18. Notes

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Dear Mingy,
Red is surely your color. It complements you bright personality.
Honestly, I've never liked red as much until now.
Okay, wow, that sounds creepy. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, just know that.

Oh, btw, don't think I didn't notice you skipped your meal again. It's 2nd time this week.
Next time I don't want you to do that.



Dear Mingyu,
Wow, I wasn't actually expecting you to read my little note. I've seen you just dump all the notes you get or allow Seokmin to read when you're in an exceptionally good mood.
Anyways, I hope I made your day tiny bit better. I'm hoping this because I saw you smiling after reading my note.
I hope it's not because you I think I'm another hopeless admirer in the sea of other admirers.



Dear Mingyu,
You actually did eat your lunch today! For some odd reason I feel accomplished.
My stupid heart wants to believe that when you looked around the canteen while waiting in line, you were searching for me.
Lol, I'm funny like that. I call it dark humour.
Anyways, all the best for you Chem test.



Dear Mingyu,
30 is a good score, don't have to feel so down about it.
If it helps, half of the class failed.
Anyways, don't skip your meal today. I'll be watching, like the classic Stalker I'm.
D A R K  H U M O U R



Dear Mingyu,
I heard you wonder why your 'secret admirer' signs off as CuteNerd.
It's simple, I'm a nerd.
I could sign off as DanceGod, but then it would be an easy give away.
There are a lot of nerds, so I'm not someone to stand out.
Congrats on not skipping you meal, buddy.



Dear Mingyu,
I told you I didn't want to give away my identity by telling I'm good at dancing. I realized now how stupid that move was? I practically just told you something I wasn't supposed to!
Like, wow, that's a new level of dumbass I've discovered.
Anyways, I was kidding about my skills, it ain't that great Fam. It's average, like most of the student's love life.



Dear Mingyu,
Good thing you're not skipping your meals. It's nice to see you scanning the cafeteria when you think no one is noticing you.
Who you search for?
If it's me, don't. It's pointless.
If it isn't then, oh well. All the best.
Hope you find who/what you're looking for.

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