The Thirteenth Hour (Part One)

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The Thirteenth Hour (Part One)

So, this is it.

I could argue that every decision I've made recently in my life has been building to this moment. That everything I've done for the last two years was to make this happen, to secure my happily ever after.

But was I ever destined to be the perfect Brightmore bride, with two or three darling children scheduled somewhere along the line to continue my husband's family? Could I ever have been that person, really, if I'm being honest with myself?

I look down at the ring box in Jake's outstretched hand, the diamond ring glinting under the light of the sun. He's beaming at me, his smile wide, but not sincere. I see that now.

"Madison Fox, will you marry me?"


Thirty Minutes Earlier

Slowly, I walk up the driveway leading to Jake's house. The sheer length and impressiveness of the front of their house used to intimidate me, but it doesn't anymore.

Probably because I know deep in my heart that it's most likely the last time I'm going to be walking up towards it.

I'm not nervous, which is the most surprising part of this whole thing. I thought I'd be dreading it, bricking the thought of speaking to Jake.

But I'm eerily calm. Maybe it's because I've been so anxious about everything for weeks that the thought of having everything over with is a relief. I finally know what I'm going to say.

I reach his front door and knock firmly. There's a few seconds before I see someone coming to answer the door. Usually I'd have rung Jake to tell him I was here, but this seemed more appropriate.

The door opens to Mrs Frances. She fixes me with an intense stare, her shark-like smile not quite reaching her eyes.

"Madison, what a pleasant surprise" She greets, but her voice lacks any kind of authenticity "Please, do come in"

"Thank you" I reply, and she opens the door wider to let me inside. "Is Jake home?"

"Yes, he's upstairs. He's finally home now after being... out, all day yesterday" Mrs Frances responds tactfully. She knows exactly where he was; trying to track me down at my house.

Usually an encounter like this with Mrs Frances would be enough to make me want to run and hide. But it's easier to stand my ground today.

"Thank you, am I alright to head up?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"It's a lovely day outside, why don't you head out into the garden and I'll send Jake down to you?" She suggests instead, and I nod.

"That sounds great" I reply, and I make my way out into the garden. I can feel Mrs Frances' eyes on me as I walk, but I don't turn around or lose my cool.

She doesn't chastise me, and lets me go, so I must be finally doing something right today. I've always got the feeling Mrs Frances never thought I was good enough for Jake.

Maybe she knows that after today she won't have to worry about me becoming her daughter-in-law anymore.

I make my way out into the garden, gaudily lavish as ever. There's a water fountain in the centre with pebbles making intricate pathways around the grass. There are a few stone statues dotted around the lawn, and a swing-chair in the corner of the garden, secluded by some brightly coloured flowers.

I head towards the swing-chair and take a seat, soaking up the sun. I close my eyes for a few seconds, and before I know it I can hear Jake approaching, his footsteps crunching across the pebbles.

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