15. Trouble On Insta (republished) (Part4)

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So sorry, only half part got published.....jskjdkd

As Mingyu laid on Minghao's bed, watching him pick outfits for his date night, asking Mingyu for his opinion now and again, Mingyu felt...content. Yes, he didn't have Minghao the way he would've liked to, but he was happy nonetheless, at least Minghao didn't hold grudge and had accepted Mingyu's friendship.

"-ngyu!! Yah, Mingyu!! Kim fucking Mingyu?!"

Mingyu scrambled to sit up straight, looking at the outfit Minghao had finally settled on - a simple back shirt, and ripped black, skinny jeans. Black on black was a great choice, but only so many of them could pull it off. In Mingyu's opinion Black on black isn't a safe style if one can't pull it off.
So he raised his eyebrow in a contemplating manner, tilting his head in every available direction to show that he was really trying to see if it'll look good on Minghao.
In the small time span of 6 months that the two 'dated', Mingyu had found that Minghao had a history of pulling almost everything off without any effort. He was cent percent sure if Minghao would wear a trash Bag, he'd still set a trend.

But black on black?

"Uh", he begin unsurely, "is that a good idea, Hao?" he asked.
On one hand he wanted to have Minghao put the clothing and maybe, perhaps, leave Yugyeom not so impressed but he was trying to be a new leaf. And the fact that Yugyeom treated Minghao better than Jihoon (maybe not better than Jihoon, that guy was like Minghao's father), was enough of a proof that the dancer wouldn't leave Minghao just because he wore something that he didn't quite pull off.

"It's my go to clothing, always makes me look good and makes me feel confident", Minghao chimed, checking himself out in the mirror as he held the shirt in front of his chest, eyes raking up and down. And fuck, Mingyu really needs to get off the fantasy of having Minghao some day.

He watched as Minghao disappeared inside the bathroom, closing the door shut. He sighed and laid back on the bed, inhaling the scent he had loathed for months - Minghao's favourite perfume. Oh, how he wishes he could smell more of it, preferably on Minghao, with the said male in his arms, preferably telling Mingyu how much he loves him.

Yeah, Mingyu, that's all you can do right now.

Just keep dreaming.

He had convinced himself that he'd survive without seeing or talking to Minghao, but boy, was he wrong. Everytime he saw Minghao just casually existing, his heart would flip and flop and fly around in his chest making him feel a little lightheaded and nauseous. It was just not possible for him to not detect Minghao if he was in the room or in the same hallway. At that point Mingyu was sure if he had X-ray vision he'd detect Minghao through walls and walls of classrooms.

Jungkook and Yoongi has gotten together and the older rapper had (literally) smacked some sense into his thick skull. "Stop being a woos and fucking go and apologise. I wouldn't want my boyfriend hanging with such a narcissist.", Yoongi had huffed out, surprising Jungkook too at the casualty of that statement. And well, Min Yoongi is known to keep his words so Mingyu had to act fast and track Minghao and company down to apologise.

And when finally Mingyu had manged to scrap whatever humbleness and courage he found withing himself, he had apologised, head hanging down in shame. Minghao had shrugged and said "Yeah, whatever", while others had seemed a little uncomfortable at the prospect of letting Mingyu in back into their circle (which, wow, rude. He hadn't left the circle). Wonwoo, Joshua and Jihoon seemed indifferent, brushing their hands off of the matter as soon as Mingyu had asked them about their decision ("Honestly, we could care less, Mingyu-ssi").

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