7. Snippet

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A warm cup of coffee in the hand, surrounded by the cold air, sun still hidden away from the selfish world, clouds drifting away, birds chirping, dogs howling somewhere in the neighborhood, Minghao thought this was what he had been dreaming about right from the moment the whole concept of adult life was introduced to him when he had told his mom how mean his classmates were. He remembered clearly, his mom had told him people will always bring others down if they can't get up and that he shouldn't let them allow to have the satisfaction of bringing him down. "What if they happen to be ones who I trust?", he had asked when his 15 year old self finally experienced his first low point. "Then? Then get up and rise above your previous position", she has smiled at him, eyes full of sincerity.

He wasn't supposed to be standing in the balcony at this hour of the morning, going over all of his choices; some blessing and some lessons. He wasn't supposed to be out in the cold air with just a thin layer of clothing keeping the air form nipping at his skin. He was supposed to sleeping with a smile on his face, because he was one of those rare individuals of the society who wouldn't mind getting up and smiling when he thought of the day that awaited him. He was supposed to be warm surrounded by the warmth of blankets and love. He was supposed to be dreaming about the beautiful smile he would get to see when he would walk on in his baby's room to greet her while she would lay gurgling happily to herself.

He yawned, all the thinking catching upto him. The coffee did nothing but keep him a bit warm. About time, he thought as he took in the serenity of the morning, sun's rise creating a soft glow in the otherwise dark sky.

The baby monitor cackled to life as baby's cry filled the peaceful atmosphere. A loud groan soon followed and some shuffling of sheets was heard. Minghao sighed, as he came in and closed the balcony and placed the cup on one of the tables randomly placed in the room.

"What is it, Yuna? What happened? Tell daddy" Minghao heard his husband talking in a hushed tone when he reached his baby's room. Yuna had stopped crying and was trying to communicate with Mingyu with her baby language, which Minghao could never decode. It was like some alien language, since Yuna and other babies her age spoke like they understood what they were talking whenever Minghao took her to park. It honestly freaked him out when he could see them laughing together as if they cracked the biggest joke (he low key wondered if they spoke about their parent's mishaps, "My papa doesn't know to change my nappy", "I peed on my dad", "Boy! That's so daring!").

But seeing his girl happy always made him smile like he had just won the Nobel prize - which really didn't matter when he had two love of his life standing and talking to each other in two different languages, busy acting like they understand each other.

Minghao leaned against the doorframe of the room. Mingyu stood with their best moment in life, cradling her like she was the most precious gem, which she was. Yuna was clad in the pink and green turtle pajamas, her tiny hands clutching at Mingyu's hair since he hadn't worn a tee. Minghao's phone still in his pajama pocket reminding him about the dinner they had planned with Xu and Kim family this afternoon, reminding him he had now had two families to rely on.

Minghao may not be a millionaire, but he sure was one hell of a lucky man to walk this soil. He had a job he loved to be at, he had a husband (an angel, if you will), a baby girl with a smile as charming as all the 7 wonders, two families ready to come to their aid and stand up for them, a group of dorky guys who didn't hold back from shouting insults but also didn't hold back from punching whoever insulted their friends, a roof over his head, food in their tummies and well, money - enough for their baby girl to experiment with carriers in the future.

Minghao couldn't really ask for anything more than this. He might not be a millionaire, but he sure as hell felt like one.


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