3. What's Going On?

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"—we're really going to miss you all!" Jun finished his ment in Chinese, ending it with a huge heart thrown at the crowd and smiling wide and cheeky. Next to Jun Soonyoung cheered, throwing a heart of his won and urging Jun to do it again with him. Then urged the remains eleven boys to do it with him, making the crowd cheer loudly. It was great and heartwarming and Mingyu found himself smiling by the end of it.

Soonyoung, finally moved on, taking his chance to thank their carats; saying how he enjoyed performing on this stage, how the crowd never disappoints them, added how he is happy to see their carats again and that he'll forever be grateful for such a selfless support from them. He randomly shouted 'Roar with me, Seoul!' his eyes shining with unshed happy tears.

As Soonyoung began wrapping up his ment, Mingyu unintentionally tuned out, thinking about how he could understand a lot of Jun's speech, which meant his understanding towards the language had improved. He was proud of himself. Minghao was a lot patient when he had taught Mingyu Mandarin this month; gently correcting him, giving tips on how to make his tongue roll a certain way for particular pronunciation, constantly encouraging whenever he made mistakes. And honestly Minghao could be a lot more patient than Joshua, but only when he wanted to be.

Mingyu clapped as Soonyoung finished his met, eyes still shining under the lights and Wonwoo took over with his deep voice. Mingyu turned his head to his right to see what Minghao was up to, only to find Minghao and Seungkwan making faces in Seungkwan's camera. Mingyu's mood soured a bit when he saw Seungkwan had his arm wrapped around Minghao's waist, winding the entire of the tiny waist. He wanted to do that, see how his waist looked in his arms. He wanted to have Minghao by his side when he spoke, see how far Mingyu had come and be proud of him. He almost rolled his eyes when Minghao let Seungkwan kiss his cheeks. But apparently Minghao had different plans.

Fans didn't fail to see Mingyu clear displeasure and, obviously, screamed their lungs out and yelled Gyuhao as loud as could, they even harmonized to sound coherent. Dedication of Carats is no joke.

Mingyu was aware what Gyuhao stood for so he flushed when he heard it, quickly glancing at Minghao to see  if he had heard them, see Minghao knew what Gyuhao wad. But (un)fortunately he seemed to be trying to read some banner, stilled wrapped in Seungkwan's arms. Pff, Mingyu could care less. He should care less. Really.

He turned his head back to where hyungs were talking, only to find Seokmin had started to talk about how 97 line especially loved today's concert since he had seen many banners with the trio's names.
Mingyu also has seen so he thought it was appropriate to nod. And while he nodded he caught sight of Jun trying to read same banner which Minghao was trying to read a moment ago.
The banner was full of Chinese characters, so Mingyu hadn't waited to see the banner or Minghao's reaction. Jun's head snapped towards where Mingyu stood already looking at him. Jun's face was mix of amusement and shock. And he abruptly started laughing out loudly, making Joshua push him aside and on the stage behind. Wonwoo just looked at that and left it at it, but Soonyoung was a different case. He went to join Jun rolling around. What the fu—

"Mingyu seemed to be more interested on the other side, so I'll continue," Minghao's voice snapped him back. He turned to see Minghao's focus already trained on Carats. "Hey guys, thanks for coming and as everyone has already covered most of the things, I'll wrap my part with a short love you and have a healthy time. Take good care of yourselves, Carats!" He spoke, English words gliding cutely over his tongue, making it sound more adorable than anything. Or maybe that's just Mingyu's biased opinions. A round of loudest cheers and cooing, Minghao turned to him, smiling at a fondly looking Mingyu, shoving the mic in his hand.

Mingyu also kept his speech short, same as Minghao he said he loved them and told them to take care of themselves, thanked them for taking soo much trouble for coming here and that he'll remember them.
He struggled with quite a few words and Minghao, of all the people, helped him. Wow. Not saying Minghao can't correct him just because Korean wasn't his first language and it was Mingyu's mother tongue, it's just—its just a little surprising, is all. Caught him off guard. Regardless, he's happy Minghao has grown confident.
Also, Mingyu was distracted so it was only fair for him to forget words... to his own language. Yikes.

The crowd went nuts as he finished, even his band mates seemed shook to their cores; Soonyoung had his hands in his hair, pulling at it, while Seungcheol jumped up and down like an excited dog. Even Jun was clapping with great force like he was proud of Mingyu. Proud of what, finishing his ment while messing the words of the only language he has spoken from birth?

Mingyu turned to his right seeing as how it was Seungkwan's turn and he had yet to say anything considering he doesn't waste his 'talking time'. His words, not Mingyu's.
Only to find his arm full of Minghao.
As soon as he turned Minghao had jumped and Mingyu with practiced ease caught him.
And, God. If he wasn't deaf before he was now. The noise crowd made could not compare to any other loud one. They went crazy and add to that Jun (and was that Soonyoung) shouting through their mics.

Mingyu laughed though, he liked this feeling. Feeling of Minghao in arms, while Carats cheered him or them and their friends supportive of whatever the hell he had done. He has no idea what he did or said too elicit such a reaction, but he isn't complaining.

He whispered a breathless what's going on in Minghao's ears.
Minghao's voice so full of obvious adoration, pride and joy that Mingyu couldn't help the love, he had been trying to suppress for this idiot, that bloomed in his heart.
"You spoke in Mandarin Gyu! I'm so proud of you!! I love you "
Wait, what? He spoke in mandarin! Holy crap! Okay, WOW. No wonder he was struggling...

And of course Minghao's mic caught whatever was exchanged between the duo, making the crowd go crazy for nth time that day.

Mingyu tightened his hold on Minghao and spun them around, Minghao laughing along full of joy. He looked so other worldly in that moment, Mingyu forgot to breath. Sure he himself was the visual, but in his eyes Minghao's beauty can never be compared to anything.

"I love you too " Mingyu said as he gently put Minghao down, only hug him.

" Group hug! " Chan yelled as all the 11 members ran towards the two and engulfed them.

Yeah, Mingyu thought, this definitely was the best concerts. And fans had no different opinion.

(Later Mingyu caught Jun and asked him what he had read on the banner that had him rolling on the floor.

"Oh ", he said, "nothing. It was a message to Minghao, actually. You should ask him" Jun said as he pulled off the tank top.

"I asked but he turned really red and left saying he had to call home" Mingyu said, taking a sit near their bags and shoes.

"It said, 'Minghao have you ever seen the way Mingyu looks at you? No? Then you really should look at him once. The love is obvious'. So Minghao tried looking at you, only to hear you talking in Mandarin. Nice going there by the way. You've improved a lot, especially in pronunciatio. You won't probably have trouble in future talking hao's parents"
Jun said as he threw a wink at Mingyu.

Mingyu blushed at the mere idea of their future.
Lord save him, already.)

Sorry, it isn't my best... 😣 😣 just wanted to try my hand at short fluff...


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