A Forgotten Fossil

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A Forgotten Fossil

Exam week was the most stressful week of my life.

I don't even know what went on for most of the week, I'll be honest. I just drifted from one exam to the next and filled all available space with revision, and one dress fitting that I barely remember.

I didn't do anything other than eat, sleep and revise. I haven't seen anyone at all week, not even Paige, especially not Jake, and thankfully not Nathan. So, when I completed my last exam earlier today, all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and hibernate.

But at six in the evening on Friday I was dragged to the bridal salon to have my final dress fitting with Bella. I protested against it, claiming I could do it tomorrow morning, but Bella and my Mum were insistent.

I'm sitting on the sofa in the salon now, trying to resist the urge to fall asleep. I made Paige go first for her dress fitting, and I'm waiting for her to come out to show us.

I can feel my eyes drifting shut, but Mum nudges me awake again. "Madison" She hisses, and I snap back into reality.

Moments later, Paige emerges from the dressing room, and I gasp when I see her. "Oh my God, you look absolutely beautiful" I praise, and Paige grins at me.

She stands in front of the mirror, turning to look at herself. The dress hugs her body beautifully, and it's an exact replica of Sophie's dress from Mamma Mia.

It's light, airy and delightfully flirtatious- a perfect fit for Paige. I smile as I look at her. "You're going to look amazing tomorrow. Marcus will like it" I say coyly, and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Be quiet, you" She tells me, but I can see the smile on her face at the notion. She touches the fabric of the dress, stroking her fingers over the delicate flowers Bella has sewn onto her dress.

"I have some flowers for your hair too" Bella informs Paige "Now take the dress off, I don't want you ruining it"

Paige sighs, but follows Bella back through to the changing room to remove the dress. A few moments later I hear Bella screeching my name.

Sighing, I get to my feet, and make my way through into the back. Bella helps me into the dress, nagging me not to move too much because there are still some loose pins. I feel one of them pricking my skin.

"Ouch" I complain, and Bella shoots daggers at me. I bite my lip so I don't say anything else. She fastens the back of my dress, but won't let me look in the mirror.

She ushers me through to the main room to show Mum and Paige. When I emerge, there are gasps of admiration. I make my way to the mirrors, and my eyes widen.

Being a ballgown, I obviously expected my dress to be bigger than Paige's, but I under estimated exactly how huge it is. Not to mention I've spent days pouring over images of Giselle's dress, and the one I'm wearing just doesn't look anything like it.

The sleeves have two padded sections, rather than just the one and the skirt doesn't have the ruffles at the front of the dress like Giselle's does.

Not to mention Giselle's dress is a crisp white colour, whereas this one is cream with flecks of gold and silver within it. It just doesn't look anything like I expected it to. I'm not sure what to say.

"What do you think?" Mum asks me, and I touch the gold and silver jewels sewn onto the front of the dress. I don't remember those being on Giselle's dress either.

"It's beautiful..." I begin, trailing off. I'm aware that everyone is staring at me "But... it just doesn't look like Giselle's dress"

"What do you mean?" Bella snaps, her tone indignant. She raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for my criticism. I bite my lip, not wanting to tarnish her hard work but concerned that the costume won't look right.

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