♥ 17. Our Babies

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"We should go out for a drink to shed off some stress, guys. Drinks would be a good way to relive some of that stress." Benjamin, one of his colleagues, suggested as they sat around the table, each member of the team in various stages of tiredness and relief.
Their last project was done and handed over to the client. This project had been ten times more stressful and an actual pain in the ass since the client had complained how the Design Team had failed to design the software the way he needs it to be and that the Specification Team should've done better job.
But since the Specification team had a signed contract which stated that the client gave a green light to start with the designing of the software, he couldn't do much with it and had to bite down his complains and accept the software.
And this had, actually, benefited the company as he had to pay extra so that the company didn't drag him to the court, which they wouldn't have anyways. They've better things to do.

"Nah, sorry, bud. I'll be heading home after my brain can think straight." Mingyu slurred, wanting to spend time with his family after sleeping in the office for three weeks. After a beat he realized how sleepy he sounded and then proceeds to slap himself to waken up a little.

"So you won't be heading home?" Mark, another member of the team, asked turning his head to look at Mingyu. He's left cheek laid squashed on the glass table, making him look a little like fish. As he spoke, the glass under his mouth fogged a bit and Mark lazily drew a random shape on it, still looking at Mingyu, waiting for his zombified brain to catch up with Mark.

"What? I just said I'll head when my brain - "

"But you're not straight, how can you expect your brain to think straight?" Mark asked, giggling at his own joke, Jaehyun letting out a loud snort.

Bambam groaned from next to Mark and burrowed his face in his arms, "I can't deal with these. They're worse than you, Mark."
Mark, without looking at Bambam, reached to slap his shoulder, "I'm still your hyung, even if we're foreigners." he grumbled good naturedly.

"Whatever you say, hyung," Bambam deadpanned, snickering when Mark lifted his head to glare at the younger.

Benjamin shifted his attention from the two, back to Mingyu. "Bud, chill out a bit. It's not everyday that we get to go to pub and not worry about coming to work with a hangover. Plus how could going home would be more appealing than a pub?"

Members were quick to shake their head at the foreigner's question. Mingyu let's out a little uncomfortable laugh, which was soon followed by Chris' monotonous are you serious, mate. Jihoon was the only one who didn't stop himself from expressing what he felt over the matter.

"Honestly, Ben? I'd choose that any given day, without missing a beat. The amount of comfort and belongingness a home and family provides, can't be compared with the kind of short lived and fake belongingness booze provides."
Jaehyun, Mark and Seungcheol were quick to add a few points of their own. Jaehyun even saying how he rather come home to pets, instead of getting drunk at bars.

Mingyu chuckled at Benjamin's clear annoyance and irritation towards his failed attempt of getting everyone drunk. But he still didn't back down, diverting his attention towards Jihoon, choosing his words carefully, knowing Jihoon was an important factor if he wanted to snatch the situation on his side.

"I get about you, Jihoon, Mr. Wen cooks, pampers you and even comes to pick you up. And you guys have no kids, so there isn't the annoying crying or their demand for attention. But Mingyu and Cheol? They've kids, so won't it be a little turn off?"

"As you said, I don't have kids, Ben. I wouldn't know why they want to go home, why don't we ask them?" Jihoon smartly twisted the entire situation, making it very clear he won't be getting involved in any kind of manipulation of plans.

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