chapter six

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" what" rachel started to say only a member of staff who had done their wraps walked in carrying a tray with two glasses of champagne.

" complementary champagne to celebrate your wedding" the lady smiled setting the tray down next to rachel.

" thanks" sebastian said

" right then its time to get you out of your wraps" the lady said.

the whole time rachel was getting cleaned up her mind was racing what did sebastian mean by saying he didnt want to get the marriage anulled.

" your champagne mrs smythe" the lady said bringing rachel out of her thoughts she was about to protest at been called that but realisee it was non of the womans business so she simply tuck her glass of champagne.

" are you having another treatment" sebastian asked rachel was facing away from him didnt reply but shook her head.

" there is a broadway concert in annevent room here if you want to go check it out" sebastian said before he could reply kurt and blaine came into the room they were in.

" oh rachie have you heard there is a broadway concert" kurt asked

" yeah we know i think thats where we are going now" sebastian said kurt turned to lead the way out of the room blaine linked arms with rachel again and they followed with sebastian walking behind them.

the concert was been held in the same room they had been in last night as they walked in a woman was singing memory from cats.

" shall we get some drinks" sebastian asked

" yeah i will come with you" kurt said sebastian gave him a funny look but headed to the bar with him.

" you ok" blaine asked

" blaine i dont know what to think" rachel said

" has something else happened" blaine asked

" i sked him if his dad could help get us an anullment he said no that his dad wasnt in that part of law so i asked if his dad would know someone who was he said probably but then said there was a problem i asked what he said he doesnt agree with getting the marriage anulled" rachel said

"did you question him " blaine asked

" i havent had chance the lady came to take off our wrap just as he said it then you guys came in" rachel said

" are you going to talk to him" blaine asked

" yeah i have too" rachel said as sebastian and kurt arrived back sebastian was looking pissed off.

" so we still on for that chinese place tonight" blaine asked

" yeah" the other three replied.

the concert was amazing the voices tge songs were all incredible yet rachel couldnt focus on any of that her mind was still racing.

a short while later

they were in their suite getting ready rachel was curling her hair in her room when there was a knock on her door.

" who is it" rachel called out

" its me" sebastian replied rachel sighed.

" come in" rachel said she remained sat at the mirror doing her hair as he walked in closing the door behind him.

" im guessing we have to talk" he said walking over and standing next to where she was sitting.

" yes we do" rachel said

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