "pen name". And they encouraged him to get one too. So he ended up not introducing himself that day.

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