Final. Problem Solved!

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It was third week in a row that Mingyu had cancelled on their date night, due to him taking shifts late in the evening for his co-workers who apparently either had tests coming up or had dates or it's our first anniversary, have to take her out, please bro or just because Mingyu was too kind to say no. As much as Minghao doesn't want to be petty and be that partner who blows off over something this insignificant, he can't help the disappointment that washes over him like a wave. After all, he was a human too, he could only tolerate soo many can't make it today, bubs, have to cover for someone.

"Hansol's exams were coming and the poor kid had been falling sick frequently and hadn't caught up with his work. And he also needed the money to afford a tutor. Of course I couldn't say no, Hao," Mingyu explained, or at least tried to explain, to a Minghao who only nodded, too busy stuffing he face with popcorn.

Minghao is upset, frustrated, disappointed and just so damn tired. Granted, not being able to go out on dates isn't the end of a relationship, but the feeling still sucks, you know. And especially if the reason is his boyfriend's inability to just say no to people. Not only that, Mingyu coming home tired and drained of all energy, that just hurts a little too much too. It's like he's stuck in this limbo of wanting to tell Mingyu about the frustration that's eating away at his peace of mind and not wanting to make the older feel bad about not being to take Minghao out, or worse feel like he isn't enough for the Chinese male. That's definitely something he wants to avoid.

So popcorn we eat, it's better than saying things and then regretting it.

"But why are you telling me this?" Minghao wondered aloud, still not giving Mingyu the attention the other had been craving since he had walked in after a long day of work and classes. Okay, now Minghao feels like an asshole, but he is just petty like that when he too is craving the attention that Mingyu can't spare because apparently he's the only one available to cover shifts every single damn time.


"But why are you telling me this?"

Dropping on his knees, defeated, Mingyu crawls towards where Minghao is perched on their couch with his feet wedged between his opposite thighs, eyes just taking in the way the characters are moving around the screen, not really watching it or listening to it.

"Minghao, come on, try to work with me here, please?"

"Mingyu, not to be dramatic, but if I die tomorrow, I hope you would be happy to have spent those time working for those coworkers who could've asked, literally, anyone else instead of you every single time," the younger chimes, mouth twisting in a frown, gently pushing Mingyu away from himself with the huge bowl.

"You are being dramatic, love," Mingyu deadpans, watching Minghao extract himself away from the older male's personal space entirely. He pouts, eyes blinking at his boyfriend.

"Still, it doesn't miss my point, Mingyu. I can understand you taking up shifts once or twice, but for three weeks? Come on, that's a little too far. It's not like they've only you to approach. You come home tired, body aching and just go to sleep, skipping dinner on many occasions because, Gyu, 'I'm soo tired I could sleep for 60 years'. You know how much it pains me to see you like that? You're playing with your health here. Your rejection wouldn't have killed anyone, instead they would've found someone else to cover up for them. Someone who hadn't taken shifts for three weeks continuously, or someone who didn't have a boyfriend waiting home to spend a quiet and peaceful date night with. You see where I'm coming from?" Minghao mildly fumes. He brisk walks into the kitchen, Mingyu following the younger male quickly.

True, his bones ached from working for extra shifts for three weeks and from having to spend time on the court, practicing for an entire week for their upcoming basketball match, since his team suddenly had fallen behind in his absence. Suddenly. Mysteriously. He should give Soonyoung and Chan a talk about this mystery.
Even though his bones ached, he had to pull through and have Minghao to understand him. He's tired and drained and heartbroken. It's not only Minghao who has his heart aching from not being able to spend time, Mingyu has this twice as hard since he knows he is the reason behind it. When heart is aching, body ache is nothing compared to it. He should fix things with Minghao before it is too late. He loves Minghao too much to just sit and wait it out. Can't afford losing the only ray of sunshine in his stressed life.

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