13. Siri Call Dad

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Seungkwan and Minghao fought over the genre of the movie, Seungkwan insisting they watch Lights out while Minghao insisted they watch Rise of Guardians.
"Jeonghan hyung peed his pants, it seems! Jeonghan hyung of all  people, Minghao! Let's watch it...!" Seungkwan whined, hugging Lights Out DVD to his chest, making puppy eyes at older.
Minghao rolls his eyes, "That isn't a valid point, Boo, if you're trying to make me watch it. Instead it's more of a reason for me to not watch it."

"Honestly, it actually portrays both of your characters through your movie choice. But I'm in for Lights Out", Chan supplied as he returned back with a bowl of popcorn, his hand already buried in it.
"Did you just subtly imply that Seungkwan's character is like that scary lady--", Minghao started, dramatically turning around to look at Chan with narrowed eyes.

"--Diana?", Seungkwan offered off handedly, busy setting the movie up.

"--Yes, Seungkwan, thank you. So are you implying that Seungkwan is like Diana, all scary, and that I'm like Jack Frost, just the right choice?"

Chan chocked, quickly putting the bowl down, shaking his hand in front of him when Seungkwan snapped his head to look at the youngest.
"No, no, I never meant that!"he yelled, glaring at Minghao, who was busy covering his mouth, his shoulder moving up and down with the force of his silent laughter.

"Then? What did you exactly mean, Lee?!" Seungkwan huffed, going back to setting his precious movie, smirking when the younger draped himself on the older, apologizing and promising to buy the older boy pizza.


Currently, they were at the part where Diana sat in Rebecca's doorway, scratching at the wooden floor. They were captivated, wanting to know if the girl would die or the boy, who had taken refuge under her roof.

Minghao had refused to sit at the ends, thus ending up sandwiched between the two scaredy cats. Chan's face was hidden in Minghao's neck, and Seungkwan's face in his chest. They were having a blast, really. Minghao would love to do this again. Note the sarcasm.

Chan's mumbling and Seungkwan's continuous screams seized as soon as Diana stood up, and Rebecca sat in the dark, her eyes wide open. Chan and Seungkwan were chanting 'Oh god, oh god' under their breath, their hands clutching Minghao. While Minghao wonders if Seungkwan actually managed to pee, seeing as how hard he's been shaking and screaming.

Eyes seized their blinking, heart stopped beating and lungs refused to breath while waiting for Diana's next move. Their souls left their body when Diana dashed forwards, almost getting to the girl before the street light flickered on. Trio relaxed a bit and let out the breath they had been holding in, but still were on the edge of the seat, "Damn girl, switch on the light!", Minghao yelled, his hand gesturing to the girl to hurry up.
As Rebecca switches on the lights, Chan clapped his hands, "Yes! You're the first one who has been smart in a horror movie! Proud of you!"

A little over a minute, Minghao got up and paused the movie, "I'll just go to the bathroom", he mumbled and pushed Chan from his lap, where he had somehow managed to sit on. Seungkwan snickered, cupping his mouth he yelled, "Looks like someone peed!"
"Shut up, you stale piece of cheese! We both know who'd it be in the end" came back the insult, making Chan bark pit a laughter, while Seungkwan only stuck his tongue out.

As soon as they heard the door closing, Seungkwan stumbled around to get hold of Minghao's phone. He, Chan and the other boys had decided to throw a surprise party for Minghao, and since Minghao had said something about going to visit his parents, they decided to surprise him by visiting him in China, but of course they had to let his parents on in the secret. And for that they needed their number, so it was Seungkwan and Chan's duty, as his roommates, to get Minghao's parent's number.

It was Chan who spots Minghao's phone on the couch, wedged between the cushions. He grabbed the phone and inserted his password, easily gaining access to it.
"Siri, call Dad", he whispered, quickly. He had heard Minghao refer his father as Dad a lot, so he assumed that's what he had saved the name under.
Seungkwan hit him across his arm, "Idiot we were to get hold of their number!"

"Calling Daddy", Siri chimed back, interrupting the arguing boys. Chan raised his left brow in surprise. Well, okay, Daddy it is.

The call went through, one ring, two ring, three --

"Hey, sunshine! Thought you were having a movie night with Seungkwan and Chan?"



And - wait, was that Mingyu's voice?

Kim Mingyu, aka, Seungkwan's best friend?

Aka, the guy who refused to see Minghao as anything but a brat who?

"Um, Mingyu?" Seungkwan voiced out, the silence that followed confirming his doubt about Daddy's identity.

"Fuck. Hey, Seungkwannie!" Mingyu mumbled over the line, sounding almost regretful. And embarrassed. As if he wished for the ground to open up and swallow him.

"Boo? Who are you calling?" Minghao asked from behind, Chan sprung up to stop Minghao from moving any faster. And, God, there are too many thoughts running around in Seungkwan's head.
But, really, what is going on here?

Was Minghao Mingyu's sugar baby? Or were Minghao and Mingyu friends with benefits? Or, were they dating and Seungkwan was kept out of the secret?

Seungkwan could have asked them, since it did seem an important question. But instead, all he said was, "Daddy, huh?", like the nosey person he is.

Mingyu chocked on the line, coughing loudly and then abruptly cut the call, while Minghao all but ran inside his room, face red from getting caught. Chan stood frozen, still clutching the air, that was Minghao's wrist a few seconds ago.

Well, then.

"Siri, call Dad"

"Calling Daddy"

"It's under Papa! Stop calling Mingyu!", Minghao screamed from his room, sending Chan and Seungkwan into a fit of laughter.


I just realised I wrote so less in this book, and this book was my baby at one point. I'll like to write in this book and get back to y'all.
And to all those who want a happy ending, i.e gyuhao getting back together, I'm sorry.
Minghao is shown as a strong individual, and if I was in his place I wouldn't have given Mingyu a second chance after the tantrum he threw in the canteen.
But still await a small twist in the epilogue ;))


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