16. Honeybun

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Okay, first thing first
(but can we appreciate the concept? Like cute seventeen who? I only know dark seventeen)
(my baby, my sunshine, my world, Minghao.... He was out of this world)
Ps. My fav part was Jihoon and Minghao's
Love my baby boys


"Just sit down for a goddamn second Mingyu!" Minghao groaned, cent percent done with Mingyu's stubbornness. He sighed loudly, a finger massaging his right temple. As the shuffling of feet still could be heard Minghao made a point to yell instead, "Fucking go and lie down! Don't be a stubborn child! Kim Mingyu, are you even listening to me right now?!"

"You don't get it, do you? I've a job to go to Hao! I can't just take a day off and laze around!" Mingyu retaliated equally annoyed. For half an hour they've been going back and forth. And Minghao just refuses to understand Mingyu's reasons.

" I don't get it? Do you not get it? You're having a cold, Gyu, cold. And add to that you're running a fever! F-E-V-E-R, Mingyu. Just fabulous! And all you think about is your job? Who's going to look after your health if all you care about is job, nut head?" Minghao yelled from the kitchen while making some soup and tea. He sometimes felt more like a mother than a boyfriend to Mingyu. no wonder Mingyu's mom always seemed to be giving tips on how to control her clumsy child. God, remind him why is he in love with that dork again? He sighed again, taking care of Mingyu is like looking after a very hyper sick child who refuses to rest. Running around and stressing isn't going to get Mingyu's fever down, but that ape is a piece of shit who refuses to listen to him.

He felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist and a head came to rest on his shoulder, a soft kissed pressed to the side of his throat, making Minghao purr in response. He nudged his sick baby away and poured the tea in the cup, while proceeded to grab the bowl from the over head shelf.

"You're going to look after me --" Mingyu spoke answering Minghao's question, "-- my sweet, sweet Honeybun", he added, knowing fully well how red Minghao can turn when Mingyu called him with such cheesy pet names out of the blue.
And this time was no different as Minghao blushed at that, of course. And of course Mingyu felt mega smug with the reaction.

Mingyu isn't very cheesy, cliché lover. He is more of fleeting touches, soft smiles and gentle kisses kind of a lover. In Mingyu's defence, was sick right now and his thoughts were not entirely reasonable, his brain had turned into goo, the only thing he could think of was MinghaoMINGHAOmInGhAo, and how Minghao looked cute with red blush.

"Idiot. Let go of me and just sit down", Minghao said trying to seem unaffected by the pet name as he busied himself by arranging the medicine, soup and tea on the tray and carrying at without tripping.

"Okay mom", Mingyu retorted, brain still fuzzy.

"Right, that's all I'm to you these days. Coming home either drunk or late or with a headache or something like that. I've to tend to that, not that I'm complaining. Just that I always have to make sure you get to college on time without falling in a ditch, eat on time, remind you to take umbrella or your jacket --" Minghao was cut off by a pair of chapped yet desirable lips on his, a warm hand slipping underneath his sweatshirt.

Any other day he would've basked in the warmth of another lips and snuggled closer to Mingyu, would've even let Mingyu get away with whatever he had done. But today? No, sir.

Minghao pushed Mingyu away and made sure to hit his chest because dude, that's gross and you've have fever and cold and God, germs!

"Okay, WOW. I feel the love" Mingyu grumbled as he sat back reluctantly, acting more like a child throwing tantrum. Huffing loudly he started sipping at the tea, rubbing his chest. Minghao could get away with pretty hard hits, damn those tiny hands.

"You're sick and I'll have to look after you! You want me get sick too? Then who is gonna look after us? Your mom?!" Minghao exclaimed, voice still gentle and soft, as he sat next to Mingyu and gently rubbed at his chest where he had hit. He didn't know he could hit that hard.

"I'll show you tonight, no not tonight, after I get better, I'll show you what you're to me. Be prepared to get wracked, honeybun, my darling, sweetheart, deary, sugar plum." Mingyu proudly declared, wiggling his eyebrows obnoxiously.

In all honesty Minghao felt that Mingyu totally deserved the kick he got.

("That was your mom. She said she'll be here in few days. And she'll be staying with us for a week" Minghao informed Mingyu after attending to the call.

"oh man! Never thought my own mother would become a cockblock! But...I can still show you what you're to me and make you whisper my name, now that you can't scream it. Preferably when she goes to sleep, I guess" Mingyu said as he snuggled more into the warm blanket. He then proceeded to moan he own name in a whisper, trying to imitate Minghao's accented voice.

"Fucking Idiot"

"I'm fine with anything as long as I'm yours...... Honeybun")


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