2. Baby Hao

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Minghao doesn't understand.

Seventeen's maknae line has left the hotel room with an excuse of going shopping with their new manager. But Mingyu said he had some work to finish, so Minghao too stayed with his boyfriend to give him a company. Minghao had practiced his dance for a while, scrolled through his insta feed, watched a few videos.

Mingyu has been working on their song from morning and now its afternoon. And Minghao doesn't understand why his boyfriend is not paying any attention to him. He has been trying from a long time to gain Mingyu's attention and now he is done. If Mingyu wants to ignore him, then Minghao shall too.

So Minghao got up, took his wallet, phone and shades and left the hotel room. He gave Seungkwan a call asking where they all were. He told Minghao they would be at 5 Guys in an hour. So Minghao decided to just walk around.

Sure, they gained popularity in Korea but not so much in western world that he or the other boys would get mobbed at any given instance. He met a few fans on his walk, asking for a selfie and spoke to them in his limited English – which they said was good, but Minghao feels like they're being biased – for some time.

After about half an hour he reached the near by public park and sat on the park bench and scrolled through his instagram, tweeted and retweeted some tweets, took tons of selfies and then he decided to walk to 5 Guys.

On his walk Minghao couldn't help but feel as if someone was following him. He turned around, there was no one who seemed fishy. So he continued his walk, cursing Mingyu, cursing himself and cursing that feeling of being watched.

His face lit up when he saw the maknae line getting out of a white car. Before thinking, he dashed across the road. But someone caught his waist and pulled him back, his back hitting a strong chest. Suddenly a car with lightning speed passed by, making Minghao's heart to pound hard in its cage. That was close, jeez. If it wasn't for the kind person, headlines of how Xu Minghao from famous KPOP band, Seventeen, had got into an accident on a fine afternoon in LA, would have made on the newspaper.
Moving all the way from China only to die in LA would've been real sad.

That thought made Minghao shudder in fear. This is going to haunt him for days, now.

Oh god, what am I even thinking! Death is sad, wherever it happens! Get your head in the game, dang it!

"Hey, you're fine now, babe. Calm down. Next time please, baby, watch out." A raspy voice adviced from behind and Minghao would know this voice anywhere and anytime.

Even if Mingyu had essentially saved his life, it doesn't mean Minghao should give him his attention. So he removed Mingyu's hands from his waist, thanked him and crossed the road, carefully this time.

When he reached the other side safely, Chan threw himself at Minghao and started yelling how scared he was and how stupid this hyung is for doing that. Everyone started taking their turns to scold and hug him. Seokmin as the oldest currently took the liberty to hit his back, only to have Hansol rubbing it gently later. Seungkwan was almost in tears. So Minghao hugged him tightly and whispered, "Sorry, Boo. Now I'm here, aren't I? So cheer up, we'll get some things from 5 Guys and then get lunch. Hyungs' must have had theirs."

Mingyu had joined their group by then, but he stayed at the sidelines, perhaps sensing how upset Minghao was with him and just in general. Their new manager gave Minghao an earful although he hugged him and ruffled his hair. Minghao patted his back, and made sure everyone knew not to let their hyungs hear a word about this. They're all worry worts, he doesn't want to add to it.

After a trip to 5 Guys, they walked to a close by restaurant. Seungkwan held on to Minghao's left hand while Mingyu's hand rested at small of Minghao's back. Minghao let it pass, too shook to actually push away any comfort his members offered.

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