19. Notes (Part2)

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Mingyu had enough admirers to actually make the whole 'I got a love letter!' seem normal and not a big deal. He even gave Seokmin those letters to read sometimes when he had a good day, one of many ways to get rid of that pink (and, sometimes, blue) trash. Usually he gave Seokmin to read those only when he could interact with Minghao (read: breath near Minghao), which sometimes led Seokmin to make things happen, so he could just read those letters.

Xu Minghao.

The charming, sexy, cute, genius in his year. Minghao wasn't the usual nerd - he wasn't a nerd technically. You'd hardly find him nose deep in his books, always involved in clubs and sports and volunteering for pet shelters and all those good stuffs angels like him usually get involved in. But Minghao always knew his shit when it came to his studies. One simply can't take advance classes by breathing, you know. He came to school everyday, but he wasn't in class everyday. He bunked quite a few lectures, especially history and sex ed.

Mingyu wasn't impressed at that (it's not a big deal, but Mingyu wanted a reason to dislike his crush, especially since that crush happens to be a perfect human. An angel, if you will), but then Seokmin told him why Minghao missed those two particular classes - Seokmin, apparently, is friends with Minghao since three years (Mingyu still doesn't known if he should kiss his feet or throw a tantrum for not telling him that).

According to Seokmin, Minghao had his own reasons to miss those lecture; first, their history professor, Mr. Min, ever did was read in a monotone voice from their textbook, always successfully putting his sophomore class to sleep within five minutes of the start of his lecture. Mingyu genuinely can't blame Minghao, but still. So, apparently, in Minghao's defence he rather read it by himself than regret sitting through that class (more like sleeping through that class, lmao, get it? Get it? Mingyu is funny, he knows). And when it comes to their sex ed, their new teacher, Ms. Yeo, could hardly say the word sex without blushing profusely and excusing herself every ten minutes to calm herself down.

There goes my reasons to hate Xu, damn you. Why the heck he gotta be this perfect?


Mingyu fidgeted in his seat, his eyes glued to the clock ,that was ticking agonizingly slow. He tapped his pen on the desk, getting a glare from his seatmate of the day. He mumbled an apology and put the pen down, clutching his hands together. He, then, crossed them over his chest and leaned back. Ten minutes were left till he could get outta here and onto the roof. He let out a sigh and stretched his legs, kicking the girl in front of him, by mistake. It was an accident. But unlike his partner, she simply put her hand up and called for teacher's attention, "Ma'am, Mingyu is being a prick."

"Mr. Kim, what in the heaven has gotten into you this lecture! I won't lie and say I didn't see you distracted the entire lecture. What is it?" the older women asked, putting down the chalk and duster to give her attention to Mingyu. Mingyu blushed lightly, Minghao too was in the class and he just had to embarrassed himself. Like, wow, way to impress your crush Mingyu. Plus, it didn't help that he, not only had managed to gain the attention of his teacher, but also the entire class, consisting of thirty something students.

Jeez this bitch, he thought. She could've have called him a dog or told him to be careful or even glared and left it at that, but nah, she has to be that bitch.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, I'm just in a very compromising situation," he mumbled out, his brain refusing to cooperate with him and only thinking about Minghao and what he thinks of Mingyu as of right now.

"What, you were jerking off in the class?" That bitch was at it again. That earned quite a lot of snickers and she high five'd another girl. Turning in her chair to look at Mingyu challengingly, she smiled innocently, acting as if she hadn't just passed most dumbest comment in the history of comments. Mingyu narrowed his eyes at the girl, Sia was it? What was her deal? Why was she doing whatever she was doing? Was she trying to be cool? Well, she's failing horribly at that.

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