14. Call It Even

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Jihoon locked the studio and pocketed the key, patting the pocket twice just to be sure that the key had landed into his pocket and not on the dirty, white tiles. It won't be the first time if he lost the studio key, Jihoon is sure Pledis already has another three (or maybe twelve) set of duplicates of that key. They have that much of fate in Jihoon and his ability to take care of his keys, thanks Pledis.

Just as he rounds the corner, he notices that the door to the practice room is open. Jihoon has half a mind to just walk past since N'uest W would be busy rehearsing, but then he hadn't seen anyone much, so why not just drop by. A quick how is the practice going?
With that thought in mind, he changes his direction of course and walks towards the room. It's fishy how N'uest, for a change, were being as quiet as mice, not a single noise, neither loud yelling nor thumping of music. Shrugging, Jihoon continues to walk, Nu'est hyungs were weird bunch of people, very unpredictable. (So were Seventeen, but shh, that's not the point).

He was a mindful adult, and so, he just peeks his head instead of barging in. (He could've just knocked instead-- )

Imagine Jihoon's shock when he found that the room was not occupied by N'uest, but instead by two of his own members, Mingyu and Minghao, to be more specific.
Minghao was sitting on Mingyu's back, massaging the older's shoulder, his movements gentle and slow. Both were giggling, lost in their own world. And Jihoon couldn't help but smile a little, knowing that they were happy made his heart feel a little more lighter. Isn't that what every member wants, for his other members to be happy?

The atmosphere was also light and warm, in spite of the harsh LED lights and fogged mirrors. Jihoon wondered if Minghao would mind if he joining them, and then sneakily asked for a massage as well. Meh, he won't mind, he concludes.
His body was halfway in when he froze, his brain running haywire. Minghao giggled a little and leaned down, listening to whatever Mingyu had to say, lips hovering close to Mingyu's ear.

The fact that the two were being quiet should have been the first give away, but in Jihoon's defence, he was tired and was working on a single braincell. He slowly walks backwards, managing to get back in the previous position without making any noise, only his head peeking in and his body, neck-down, outside.

Whatever Mingyu must have said had Minghao blushing, Mingyu smirking when the younger let out an indignant squawk. Jihoon silently chuckled at the younger dancer's reaction, his face giving away how flustered he got.
Minghao hit Mingyu's shoulder, leaning forward and biting Mingyu's left arm in retaliation. It wasn't most weird thing Minghak has done, so Jihoon doesn't bat an eye. But his eyebrows shot through the roof when Mingyu turns his head and captures Minghao's lips in his, Minghao responding immediately, as if it wasn't their first time.

He gapes at the scene unfolding in front of him, hands still clutching the messenger bag he was carrying. Mingyu stirs, making Jihoon withdraw himself entirely from the room and lean against the wall besides the door. He takes in a breath, calming his racing heart and trying to calm down the havoc the thoughts are causing in his, a single cell supported, brain.

How the fuck did I not see this coming? is the first question that Jihoon decided to ponder on and, yeah, he really has been working with a brain powered by one and half a cell. He vaguely recollects Mingyu planting an open mouthed kiss on Minghao's forehead, pulling him onto his own lap, when Wonwoo had leaned forward to kiss Minghao on Cheeks after the Chinese had won for Wonwoo against Seokmin. He even remembers Seungkwan and Chan exchanging looks, both sporting an evil smirk.
Why the fuck did he dismiss that act? is the second question he asks himself. Maybe the lack of reaction from Minghao, and Chan's immediate gaging noises were the reason Jihoon had dismissed the entire act of jealousy. And it's not new to find Mingyu getting jealous, he had been craving attention from Minghao a lot recently, which what the fuck, Jihoon, why didn't he think much of this act? This entire time Mingyu and Minghao's more than friendship relation had been glaring Jihoon in his face and yet Jihoon hadn't noticed, let alone figure anything out?
He lets out a sigh, and rolls his eyes, so much for being a good friend, huh?

He decides a last peek won't hurt and  leans his body over slowly, making sure that the pair doesn't notice the movement. The position has changed slightly, Minghao is still sitting on Mingyu, but now Mingyu is laying on his back with Minghao sitting on his stomach. Minghao has his hands trapped in between their chests, Mingyu's hands on the dancer's waist. Younger one is busy planting sloppy kisses all over the rapper's face, while the other has a content smile on his face, basking in the affection he had been craving.

Jihoon is not as successful as he was the first time and ends up hitting his elbow in the doorframe when he tries to leave, the sound snapping the two apart. Fuck, Jihoon, play it cool, he chants as the pain shoots from the elbow and making its way into some nerve in his brain. Did he lose another braincell? He hopes not. He is a step away from screaming  due to the pain, he shuts his eyes tightly, willing the pain to subside. After about few seconds he opens his eyes, flexes his arm and proceeds to act like nothing happened, all the while ignoring the 'couple' (wow, when did that happen really?) .

He almost bursts into a loud laughter when he notices the two 97liner's expression, both sporting a classic deer-caught-in-a-headlight looks, Minghao's hand still on Mingyu's chest and Mingyu's hands still around the other's waist. From the looks of it, both don't knowing how to explain the situation they were caught in without making it weird.
Jihoon smirks at the two, and turns on his heels and stops abruptly. Dramatic much? He turns his head and speaks over his shoulder, "Give me a massage every week, Hao-ah, and we'll call it even", and walks out, chuckling when he hears Mingyu curse and Minghao sigh.

That's a pretty good deal, if you ask Jihoon.


I genuinely want to ask those even bother to read this, is this book good enough at least?
Are you guys liking it?
(I'm so sorry for ignoring my babies for the longest time 😥🙀)


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