Unintentional Inspiration

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Unintentional Inspiration

Mum sits silently for a long time after I finish speaking.

I tell her everything, the unabridged version, the director's cut of events. About the shop failing, about Paige being made to move away, my idea to throw a ball to get the community interested in the salon again.

"So? What do you think?" I push, anxious to hear her response. For a second I worry telling her was a huge mistake. She might leap up and head straight for the phone to tell Mrs Frances to get her estate agent on the phone.

"I think it's a great idea, Madison" Mum announces at last, and I breathe a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding. "But you're right, it's going to take a lot of organising. Do you even have a budget for the event?"

"There's no budget" I say, before adding "Because there is no money. This needs to be done as cheaply as humanly possible"

"I do love a challenge" Mum muses, and I can't help but smile. "First of all, venue. The manager of the town hall owes me a favour. It's a big enough area for everyone, it's designed to host the town after all, and is easily decorated"

"It's local, near the shop. Everyone will know where it is. Can you get it for free? You could offer the owner free tickets in exchange?" I suggest, and Mum nods.

"If not completely free, near enough" Mum informs me "You need to set a price for the tickets. I think about ten pounds in advance, and twelve pounds on the door, then we can get a rough estimate of numbers for food and drink. I think we should do nibbles, not a full sit-down meal"

"We wouldn't want people spilling food on the dresses. But I don't where we're going to get nibbles from" I admit, and Mum shakes her head.

"There are plenty of local companies who will give you their services at a discounted price if you offer them free advertising. The goal is to get the whole town to turn up; a lot of companies would love that kind of publicity" Mum tells me.

"I think that's more your area of expertise than mine" I say, and Mum beams. "Will you really help us with this?"

"Of course I will, sweetheart" Mum smiles at me, reaching for my hand and giving it a squeeze "It sounds very fun if I'm being honest with you. The girls on the Brightmore Committee will love this! Who knows, it might even become an annual thing!"

"And all the proceeds can go towards the shop" I smile, thinking how pleased Paige will be when she finds out I've thought of a big event.

"A ball sounds very majestic. Whatever gave you the idea?" Mum asks, and I blush a little at her question.

"Nathan did, actually" I confess, and Mum gets a wicked glint in her eyes.

"He's very clever, that boy" Mum grins "Now, we need a theme. It's got to be something that will get everyone in wedding dresses. You know what, we should ask Bella, she's great at things like this"

"Why Bella?" I moan, but Mum has already shouted for her to come and speak to us.

"Bella studies fashion design at University" Mum reminds me, and I roll my eyes. Bella seems to change her course every other week. "She'll have no problem coming up with an idea"

"Everything okay, Auntie?" Bella smiles as she enters the room. I notice her smile twists into more of a smirk when she looks at me.

Mum explains the situation, and Bella takes a seat on the other sofa. "It sounds really good, doesn't it? It'll be so nice to have an excuse to dress up!"

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