chapter twenty

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rachel and blaine were making sunday lunch kurt wasnt feeling well and was in bed sebastian was innthe kitchen with them cuddling her any chance he got.  last night after their picnic they had alittle fun on their living room floor but had returned to the other loft to sleep.

rachel had slept in his bed with him and had been quite surprised by how cuddly he was she had woken up twice to him kissing her shoulder and then she had woken up a third time to hear him mutter my rach in his sleep.

when they had got up that morning sebastian had insisted she wore his hoodie rachel new it was his way of claiming her as his and she was happy about that.

" so have you guys decided when your moving out" blaine asked

" well between college and rehearsals things are hectic but we hope to move in at the weekend"  rachel said

" im going to move my stuff and her heavier stuff on an evening then she can do her things at the weekend" sebastian said wrapping his arms around her again and showering her hair with kisses.

" i will help as much as i can even if that means taking kurt put of the way" blaine said

" yes please do that the other night i jokingly said with rach's eyes been like chocolate and my eyes are green i wanted to get a chocolate lime shaped cookie jar. kurt informed me my eyes are not green they are emerald unless im upto no good then they go grass like green. " sebastian said

" yeah he has made a list of ideas to run past you " blaine said

" oh gid where is the list" sebastian asked

" in the notebook on the coffee table" blaine said sebastian went and got it and returned to the kitchen.

" where is it" rachel asked

" somewhere safe and where he cant find it" sebastian said

" i know he is too much at times but he is only trying to help"  blaine said

" i know" rachel said

" so do i but i dont want to come home to fabric everywhere and couches like what  judy garland had" sebastian said before once more wrapping his arms around her.

" you smell like an unbelievably gorgeous man" sebastian chuckled.

"i love how your relationship gas helped humble him rach" blaine chuckled.

" me too" rachel said turning round to look up at sebastian.

" kurts right about emerald " rachel said before kissing him before breaking apart as there was a knock on the door.

sebastian walked over to answer it and in walked mercedes she was giving sebastian a scrutinising look before spotying rachel and blaine and smiling.

" hey mercedes " rachel said

" hey girl i thought i would drop by" mercedes said hugging her before hugging blaine then turned back to look at sebastian.

" hello" he said

" i have had a rather interesting conversation with santana " mercedes said

" really i didn't think she possessed the required brain cells to have  an interesting conversation " sebastian said

" still the same sebastian i see" mercedes said

" not quite"  both rachel and blaine said

" thank you " sebastian said

" so whats this about a las vegas wedding are you seriously married to him" mercedes asked looking at her.

" yes" rachel said

" are you going to stay married" mercedes asked

" yes" sebastian said

" but rach" mercedes started to say.

" firstly its none of your business secondly given i have lived her for a while nd you havent been here before while i have lived here you guys cant be that close santana has been here more often than you. Secondly its oyr lives and we will live them how we want and lastly i would prefer people to to address rach as mrs smythe from now on " sebastian said.

" mercedes i know its all crazy i do but we have spoken about the situation and how we both feel and we have decided to give us a go" rachel said

" diva i thoughti heard you" kurt said walking through he didnt look well he had a bad cold.

" hey " mercedes said

" i hear you have come to see smytheberry with your own eyes" kurt said

" yeah and to do an intervention if its needed " mercedes said

" well its not" kurt said

"wait hold up are you saying your ok with it" mercedes asked

" i wasnt at first but i am now rach brings out a better side of him" kurt said

" i dont know whether to thank you or slap you for saying that" sebastian said

" as weird as it sounds especially for me to say this but this might actually be the most healthy relationship rach has had. no cheerleaders hovering about he is rich so he doesnt need to be a male whore all in all its all good" kurt said

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