11 . Misunderstanding

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"Oh my god! What the fuck was that, Chan?" Seungkwan burst out in a loud laughter, falling on his knees dramatically and clutching his stomach. Chan glared at the older boy before launching himself on him and both started wrestling in the middle of their respective practices. Minghao and Mingyu stood in the middle of dance studio, disapprovingly eyeing the two. Minghao dragged his hand down his face, already done with the duo's mischief and their ability to make a point of laughing maniacally when either Chan made a mistake or when Seungkwan's voice cracked. Mingyu sighed from besides Minghao, all he wanted to do was to practice his vocals a little and had asked Seungkwan for help - yeah, he regrets it now. Minghao, too sighed, leaned his head on Mingyu's back, "I'm so done with these two", he huffed. Mingyu softly smiled at how soft Minghao looked in the deem light, bare face and in his - Mingyu's - large black hoody. It was something so insignificant, yet it made Mingyu's heart flutter.

"Okay, I'm really done with the two of you. Minghao, take Chan and practice in a different studio. We're practicing in different rooms", Mingyu ordered already pushing Chan and Minghao towards the door. Minghao quickly dodged the incoming offending pair of hands, "Why are we the ones to leave? We've out stuff in there, you guys move." he exclaimed rolling his eyes. "Plus, we're in the dance studio, so, technically vocalists should leave", Chan added smugly, smiling in satisfaction when Seungkwan stuck his tongue out and stomped towards the door, waiting for Mingyu to join him. Chan even made it a point to walk next to Minghao and wrap his arm around Minghao's shoulder, subtly smirking at Seungkwan, "Until next time", he chimed in Chinese making Minghao proud of Chan. Mingyu, on the other hand, only rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut behind him, scaring  other two a little.

Both were shook at that sort of attitude, especially Minghao. They could hear Seungkwan cackling like a witch from outside. It was Seungkwan and Chan who were messing around, not poor Minghao. He deserved more respect than this, he huffed. Suddenly the door opened again, showing Mingyu. With quick strides, Mingyu reached Minghao and dropped a gentle peck on his forehead, before muttering a 'wait for me after practice'.


Oh My! Don't wanna cry, Thanks

Where is everyone?
We reached home!

I'm outside, if you could open the door....

I'm in the studio with the producer of 17

Oh, nice..... I'll join?

No! I'll be alone then!

Minghao had already left? Despite Mingyu asking him to wait? That's not like Minghao, Mingyu thought as he put away all the equipments. But then again, he did seem tired and who knows, Chan must have annoyed him enough for him to just leave and sleep the remaining night away. Mingyu shrugged before pocketing his phone and ushering Seungkwan out and switching off all the lights.
There was no point in pondering over it. Minghao left, even though Mingyu had planned to have ice cream, just two of them. But at least he didn't wait while Minghao was home. He shrugged, he'll ask Minghao later and maybe guilt trap him into spending one of their off days going on unofficial dates with Mingyu. It's not like they don't that already, but recently due to Minghao's tight schedule they've been spending less time together.

And Mingyu misses him.

Everyone knows this, except for a certain Chinese.


As Mingyu entered, he was greeted with Soonyoung and Chan watching some sort of drama on the television. All the lights were off, leave for the kitchen light. "Where is everyone else?" Mingyu asked, hovering over the sofa the two were sprawled on. "We're running out of coffee, Ramen and milk. So they went for a quick grocery shopping. The dinner is ready though" Chan said, looking over at the clock.

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